North Korea responsible for sinking warship, investigation finds

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73,000,000 will not Zerg Rush 1,200,000,000.

If the North Invades and wins the war, their backwards outlook on trade and global relations will just destroy the World Economy.

China does not want a Unified Korea, because it will show the people on the border just how good life can be.
Yeah, the last thing China wants is someone else on their border who can zerg-rush them should it come down to it. Right now, Russia is the only major power who could do that, and China has more soldiers than them. They don't want another, possibly upsetting the strategic situation.
True, but all Russia has to do is survive until winter. I don't believe Russia has EVER lost a war that stretched into winter, ether on the offense or on the defense.


Well the N.K. sanctions are up:

In this connection, the following measures will be taken at the first phase:
"1. All relations with the puppet authorities will be severed.
"2. There will be neither dialogue nor contact between the authorities during (South Korean President) Lee Myung Bak's tenure of office.
"3. The work of the Panmunjom Red Cross liaison representatives will be completely suspended.
"4. All communication links between the north and the south will be cut off.
"5. The Consultative Office for North-South Economic Cooperation in the Kaesong Industrial Zone will be frozen and dismantled and all the personnel concerned of the south side will be expelled without delay.
"6. We will start all-out counterattack against the puppet group's 'psychological warfare against the north.'
"7. The passage of south Korean ships and airliners through the territorial waters and air of our side will be totally banned.
"8. All the issues arising in the inter-Korean relations will be handled under a wartime law.
"There is no need to show any mercy or patience for such confrontation maniacs, sycophants and traitors and wicked warmongers as the (South Korean President) Lee Myung Bak group."

Wow. Way to shoot yourself in the foot Kim Jong.
Shit, that's bad.

Nothing will make the situation worse than cutting off contact when both countries are on a war footing.


Just think about this.

We're pretty sure he has nuclear warhead technology. We know he's a nut. He was the one to strike first, so he's probably at full wartime capability now.



Just think about this.

We're pretty sure he has nuclear warhead technology. We know he's a nut. He was the one to strike first, so he's probably at full wartime capability now.

Yeah nuclear technology with no ability to deliver it anywhere. N.K's missiles suck whereas the United States can target ours to a half inch above your eyebrow.


Just think about this.

We're pretty sure he has nuclear warhead technology. We know he's a nut. He was the one to strike first, so he's probably at full wartime capability now.

Yeah nuclear technology with no ability to deliver it anywhere. N.K's missiles suck whereas the United States can target ours to a half inch above your eyebrow.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they won't be able to hit us, I know. I'm thinking South Korea, though -- the missiles they have were able to fly straight for a little bit, and it's not like they have to be accurate.
Chaz... how is that calming? We have a mad man with his hand on the trigger to nukes that are flawed to the point of unpredictability... the fucker could blow half of Asia up trying to sink South Korea.


Just think about this.

We're pretty sure he has nuclear warhead technology. We know he's a nut. He was the one to strike first, so he's probably at full wartime capability now.

Yeah nuclear technology with no ability to deliver it anywhere. N.K's missiles suck whereas the United States can target ours to a half inch above your eyebrow.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they won't be able to hit us, I know. I'm thinking South Korea, though -- the missiles they have were able to fly straight for a little bit, and it's not like they have to be accurate.[/QUOTE]

You're right. The Pyongyang has already shown its stupidity via cutting itself off from South Korea. I don't doubt they lack the foresight that China would not support such an attack on SK and the US would step in.

---------- Post added at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:31 PM ----------

Chaz... how is that calming? We have a mad man with his hand on the trigger to nukes that are flawed to the point of unpredictability... the fucker could blow half of Asia up trying to sink South Korea.

What's calming is that his madness will be his ultimate undoing and that the two Koreas may finally be unified.


Just think about this.

We're pretty sure he has nuclear warhead technology. We know he's a nut. He was the one to strike first, so he's probably at full wartime capability now.

Yeah nuclear technology with no ability to deliver it anywhere. N.K's missiles suck whereas the United States can target ours to a half inch above your eyebrow.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they won't be able to hit us, I know. I'm thinking South Korea, though -- the missiles they have were able to fly straight for a little bit, and it's not like they have to be accurate.[/QUOTE]

You're right. The Pyongyang has already shown its stupidity via cutting itself off from South Korea. I don't doubt they lack the foresight that China would not support such an attack on SK and the US would step in.[/QUOTE]

Here's hoping there's at least some sane brain cells knocking around in that guy's head.


