Resume Question

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Dear Ask Dave,
As I'm prepping my resume (not for anything serious, just general updating) I was filling in some info on my last job before this one and a friend asked if I could actually put in my clients (which were BIG companies, major medical and pharma, credit card companies, major eletronics, etc) down. This was over 2 years ago, almost 3 now so I should be out from under anything that was built into the former contract, the actual company doesn't exist anymore, it got bought and swallowed up by a big company, etc.
So is it ok to say I did for for these companies or is that a no-no?

Totally Wondering About This


Staff member
Of course it's okay to say what you did - as long as it's legal. :laugh:

Dude, that's what a resume is for! If it makes you look good, is true and doesn't break any NDAs then you are good to go.
Well, that is my only worry since for the life of me I can't find my contract from 4 or 5 years ago (we've moved a couple times since then, etc) and with the company no longer there... I figured I was pretty safe. Thanks Dave. If I get sued I'll make sure you get dragged to court with me :p
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