RANT IV - A New Angst

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Gared said:
Well crap. Fiance showed up at my office about 30 minutes ago, she's been laid off. Luckily she does get some severance pay, but not a lot.
Ouch, dude. God damn are we seeing a lot of posts like this lately!
Edrondol said:
Gared said:
Well crap. Fiance showed up at my office about 30 minutes ago, she's been laid off. Luckily she does get some severance pay, but not a lot.
Ouch, dude. God damn are we seeing a lot of posts like this lately!
Tis the season, I guess. Her job wasn't exactly secure. Her company had switched from a system that required a lot of man hours to enter service requests to a system where the service techs carry handhelds and do most of the work themselves; still, it would have been nice to pay a few more bills off first.
It appears I have lost the ability to relax.

When the baby is awake I'm constantly holding him, reading to him and talking to him. When he is crying I am feeding him, burping him, changing him and soothing him.

When he sleeps (and he has suddenly started sleeping like a log once settled) I am constantly checking onhim for fear he is hurt or has stopped breathing in his sleep.

I can't concentrate on the commissions I have to get done for a little bit (and I mean LITTLE BIT) of cash or even use this compute without having some kind of cat-like hearing on the go.

Please, God, let me relax a tad.

Wasabi Poptart

LittleSin said:
It appears I have lost the ability to relax.

When the baby is awake I'm constantly holding him, reading to him and talking to him. When he is crying I am feeding him, burping him, changing him and soothing him.

When he sleeps (and he has suddenly started sleeping like a log once settled) I am constantly checking onhim for fear he is hurt or has stopped breathing in his sleep.

I can't concentrate on the commissions I have to get done for a little bit (and I mean LITTLE BIT) of cash or even use this compute without having some kind of cat-like hearing on the go.

Please, God, let me relax a tad.
Welcome to motherhood. In 18 years you might relax again.
LittleSin said:
It appears I have lost the ability to relax.

When the baby is awake I'm constantly holding him, reading to him and talking to him. When he is crying I am feeding him, burping him, changing him and soothing him.

When he sleeps (and he has suddenly started sleeping like a log once settled) I am constantly checking onhim for fear he is hurt or has stopped breathing in his sleep.

I can't concentrate on the commissions I have to get done for a little bit (and I mean LITTLE BIT) of cash or even use this compute without having some kind of cat-like hearing on the go.

Please, God, let me relax a tad.
Heheheheh. The last woman I dated had a little boy, when I asked her what being a mom is like. She said it was like having a switch turned on that you could never really turn off. She always used that against me in a argument. :eek:rly:

After finally swallowing my pride and taking the difficult step of applying for state disability, I get denied, and find out that it's because our state community colleges (where I have worked for years) don't pay into it.

Talk about adding insult to injury.



And that's where you should pick up the phone and ring up KABC, KNBC, KCBS, KCAL, and any other media outlet that will listen and get their consumer watchdog unit on their ass.

Just another PR disaster for the Governator. :Leyla:

I'm sure there's a good reason for it, like maybe the union (which I didn't work enough hours to make financial sense to join) provides its own insurance or something.


Now it's the two to four year (at least) process of applying for SSDI. Which at least I know for sure I am eligible for. :eyeroll:


Staff member

K here is mine:


And yet they have their mommies call and ask allllllll the questions--not just financial stuff, stuff the parent might be handling anyway, but how to get a roommate, where they can eat, simple things like that... and what makes it worse is that I hear the kid narrating to their parent what they want to be said.

GROW THE FUCK UP and call us yourself! You're going to be living here! You can't bring mommy! JESUS!

Half the time I can't explain something to the parent because they don't know what's going on as well as the student does--they're not the ones who go online to make room assignments. Well, some kids DO have their parents make all their room assignments. ARGH! Childish childish childish. DO SHIT YOURSELF!
Went to my Brother's Wedding on Saturday, at my Brother's repeated request, despite every impulse in my body telling me not too. This wasn't simply my anxiety acting up, this was also my depression reminding me that going to a wedding is just going to remind me of all the things I don't have (loving family, lots of friends, some who wants to be with me) and don't know how to get. So of course, the entire time I was there I felt like going into a corner somewhere and hiding out the entire time, just avoiding everyone... but because it was his wedding, I made an attempt to socialize and managed to hold on long enough to catch up with most of the relatives, before leaving an hour or two into the reception.

During the event, my brother would routinely walk around the floor, catching up with everyone, which brought him within conversation distance with me several times (He actually stood next to me at several points.) No words passed between us and it kinda seemed like he was avoiding me. I figured "Fine, whatever" and simply figured that he was too busy to get a chance. Later, after the reception, I was talking to my mother and she tells me that my brother was upset that I didn't talk to him the entire time of the wedding. WTF, man? You had the entire time before the ceremony and during the reception to come talk to me if you needed to... you had every fucking opportunity to talk to me. You don't get to give me shit when you were the one who avoided talking to me.

He also complained that I didn't get him a gift. Newsflash dumbass: The fact that I showed up and acted like a fucking human being for once in my life WAS my gift to you. It's more than you ever fucking gave me while we were growing up.

