Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)



I don't know what to take for my 4th level feat.

I was originally going to go with Wild Shape Multiclassing so that Serin could extend her shapeshifting powers into any Medium Natural or Fey beast, along with her Medium Humanoid shapeshifting powers.

Thing is, now I feel it's a bit early to be taking that power, and it definitely wouldn't make sense for her to learn it after being a puppet and completely unable to shapeshift.

My other thoughts then went towards:

Dual Implement Spellcaster : I can apply my off-hand dagger's damage bonus to my damage rolls (but not attack, damn)

Two-Weapon Fighting : I gain a +1 to DMG rolls when wielding two weapons (which is always)

Leather Armor : +2 AC, pretty much. But I'm very rarely attacked.

Arcane Spellfury : When I hit any enemy with an At-Will spell power, I get a +1 to ATK rolls against that same enemy. This can be potentially useful, but it might be hard to keep track of. Plus, it's only useful if I don't kill the enemy.


I really want to look into upping my ATK bonuses, because I just hate missing. You all know that. :D

Speaking of which, I was thinking of retraining my Encounter 1 power Whirlwind (Area Burst 1, 1d10 + 8 Damage, Knock Prone) to Cosmos Call (Single Target, 2d8 + 8 Damage, plus one of three conditions: [Ongoing 5 Radiant (Save Ends), Power Gains Radiant Keyword], [Target is Slowed (Save Ends)], [Target is Dazed (Save Ends)].

And, you all know me. I hate single-target powers. But what separates this one from the rest?


Miss: Half Damage

Holy crap. I cannot miss with this attack? On a hit I can do 10-24 damage, and on a miss, that means that I'd be guaranteed a 5-12 damage. Unfortunately, I don't get to roll for the random effect (or do I?), but still. I do love guaranteed hits.

Well anyway. What are your opinions? I'd really like to know what my party thinks.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Having a guaranteed hit is always nice, but having prone enemies is great for adjacent melee allies.

-- less than a minute ago --

Reposting this for the new thread:

Shawn, the multiclass feat Sneak of Shadows (Thievery training, 1/encounter Sneak Attack) really seems to fit into Errik's backstory and opportunistic nature quite a bit.

But since the feat text specifically says "the rogue's Sneak Attack class feature" and the rogue text says "can deal extra damage with a sling, light blade or crossbow" does that mean that I can't apply SA damage to magical attacks?

I know that a lot of the SA appeal in 3.5e was that it could apply to any kind of attack, including targeted magical attacks like Scorching Ray.

If I could apply SA damage to my Magic Missiles or Icy Rays, I would definitely take that as my feat.

But I'm leaving the ruling up to you.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Not sure of what to take as my 4th level feat either. There's some interesting abilities, but I want to compliment what I got.

Though there's no rush though. Shawn said we'll be level 4 at the end of session, not midway, and he's been giving out exp at the ends of sessions rather than ends of encounters. So really we have more than a week to figure it out.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I know but I've been trying to figure this out for a while now. :uhhuh: Just wanna get Shawn's input.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Please forgive me, Shawn, for what I am about to do, for I know it is a sin.

*deep breath*

Seriousjay said:
What your post revealed to me is:

1) There's a clear reason why he dropped out of the game and put the nail in the coffin of the game.
2) His public excuse stinks even more when his GF has to post for him.
3) I'm coming out nasty, which is for the record is very genuine and will continue to be as I have every right to be and this will affect my general opinion on certain people.

The right course would have to have privately messaged me his concerns whether they are valid or not, not to throw away the game with a vague "not feeling it" on the forums. Words cannot describe the venom that I wanted to spew. The fact that his GF has to defend him when he is being called out.... fuck it.
1) The clear reason is that he wasn't feeling or interested in it anymore. It was straightforward and honest. It's a pity you don't like the answer, but that's the way it is. No maliciousness or other evil intent. It wasn't going anywhere for him, apparently. At least that's how I interpret "not feeling it". These are my words, FYI. Not his.
2) I AM NOT his girlfriend. I am his fiancee and proud of it. This brings me to another point: I am not his SERVANT doing his bidding. Those were MY thoughts and mine alone. I don't know how you do it up in Canada, but down here in the States we don't take kindly to sexism, kthxbai.
3) You have no right whatsoever to be nasty to Darryl and lock your post so no one could respond because of me. What's that all about Jay? "Nanny nanny boo boo, I can post, but not you!" I have a mind of my own and Darryl did not encourage or promote me saying any of that. You've known me for long enough now, Jay. Sweet Jesus. Do you honestly think me no more than his mouth piece on this forum? Again, it was my own opinion unsupported and unsolicited by Darryl.

