Rant VIII: The Reckoning

Fucking hell. Thought an appointment for today was actually Wednesday, so I missed it. GODDAMMIT. Great way to start the day, with a wake-up call from their office to tell me that.

Then, someone responded to me in a YouTube comment discussion regarding transgender rights, with a link that includes link after link of charges against sexual predators that happened to be dressed as women. Which is all fear mongering bullshit because no one is trying to "protect sexual predators." They're still committing crimes that are illegal. The North Carolina law is forcing transgenders out of washrooms they should be using. I've heard horrible stories about transgenders being not only beaten within an inch of their life for using the "wrong" bathroom but one story of one person being urinated on by their attackers. Disgusting.

Anyway, rant over. I'm awake after not sleeping well last night, woke up to find I missed my counselling appointment, and then that. Bad mood all around.
So, I say to my project manager: "You know, we've been been having meetings and preparing for this project since February. That's 4 months. And you just got me the final specs Friday, and the project is due in June. That's 4 weeks. What part of this makes sense to you?"
So, I say to my project manager: "You know, we've been been having meetings and preparing for this project since February. That's 4 months. And you just got me the final specs Friday, and the project is due in June. That's 4 weeks. What part of this makes sense to you?"
He believes you can do anything if you have enough Oreos time.

EDIT: I tried to make a Batman reference but the iPad autocorrected "prep" to "Oreos" and I left it because it was hilarious.

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One of the best parts of me being off is no more meetings all day every day. I think I'm awesome of course, but there is no way that I can be truly needed in six or seven meetings in a day.
I just spoke with my sister. I love her dearly but her attitude about my health is frustrating. She keeps pushing different therapies on me. Last year it was physio. Sadly, the time for that to help with my arthritis is long past. I tried for years. Tonight it was cognitive therapy. My pain is not in my head. I politely listened the first and second push and asked her to stop on the third time.

Then, she tells me that she's thinking of playing up the arthritis angle as she calls it close to her retirement. She thinks that because she has the gene and a sister with the full blown disease, that she can claim pain and they will give her a second medical pension. I told her that she would need to have a diagnosis. She is convinced that she will get one just like that. It took me a decade of flares and pain to get one and each rheumetologist I see wants to re-evaluate me. She didn't get why I found this discussion offensive.
Project managers fucking LOVE meetings. I think it keeps them young.
Seriously - it's the one thing I hate about being a project manager. Everyone expects me to run tons of meetings so we can "get things done" and I keep trying to explain to them that you get things done by working, not by talking about what the work would be like if you were to do it.
Often project managers operate at the whim of the business whose timelines and requirements are constantly shifting and changing. I don't envy the job of project managers at all as they are essentially kitten herders who get all of the blame and none of the glory for the completion projects.

That said, some project managers need to justify their roles through the addition of useless update meetings or other nonsensical stuff. Those are not good project managers. The good project managers I've seen can make things happen even as the world is falling down around them.
Allergic reaction to the antibiotic and pain pills I was given for my tooth. Felt like a heart attack, with hives all over my arms and chest. Holiday weekend ER trip. Yay.
Yep, I found out I was allergic to a medication the same way, except I didn't realize it was an allergic reaction, and was just completely out of it all week as well.
I'm extremely unhealthy right now. Since the food poisoning I've lost 30 pounds, my system got worn down to the point where my leg got infected (the torn ligament, freshly surgeried leg) and I had to have another surgery to clean it out.

I've literally never felt worse in my entire life.

How're you all?
Yeesh, that sounds bad. One of my friends got listeria from Chick-fil-A last week and had to spend a few days in the hospital. He's diabetic too, so it really messed up his blood sugar.
Yesterday: After getting home from work previous day at 11:45p and finally going to bed after 2, get out of bed @7a to unexpectedly hafta drive people all over to school/doctor well past time to go to work, don't get home until 11:45p, go straight to bed. Literally home, brush, change, bed.
Today: Get out of bed at 8a, go to drugstore right when they open (for prescriptions turned in after yesterday's shenanigans), go directly to work from 10a until 9:40p, get message to "stop get groceries on your way home," get home just in time for dinner, put kid to bed at 10:45 (his normal bedtime is 8:30), type this message, go to bed just after 11:45p. Also it's 83 degrees INSIDE the house right now (down from 87 earlier, though).
Tomorrow: Get up again at 7a so I can finally shower/shave, leave early for work @8a for special pre-work meeting (extra 2hrs long workday wooo), won't get home from work until 9p, by which time it'll again be time for dinner/put kid to bed, might finally get some play time after 11. At least I get to sleep in until 8:30a on Mon.

This get home/go straight to bed/get up/go straight to work thing is getting old fast. And so will I.
#WhyIDon'tBuyOverwatch #WeekendWhatWeekend #NeedToCutBackOnSalt

Well my wife is 33 weeks pregnant and she is having contractions that aren't going away. Y U NO WAIT TILL 39 WEEKS BABY. At the hospital now seeing what they do

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Well my wife is 33 weeks pregnant and she is having contractions that aren't going away. Y U NO WAIT TILL 39 WEEKS BABY. At the hospital now seeing what they do

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I hope that things quiet down, but at 33 weeks you've passed most of the severe premature complications, and we don't need recent medical technology for them to survive - Mark Twain and Winston Churchill were born before 33 weeks gestation. Sometimes supplemental oxygen is needed, but it's not a bad time to be born, just not ideal.
We're home. Discharged at like 330am had to be up at like 830 for plans with my dad.. Yay...

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I'm glad to hear it! As stressful as this is, it would be much more stressful if she delivered now. Hopefully you can find a nap somewhere today...
Phone might have just bricked. Been having issues with it for a month now, programs crashing, super-slow load times, and yesterday I stopped getting texts (and my entire history of them vanished).

I really don't want to deal with getting a new phone right now, but I might not have a choice.