AshburnerX said:
Went to my Brother's Wedding on Saturday, at my Brother's repeated request, despite every impulse in my body telling me not too. This wasn't simply my anxiety acting up, this was also my depression reminding me that going to a wedding is just going to remind me of all the things I don't have (loving family, lots of friends, some who wants to be with me) and don't know how to get. So of course, the entire time I was there I felt like going into a corner somewhere and hiding out the entire time, just avoiding everyone... but because it was his wedding, I made an attempt to socialize and managed to hold on long enough to catch up with most of the relatives, before leaving an hour or two into the reception.

During the event, my brother would routinely walk around the floor, catching up with everyone, which brought him within conversation distance with me several times (He actually stood next to me at several points.) No words passed between us and it kinda seemed like he was avoiding me. I figured "Fine, whatever" and simply figured that he was too busy to get a chance. Later, after the reception, I was talking to my mother and she tells me that my brother was upset that I didn't talk to him the entire time of the wedding. WTF, man? You had the entire time before the ceremony and during the reception to come talk to me if you needed to... you had every fucking opportunity to talk to me. You don't get to give me shit when you were the one who avoided talking to me.

He also complained that I didn't get him a gift. Newsflash dumbass: The fact that I showed up and acted like a fucking human being for once in my life WAS my gift to you. It's more than you ever fucking gave me while we were growing up.
Your relationship with your brother reminds me of the one I have with my brother. Good times, good times.
It is beyond mind numbingly boring at work right now. I could honestly get away with downloading and installing WoW (but really shouldn't, so I won't). Thank god my job doesn't depend on volume, but damn... it's slow.





It's kind of stupid, but I'm in the mood for some Don Bluth movies, and none of them are instant watch on NetFlix. I was planning to watch Land Before Time, All Dogs Go To Heaven, and of course An American Tail, but no such luck. :(
Far said:
Being in the mood for Bluth is never stupid.
yeah, phrased poorly because it's 5 am, meant that more as "not sure this is rant thread worthy."

But yeah, sadly I only owned his movies on VHS, and I've no idea where those are now (buried in boxes back in CA, I guess).

CynicismKills said:
yeah, phrased poorly because it's 5 am, meant that more as "not sure this is rant thread worthy."
This thread should more accurately be called "Rants, whines, and minor bitching." There is no rant too small for this thread!

(Seriously, did you see my very eloquent post just above yours?)

I like this thread as a place to just vent about WHATEVER and move on. I certainly have never once read a post and thought "that doesn't deserve to be in this thread," even when it's, say, a post about being on hold too long directly after a post about someone getting divorced. (That's hypothetical; I'm not referring to anyone in specific here.)


ZenMonkey said:
(Seriously, did you see my very eloquent post just above yours?)
I think that was my favorite rant ever. I have felt exactly that way so many times... it's just like "SO PISSED. NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE. RRRRRRRRRRRR."

And then a while later I wasn't pissed anymore and there wasn't even any need to have written out the minutiae of what happened.
I hate preparing for grad school...have to go take my GREs today, and I hate standardized tests. Missing out on gong to SF for awesome ramen because of it (although I do get to play Punch-Out later). Slightly stressed because the average math score for programs I want to get into is 750-770/800, and the range of my practice test scores was from 690 to 770, with 720 or so being most common.

Hate standardized tests. Pain in the ass. Hate stupid hoops you have to jump through for bullshit like that. And still have seven more months before I even have a shot at finding out if I was admitted to a school.

My brother graduated this past week. I'm not sure how things do things everywhere else in the world, but the whole deal happens in one three day period for us.

Wednesday morning: exams finish
Wednesday evening: Cap and Gown ceremony
Tuesday evening: Prom
Tuesday night-Friday morning: Safe-grad
Friday morning: Report cards
Rest of weekend: Various independant celebrations

Anyhow. I came to my hometown for my brother's graduation, to show support, see the family, take a break and all that. My mother had me meet all of her new friends, some of which are my age. Two of them were pretty awesome, and to my delight, I had found that they were fairly closely associated to my older friends. And it's been really nice catching up with old friends, and meeting with new people all at once.

But one of the guys I've met this weekend is just too frustrating to let pass without comment. I guess the only way I can put it is that he's a 'guy.' I've realized over the past few nights of parties and other social goings-on, that I am completely invisible to him. The reason for my invisibility is quite obvious: I have a penis. His social focus is irritatingly narrow. Over the past few days, he's met two new people: me, and one of my old friends who is female. Despite the fact that the girl is taken and absolutely not on the market, not his type, and everything else, 98% of his conversation, jokes, and activities have all been focused around her.

I wouldn't mind that so much. Being that small is it's own punishment. Except for the fact that he's essentially the crux of anything he goes to. He's fairly charismatic, and in such a way that the conversation mostly revolves around him. His jokes and comments are heard, laughed at, and commented on. Anybody else's are ignored.

Urgh. I guess this is just a manbaww "nobody is paying attention to me" post, but I was excited to come home, and instead of being welcomed home I get to watch this guy do his mating dance for three days.

