[Brazelton] OJ Simpson dead at 76


Staff member
The poster child for soiling a legacy of excellent football and comedic timing in movies by murdering two people in cold blood has died.

I hope the train to where ever he's going doesn't get there faster than 45 miles per hour.



Staff member
By the way, I fucking LOVE the typo at the bottom of the article I posted. I was going to get a screen shot but they already fixed it.

Where it says: Long before the city woke up on a fall morning in 2017, Simpson walked out of Lovelock Correctional Center outside Reno, a free man for the first time in 9 years.

It originally said: Long before the city woke up on a fall morning in 2017, Trump walked out of Lovelock Correctional Center outside Reno, a free man for the first time in 9 years.