Lastly, it is a great pity that the game ended. If you don't believe me, ask Shawn. We were just discussing it this afternoon and both Darryl and my regrets.

Whatever. I still like you Jay, but goddamned, I had no idea your defensiveness would go so far as to insult me for saying a few words. You made me feel like you didn't ever pay any attention to me or my personality at all...


I deeply apologize to everyone else in this forum for bringing this nasty bit to our Thursday night game. It's not right of me, but I wasn't going to take that insult and just PM him. He publicly insulted me and I want people to see my side. Still doesn't make it right, but alas...I have my flaws.

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

falineowlight said:
I don't know how you do it up in Canada, but down here in the States we don't take kindly to sexism, kthxbai.

EDITED to accomodate people with a rampant disability, GPJMD (gurpel post joke misdetection disorder)


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

*puts Jay, Julie, Daryl, and Gurpel in separate corners* Now now, play nice. ^-^; We're all friends here.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

doomdragon6 said:
*puts Jay, Julie, Daryl, and Gurpel in separate corners* Now now, play nice. ^-^; We're all friends here.
im editing my post ._.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I was playin' too, Gurp, I just needed to fill all the corners. :bush:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Shawnacy said:
Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.
......youuuuu mean gusto?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
Shawnacy said:
Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.
......youuuuu mean gusto?
That's funny; Julie made that mistake yesterday too.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
Shawnacy said:
Gurpel, I'm away from home but will have a chance to check my books soon. I'll let you know. However if it specifically requires you to be a certain class or use certain weapons it probably isn't something you can use.
......youuuuu mean gusto?
Yes. Thank you. Sorry, Gusto/Gurpel.
Busy day yesterday and lots of G names.

Got a date tonight, so I'll just have to remember to pack my books and look at them while I'm at work later.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That makes me wonder-- I wouldn't take it anyway since I'm getting Wild Shape instead, but it says "if you use a dagger." Would that apply to Serin's spells since she uses them through a dagger?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Well I'm back to having no idea what to take as a feat.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm a bit jealous of your 5th level Dailies, Gusto. I want Fireball SO BAD.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

doomdragon6 said:
I'm a bit jealous of your 5th level Dailies, Gusto. I want Fireball SO BAD.
Yep. Taking Fireball and Acid Mire as my 5th level Daily and Spellbook.

Actually.... I'm thinking of NOT taking Fireball. Bigby's Icy Grasp seems friggin' awesome. But I guess I have some time to figure it out.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Aw crap, I haven't even looked at my level 4 stuff yet. I should probably do that tonight. ^^;; I wish I had an AoE attack, but I guess being a ranger kind of eliminates that one.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well if the Alchemist feat was worth taking at all and the potions weren't UNGODLY EXPENSIVE one of us could take that and attach the explosive stuff to your arrows.

If only we could find a huge store of explosive chemicals.

Hint, hint.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I was actually thinking of retraining my Ritual Caster feat as Alchemist (wizard bonus feat) and taking Mark of Scribing as my 4th level feat (+2 Diplomacy, gain 4 languages and the ability to retrain them, and I can cast rituals as though I had the Ritual Caster feat).

It's a pretty beefy feat, adds to Errik's backstory as a part of a mafia that often dealt with many different cultures, and will give me Alchemy as a [sorta shitty] feat.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Wait wait wait... You can take Alchemy, and a feat that basically gives you Ritual Casting??


I fucking want that! Talk about a worthwhile feat! *looks into it*

But yeah, Julie, if we stumble upon/ actively look for/ whatever a huge pile of vials/potions, we can have a buttload of them modified for your ranged weapon, and then you effectively have area of effect spells.

And hell, with Twin Shot, you get to use them twice.