Full Disclosure: I'm pretty sure this guy isn't being intentional in this, and it's probably just his comfort zone. And I know he's a decent guy. I know he does a lot of stuff in the community, and genuinely has a great heart. But it doesn't make watching his mating dance any more bearable. It actually makes it all that much more unfortunate.
I make plans with a friend to go out. He cancels at the absolute last minute. I make new plans with the same friend. He cancels at the last minute... again. I say screw it, and make plans with other friends to hang out. Suddenly my first friend is pissed because I didn't invite him to come along. Dumbass.
[strike:1oyjctwp]Another night down the drain and once again I find myself asking: Why am I bothering if all I accomplish is embarrassing myself again?[/strike:1oyjctwp]

Because sometimes you need a balance before the good Karma can kick in again. PatrThom is my favorite poster ever tonight. :uhhuh:
DarkAudit said:
PatrThom is my favorite poster ever tonight. :uhhuh:

Dude, Patrick is right up there with Jake as being one of my absolute favourite posters whose posts I'll go out of my way for to read. :thumbsup:

Slight rant: I worked 3 12-hour night shifts this week - tuesday through thursday - after working three twelve hour day shifts right before (saturday-monday). I just forced myslef back into a day schedule to make the most of my 3 days off (friday-sunday) when they call me that a colleague has fallen sick and I have to come work a 12h night shift saturday night. And now I can come work monday-wednesday three 12h day shifts. To those not given to math, it may not seem that vbad, but all in all, it means a) by the end I'll have gone 12 days and 10 twelve hour shifts without ever having more than 245 hours in between and b) wil have changed day/night or night/day 4 times in that period.
My social life is suffering from all the crappy shifts anyway, but at this rate, my health is going down too. Dammit.

Even lesser rant: I usually manage to sort-of make it to most interesting events in campus life due to having a job with 12h shifts, which, after all, means I *usually* don't work all that much. Due to that guy falling sick, though, I'll now miss literally every after-exams, pre-vacation party, get-together, dinner, barbecue, and what have you there is. Meaning I won't be seeing many of my friends again for a couple of months without a last time out together, which sort of seriously sucks.

Third bit: The apartment next door, my brother rents to a friend of his (and mine) for €400 a month + charges right now, which is way below market price. He's moving out to live with his girlfriend, though, so my brother had to look for replacements. One option was to get another friend of ours (a better friend of mine, about the same for him) to move in along with a friend of his (and sort of mine too), for €600 + charges. However, my brother's decided to put it on the short-term furnished rental market because he thinks he'll make more money from it...Mind, the price there can go up to about €750 + charges, so it is more, but a) it'll be vacant quite often; b) he can't keep his official address there; c) he'll have to pay for the furniture, which, certainly in such short-term arrangements, tends to wear out very quickly; and d) I don't get neighbours I liked and/or could get to know better, I get an endless string of people who won't feel obliged to be at all neighbourly, since they're not staying anyway (I have experience with this sort of stuff, unfortunately. Lots of 2 or 3 month loaners in Brussels on European bussiness, and most really do manage to break down an apartment in weeks and behave like absolute dipshits to everybody around them). Gah.

Fourth: Some women, oy. But I won't manbawww this time :-P
Sure, it's just "the internet" this time, but once again I've managed to turn myself into a punching bag and/or a bad joke. I've managed to find another venue where the mere mention of my name elicits groans. And I did it all to myself...
Anxiety has started to run amok...
I can't seem to relax like I used to, and everything seems to stress me out.

Got a test tomorrow in Geology... can't sleep...

....fuck.. :grrr:
Bumble the Boy Wonder said:
Anxiety has started to run amok...
I can't seem to relax like I used to, and everything seems to stress me out.

Got a test tomorrow in Geology... can't sleep...

....fuck.. :grrr:
This is me, pretty much every day. I hope it gets better for you soon.
AshburnerX said:
Bumble the Boy Wonder said:
Anxiety has started to run amok...
I can't seem to relax like I used to, and everything seems to stress me out.

Got a test tomorrow in Geology... can't sleep...

....smurf.. :grrr:
This is me, pretty much every day. I hope it gets better for you soon.
This. A hundred times this. I used to be the role model for relaxation. Now I'm constantly stressed and angry and I can't figure out what's really bothering me or how to fix it.

This morning a guy pulls out in front of me. Not enough to cut me off, just enough so I had to hit my brakes a bit. I realized, as I vehemently wished for him to slowly die, alone and in pain, that maybe I need to take a step back and rethink some things about my life. :eek: :paranoid: :oops:


I'm away for 8 days and I miss a podcast, and everyone changing their avatars. Bubble's not even an owl any more. Oh God, what's happened to you all ?!?

It's okay, I'll work it out.

You bastards.
If there is a law in place that prevents minors from working during night shift that's all nifty and swell. DO YOU HAVE TO WAIT TO TELL ME THE SAME DAY I'M SUPPOSED TO START WORKING ASSHOLES!?

Well there goes my fucking job. :explode:
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