Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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Yeah, if you make more typoes than there are words in your sentence, you need to crawl back into bed, have someone BRING you the cookies you want, turn over, and sleep 'till tomorrow.
Or, in your case, 'till the stars are right once more.

My minor rant: prostate infection and inflammation. Hurray. Peeing every hour. Hurray. Oh well.


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I had a neurologist appointment this morning. Very painful tests. Results: my general practitioner didn't miss anything. So, no degenerative neurological conditions, but no help in making me better.



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Really angry with wife. I'm so sick of the same freaking argument for 16 years. It always goes like this:

Her: Says something I disagree with
Me: Argues back
Her: Basically repeats same thing she started with ignoring what I just said
Me: Rewords argument, usually with some analogy
Her: Repeats the same thing again, addresses analogy by treating literally and saying she wouldn't ever do that in the first place.
Me: Starts to get annoyed, questions why she keeps ignoring my point completely.
Her: Starts to acquiesce verbally. Answers from this point on with cheerful sounding "okay".
Me: Angry at this irritating and inarguable "okay".
Her: Usually some insistence that her time is more valuable than mine, followed by "Look, original statement again".
Me: Livid that my point is being completely ignored. Makes statement to that point. Point out offense at suggestion that her time is more valuable.
Her: Insistance that despite there being no other possible interpretation of that statement, she wasn't suggesting that.
Me: Why are you blowing off my argument? Don't you have a real response?
Her: I don't have anything to say, what do you want me to say?
Me: What sense does it make for me to tell you what to say? The reason I'm angry is that you have nothing to say about my point.

I am offended completely by the fact that my argument isn't worth even responding to. And it's not because of anger, because I don't get angry until after it starts. In the end I feel like I'm being herded and that only her way matters. Her point made no sense, it was just easier for her. I argued mine logically to no avail. It doesn't matter. Her "okay" isn't an agreement, it's short for "I agree that that's your point, and I'm not going to say anything". I'd rather have an angry yelling debate than the acquiescence. At least we'd get somewhere. This is the verbal equivalent of wheel spinning, except the wife didn't want the car to move anyway.
Maybe she's just trying to tell you about her feelings rather than the actual subject? Have an emotional discussion rather than a logical one?

She's not having a conversation. She's telling you how she feels about something.

It's not up for discussion, that's why she ignores your point.

(This is not in fact a "fact" but simply a personal opinion based on my experiences)


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I've been with her long enough to know the emotional arguments. This is more like a "my way or the highway" type of thing. She's said her piece on the matter and she's done.


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Agreeing with shego PatrThom. She didn't want a debate. She just wanted something else.
Yeah, you're right. She didn't want a debate. She wanted me to just do what she said. I know she didn't want a debate, but that's the problem. I should warrant a debate, especially when I'm clearly upset by the situation.


Why not just say what you think and then leave it the way she does? If you aren't going to agree about it why bother having an argument?
Because they both want to change each other's mind on the subject. Neither will.

It's one of the worst part of relationships when you hit a snafu that doesn't change.


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Because it's not usually an esoteric discussion, it's about something that directly affects our family. She's already made her mind up about how it should be done. Me leaving it means that it's done the way she wants or it's not done at all. Doesn't seem like much of a choice to me. Plus, most of our conversations don't go this way. You can't see the cliff until you're over it.
That sucks. Marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship.

She's obviously become very adept at "handling" you, though, and knows how to get your dander up. I wonder if there's a way to change your tactics to alter the situation.

I think the reason my wife and I don't have this issue is that it's easy for each of us to appeal to logic and the other will understand.

You might have to dismiss logic, and appeal to emotion with her. Figure out what her rudder is - what motivates her arguments. You are a very logical thinker, and she's completely ignoring it. It's probably not because she hates you or your argument, it's that it doesn't mean anything to her.

It's going to be difficult to think of things in an emotional context without seeming petty, but consider how commercials on TV appeal to our emotional selves and couch your arguments in a similar manner.

Also, I've found the phrase, "Well, I disagree with you for valid reasons X, Y, and Z. I won't make you do it my way when you do it, and I'll continue to do it my way when I do it." It doesn't work for everything, but it at least releases you from some pickyness on her part. Of course, this tactic also means I do my own laundry and we don't share toothpaste, for instance, so there are some downsides to choosing to go your own way on certain things.

"Of course I wear the pants in my family. I also wash and iron them."
Fuck you, kid. You are a weaselly little dipshit. And when it came time for you to keep acting tough in front of an administrator, you bolted out the door like a little fucking coward. I'd like to hope someone gives you a serious punishment and you learn your lesson, but I doubt it. You don't seem smart enough to figure it out.


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Just found out I check into the psychiatric facility on Wednesday. I'm really nervous about this.

So, I won't be around Halforums for an indefinite period of time. I'm not even sure how much time I'll have tomorrow because I'll likely be busy packing.


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How do you "just find that out"?

How did you go from getting better to this stage?
My family has been trying to get me a spot in the clinic for a while. Today we found out there's a spot that will be opening up.

No idea why my health has taken a nosedive. That's one of the reasons for checking me in, so I can have close medical supervision to try and figure out what's actually wrong.
"Hi, is this tech support? My daughter used to attend school there, and now my computer at home won't turn on. I called Comcast and they wouldn't help me. Told me it wasn't their problem. So tell me how to fix it."

... *brain aneurysm* ...
Soooooooooo *sigh*, just got off the phone with Nurse Cutie and had a "discussion" over something that happened a few days ago.

I had spent the night, as I do most times we get together, mostly because by the time she gets out of work and we spend time together, it's a few hours before I have to be at work. I've gotten in the habit of taking an "emergency" set of clothes with me in my truck if I go to see her, if I don't wake up in time to get to my place and get ready. It's been working out rather well.... until the incidient.

I had gotten up as she was getting ready to take her boy to school and I made the mistake of walking down the hall to the shower. Now the kid's room is right next to the kitchen so I was fairly confident that our paths wouldn't cross. Yeah, I was wrong. So the boy takes a look at me (I'm wearing just about nothing) and says "Hi ******" and smiles at me. What the f?

First off, I didn't respond. He stared at me for a minute waiting for one, then walked to his room when he realized he wasn't going to get one. One, I was taken back that he knew my name. We'd never been "introduced" and I liked it that way. Apparantly she'd had a talk about him when he asked who I was on one of their trips to school on one of the mornings I was there. Point is, she never told me this. Second, I didn't want to interact with the kid. I didn't want to fake a "fun personality" with him.

Granted, this all happened about a week or so ago. Tonight she called me, on her lunch break, as she tends to do, and started with an irate tone in her voice that escalated during the conversation. She was upset that I "ignored" him and he had told her that "She doesn't like me" because I didn't talk to him. Which made her upset. While not technically the truth, I'd have no problems with him never having existed. I don't dislike someone I don't know. So I may have put my foot in my mouth a few times as I wasn't ready for "that" conversation with her. It ended "semi-well" but none-the-less I'm now severely annoyed at the entire thing.
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