It is scary that a guy willing to go out and just cut ties like that. It is interesting that the North is denying all these attacks (actually they are denying ALL attacks that the south claim was from the North) but the tech is pretty much pointed toward the North. Do you think it is possible that a sub from the South Korea side using North Korea torpedoes sink their own ship in order to finish the war and oust Kim Jong for good? (risky but a wild wild wild scenario)

personally I think the North did all those attacks but don't want to admit to it. (that is my opinion)
It is scary that a guy willing to go out and just cut ties like that. It is interesting that the North is denying all these attacks (actually they are denying ALL attacks that the south claim was from the North) but the tech is pretty much pointed toward the North. Do you think it is possible that a sub from the South Korea side using North Korea torpedoes sink their own ship in order to finish the war and oust Kim Jong for good? (risky but a wild wild wild scenario)

personally I think the North did all those attacks but don't want to admit to it. (that is my opinion)
And that is how conspiracy theories are born...


It is scary that a guy willing to go out and just cut ties like that. It is interesting that the North is denying all these attacks (actually they are denying ALL attacks that the south claim was from the North) but the tech is pretty much pointed toward the North. Do you think it is possible that a sub from the South Korea side using North Korea torpedoes sink their own ship in order to finish the war and oust Kim Jong for good? (risky but a wild wild wild scenario)

personally I think the North did all those attacks but don't want to admit to it. (that is my opinion)
And that is how conspiracy theories are born...[/QUOTE]

so you believe that NK did not sink the SK ship?


No, he's saying that speculation such as you just posted is what leads people to create conspiracy theories.
ah... I see. I only came up with that since North Korea publicly DENIES all these attack (all the major attacks including the torpedo) so........ someone shot it. All evidence point to the North.

And now... we are in a mess (well North and South Korea)


Several things.

DPRK (North Korea) has the Taepo Dong II missile capable of reaching Alaska and Okinawa. He has enough Scud-B & C missiles to hit most of the ROK and larger missiles for Japan. The IAEA has confirmed he detonated a nuclear explosive underground several years ago. He has a large stockpile of chemical weapons.

All that said...saber rattling. Done it before, will do it again. In many ways this is for DPRK internal consumption and not the world at large.


All that said...saber rattling. Done it before, will do it again. In many ways this is for DPRK internal consumption and not the world at large.
I don't know. We've got people on both sides preparing for war, with no talking going on. Unless talks resume, things can only escalate.

I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised to see this break out into fighting within a week.


I suppose that it could blow up. The biggest fear was that the population hit the mass starvation point and the only way Kim Jong Il could keep his leadership role was to divert the North by an attack on teh South.

I've lived there and this is worse than normal, but not the first time this kind of thing has happened. I suspect a month or two of hightened tension and then an easing of sanctions and more normal relations after that..(i.e. the Kaesong industrial area being reopened...DPRK REALLY doesn't want that to shut down.)
I'm starting to think that the boiling pot with its ever increasing pressure is worse than it would be to just have it blow up and done with. Obama needs to sit down with Hu Jintao and try to talk China into siding with the rest of the world instead of North Korea... or nukes may start flying.
I know it may or may not happen, but let's all just hope that Korea doesn't become the Serbia of the 21st century in terms of wars starting.


I know it may or may not happen, but let's all just hope that Korea doesn't become the Serbia of the 21st century in terms of wars starting.

Yeah, damn it, I don't want my Samsung prices to skyrocket!




You did. I read that in my article that I posted. this is why I fear a war will probably break out.

When you stop talking, people will start shooting.

I am just hoping...... that no one decides to press THE button.[/QUOTE]

No, I mean the part about the non-aggression pact.


yea... Abrogate = abolish right? (I had to look that up but I was sure that is what it mean)

I figure if the south violate the North air/sea space, they WILL shoot to kill.

Shooting I don't worry TOO much, it is the use of Nuclear weapon. NK does have the ability to hit places (as state before) like Alaska, Japan, and of course South Korea. That can turn ugly REAL fast.

Now.......... while the north Abolish the non-aggression pact, does this mean South Korea can shoot down plans/ships that come into South Korea's territory?
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