Holy crap! I'm excited, I want to do that. WE ARE RAIDING AN ALCHEMIST'S LAB. THAT IS FINAL.

Edit: I can't find Mark of Scribing anywhere.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Mark of Scribing is a Dragonmark feat with apparently no prerequisites, and is listed on my DDi Character Builder.


Unless Shawn disallows it for some reason, that's what I'm gonna take.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Ah, I see, it's in the Eberron Player's Gu-

... They flesh out Doppelgangers!! *reads*

Edit: Nothing new and nothing I didn't already know or make up on my own.

EXCEPT, I have a new encounter power- Changeling Trick. Let me make a Bluff check against passive Insight to gain combat advantage. So basically once per encounter I can get a +2 to a-... Oh. Melee range.

.... Worthless. *tosses it*


Edit 2: Holy hell. These Dragonmarks are so... overpowered!

Though it sounds like these feats are specific to Eberron, and you'd probably need a decent reason for a sudden mark appearing on you that gave you powers. Maybe Shawn could work it in as more demonic crap happening to you.

Anyway, if he's allowing these Dragonmarks I might look into them. Cuz +4 languages for a Shapeshifter? Yes please. +2 Diplomacy to a 19 CHA and Ritual Casting at that?


Edit 3: Oh! I have access to a whole... 1 new Changeling feat!! It lets me escape as a minor action! AND I ignore penalties while squeezing! :eyeroll:

Sigh. Oh well.

Looked at the Dragonmarks and the only one I'm interested in is the one Gusto mentioned, and I wouldn't want to take the same stuff.

Maybe I'll just go ahead and take Wild Shape. Bah, I dunno. It's so hard to choose feats.


Edit 4: Neato. I can take the Chameleon Paragon Path. Basically I can copy any of my allies' Encounter abilities (lvl 11), Utility (12), and Daily (20) each extended rest. That's pretty cool.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Dragonmark feats usually require having a dragon mark of some kind. Dragonmarks are confined to the Eberron setting which, despite maybe starting a game in that setting at some point in the future, is not associated with the current game. You'll have to save those feats for characters from that world. Essentially a dragonmark requires you to be part of one of the powerful family lines that inhabit Eberron. I haven't read much into the 4.0 rules, and I don't currently have the book with me, but if I remember correctly the family lines are also race specific with very few exceptions. Meaning a halfling would probably only realistically have access to one or two of those actual feats depending on if his ancestors were members of a dragonmark house (which I think only one of the many dragonmark houses were actually made up of halflings).

The Eberron book is not off-limits however and other feats can be taken so long as it's not Dragonmark related. Doom, your changeling for instance can still take changeling related feats and you may take the paragon path mentioned if you so desire.

Regarding Sneak of Shadows, the sneak attack bonus will not apply to your magical abilities. I also remember in 3.5 how you could get a sneak attack with a spell, I guess they felt the same didn't apply here. However there may actually be another feat or perhaps a class that allows an exception to this rule.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

hm. so now that i'm technically a swordmage as well as a warlord, i could get a familiar :]

i might think about it. there doesnt seem to be a\ lot else that's useful :/
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gurpel said:
hm. so now that i'm technically a swordmage as well as a warlord, i could get a familiar :]

i might think about it. there doesnt seem to be a\ lot else that's useful :/
You could get a familiar, yes.
You can also take other swordmage specific feats.
And if all else fails you can take another multiclass feat.

Speaking of characters, once we finish the game tonight can people PM me copies of their character builder files as soon as they have been updated?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I'd gladly send you a copy of my Character Sheet NOW if I could decide on a Feat, like, at all.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


I thought I had finally settled on a feat (Bardic Ritualist) but it turns out I can't have the same skill training TWICE. :p Go figure.

All I wanted was a +18 to Arcana.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I've decided to take Implement Expertise (Tome) (+1 feat bonus to basically ALL of my spells attack roll). I figure it'll come in handy since I'm often attacking more than one target, and will give me a greater chance of hitting more targets, and thereby triggering my Destructive Wizardry feat.

