Pet Peeve rants.

Every Mac v PC argument invariably assumes Mac users are idiots who know nothing about hardware prices.
Well, regular readers of this forum will know I put the lie to that statement. It always grates for me that pop culture makes the assumption that if you are a user of any Apple product, then you a) automatically kowtow to and support everything Steve Jobs Jony Ive creates, and b) you are the hardware equivalent of a "script kiddie," i.e., you don't understand the hardware and only know how to use the apps (like that Facebook person @GasBandit mentions above). My peeve? If I haven't already said so in this thread (too lazy to check), I really wish people would make enough room in their heads for the existence of a state between "for" and "against," between "like" and "hate," between "support" and "disparage."

To me, it's like edition wars in RPGs: if a certain edition gives you the gaming experience you want, that's the right edition for you. I won't try and convince someone their preference in a game is wrong. I may have problems with certain parts of this edition or that one, but those are *my* problems. Now, on a professional level, I was soured on D&D 4E because of their license (the GSL is really restrictive compared to the OGL of 3.0/3.5/d20) and their very limited interest in accepting and promoting 3PP; Pathfinder's license and acceptance were far preferable from the point of view of doing business. But friends of mine like to play 4E, and you know what? That's cool. I wouldn't say no to playing it at least once.

Speaking of editions: Games Workship is about to move to 7th edition before most factions got a 6th edition Codex. In fact, 6th edition has only been out, what, 2 years? That's a massive slap to their customers, considering how expensive each edition book is. I don't care which edition is "better", it just seems like they're skipping ahead instead of completing the current one.

Why do people always take the side of "doing the right thing" in cases like this? Maybe it's the hardnosed New Yorker in me, but I call it being a chump. 10G's in a drawer? Who carries that, aside from dealers? Before I read the story, I knew, I KNEW the police wouldn't let them have that money if an owner wasn't found. I suppose it's an instance of net gain/loss of 0, but man, I would have just taken that shit and enjoyed it.

Why do people always take the side of "doing the right thing" in cases like this? Maybe it's the hardnosed New Yorker in me, but I call it being a chump. 10G's in a drawer? Who carries that, aside from dealers? Before I read the story, I knew, I KNEW the police wouldn't let them have that money if an owner wasn't found. I suppose it's an instance of net gain/loss of 0, but man, I would have just taken that shit and enjoyed it.
Similar story: NY Roommates from 40k in Couch.
My parents. They don't trust banks since someone stole some checks back in the 80s.
Credit union? No one has checks anymore.[DOUBLEPOST=1400355928,1400355848][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd probably turn it in as well. I'd really, really want to keep it, but I'd just feel guilty and paranoid that I'd get caught with it.[DOUBLEPOST=1400246366,1400245787][/DOUBLEPOST]

This one is the reason I would feel guilty keeping it. And in the end it was like buying a used couch and finding $1000 in it, guilt free.

Dealers only track you down for like a million bucks...

Credit union? No one has checks anymore.
You would think so, but I just switched from a bank to a credit union, and one of my autodraft payment people refuses to take my routing info over the phone, or even a letter from the credit union. But I'll be damned if I'm going to buy a box of checks just so I can write VOID across one of 'em and send it in.


Web comic sites that don't update their "About" pages. It just freaking bugs me! Or even worse, about pages that tell the author's story. There is a difference between an "About" page, and an "About the Author" page.
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Staff member
I hate videos that have ridiculously loud music playing. How the hell has no one come up with a better way to have consistent audio volume across media yet? I'm fucking sick of having to adjust my audio every time I watch a different video. Especially when I've just been watching a movie, and then I go to watch some promo video for a tech product. Movies are really quiet (even more-so than the audio on most Twitch streams), while anyone making a trailer for software seems to think that I'm listening on laptop speakers from 1992, and need the bass cranked to ridiculous levels.
When web-comics do a guest comic week or holiday special right in the middle of a story! Not at the end, the middle. And its even MORE annoying with web-comics that update once in a blue moon!
"Huh! I wonder what the meaning is behind that song! It seems fraught with metaphor! TO THE INTERNET!"

....literally nothing or very little about said song can be found.


Staff member
Words for things that don't need words. Why can't we just call it "watching it later" instead of "time-shifting"?
Words for things that don't need words. Why can't we just call it "watching it later" instead of "time-shifting"?
I'm with you there, just seems idiotic and forced.
German has a word for 'not being hungry', 'satt'. But there's no word for 'not being thirty'. And so idiots went 'we need a word for that' and invented 'sitt'.
Nobody uses it but a few morons, mostly small companies selling beverages.

And for a pet peeve on my own: people in education who for fuck's sake cannot use a proper apostrophe!
When I see my home town's county fair parade and the banner "Fair Kid's" with the kindergarden's float comes up I could run out and strangle those people who are responsible for raising future generations.
And yes, I wrote a letter to them, years ago and told my dad who was the town's mayor back then...
See these all the time on FB:


NO IT DOESN'T!! It happens every time the first of ANY 31 day month falls on a Friday - which is roughly every 6 years.
The guy who keeps looking at his phone while talking to you.

Playing a co-op game with someone, and they DON'T talk at all! One because co-op games are about cooperation and two because I like to talk while playing a game with someone!

Web-comics that refer to parts of their archive as "Seasons". I don't know why.
It happens every time the first of ANY 31 day month falls on a Friday - which is roughly every 6 years.
I remember how happy I was when I conclusively proved to myself that it was impossible to NOT have at least 1 Fri13 in a year, and that the most you could possibly have in any single year is 3.

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Staff member
Words for things that don't need words. Why can't we just call it "watching it later" instead of "time-shifting"?
Well, time shifting is a little more specific. Watch it later could just mean catching another airing or something. Time shifting is a more specific function.