I might take Bardic Ritualist sometime down the line, even without the Arcana bonus it'd normally grant me. It basically gives me the Alchemist feat for free, counts as a Bard multiclass, and the REAL benefit, allows me to cast a ritual at NO COMPONENT COST once per day.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Huh. A free ritual once per day'd be pretty bitchin' seeing as we rarely ever need one. Don't forget you found like 200 gp worth of components, so you can cast a couple for "free."

I don't know what to take for a feat, either. I already have implement expertise, so I can't increase attack power very much.

Any other feats I want to take need to work in conjunction with another, which means that it wouldn't be truly effective until level 6 or 8, depending on when I'd want to take Wild Shape.

Like, Wild Shape is a given. But I'd like for Serin to "earn" it RP-wise vs. just suddenly having it.

Wait, you said we could take multiple multiclass feats? In that case I might multiclass wizard as well. That way I get a wizard at-will as a power, and can get something else like Burning Hands or something equally explosive down the line, along with destructive wizardry.

Oh, but wait. That's right. Those powers work off of intellect and thus severely weaken them for me. Damn.

Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

sadly i am pretty sure you ca\n only multiclass into 1 class max. now that i've taken the swordmage multiclass, the only available feats for me in the multiclass tree are another swordmage feat and "novice power" which is supposed to let me switch out an encounter of my own for that of my secondary class but which i think is bugged.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

game in t-minus 2 hours, right?

anyway, i messed up, guys. i put off listening to the recordings too late and now i have 1 hour of session 12 and all of 13 to catch up on. i intend to listen to them now that i have them downloaded, but i only have 2 hours. can i get the cole's notes on what i missed?


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Alright, let's see, you left when we became puppets.

We broke out of our cages, some more gracefully than others (flaming wooden monkey handspring go!). We looked around the shop (we're in a toy shop, by the way) and tried to get our bearings.

We noticed that a bunch of other toys were alive as well, mostly just staring at us from the shelves, but not saying anything.

Serin grabbed a hobby knife in case we needed a good blade (and we did, so Adia has it now to attack with), and I don't remember if anyone else grabbed anything. Saryon noticed a spool of string on one of the tables, so he went to get it and was met with a giant (regular-sized?) Jack in the Box with a skull head. He was a bit of an asshole, but I liked him.

Anyway, after a bunch of bickering the toy-maker came in, and we quickly discovered that he was either senile or just not quite right. He had no problem with toys being alive, however, and it was apparent that they live with him as anything else.

He had no knowledge of his son doing all these body-puppet changes, or refused to acknowledge that he did, and thought we were playing games. Through miscommunication, or our confusion, or something, we were led out the door by the man (as we're all free to roam around it seems). That's where Session 12 ended.

13 started with a half hour of us trying to get back into the house. When we finally did, we were once again greeted by the Jack in the Box, who was feeling a bit more hostile this time. He attacked, along with a stuffed Vicejaw and an Iron Soldier.

The JITB hounded Saryon, who had been teasing him earlier. The Vicejaw was quickly made minced stuffing by Adia and her new hobby knife, and the Iron Soldier fell to the mighty chemistry knowledge of our wizard. Saryon got a nice crit on the Jack-ass in the box, which ended that.

We made our way upstairs to find the old man sleeping. As we started to look around, we noticed a pair of glowing eyes out from under the bed. A KITTY POUNCED!

With no intention of killing this man's poor kitty, we made as much noise as we could to wake him up. A magic missile to the elbow stirred the man from his sleep.

After some talking, he finally seemed to understand our situation, but still refused to acknowledge his son's wrongdoings, and was very obviously afraid. He told us to find the one in the woods who was like us.

At that point, he either fell asleep or was pretending, and refused to talk further.

We heard the door downstairs open up, so we went to investigate. It was a very Zoro-esque puppet who was apparently "like us."

He took us to his home in the woods and explained the situation.

I don't remember it fully, unfortunately. The son took puppets and switched their life with the adults in the town. The puppets went to live on, but the bodies withered and died after a week. For some reason, Maligno (the son) is a puppet and can't switch his life with a real person, no matter how hard he tries.

There's also a fog around the town that wards off any kind of outer influence, and fences the townspeople in.

I'm really bad at summarizing the comlicated stuff. If anyone wants to step in, please do.
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