[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Sounds like you just have a shitty GM that isn't creative enough to fix things. If I were GM, I'd just look at that and think "PLOT HOOK!"
Well, I mean it only happened that way because she determined that it did. Mages become Tranquil if they're killed in The Fade because it severs the connection between their spirit and body - but is that necessarily what happens to non-mages? What if he was put into a coma for a few days instead? Or suffered memory loss? Or simply suffered a version of "decker dump shock" from cyberpunk - nosebleeds, short-term migraine headache, temporary disorientation or memory loss.

Or, since the demon was down to 2 hp because I rolled low, maybe it could have spent a round healing itself or running away instead of continuing to press the attack.

I'm just annoyed that she's being so pissy about something that just kind of happened.
Well, I mean it only happened that way because she determined that it did. Mages become Tranquil if they're killed in The Fade because it severs the connection between their spirit and body - but is that necessarily what happens to non-mages? What if he was put into a coma for a few days instead? Or suffered memory loss? Or simply suffered a version of "decker dump shock" from cyberpunk - nosebleeds, short-term migraine headache, temporary disorientation or memory loss.

Or, since the demon was down to 2 hp because I rolled low, maybe it could have spent a round healing itself or running away instead of continuing to press the attack.

I'm just annoyed that she's being so pissy about something that just kind of happened.
Maybe she's just mad her Mary Sue character bit the big one, and no one seems to care about it as much as she did.

Behind at work. Family drama. Relationship drama. Best friend might have cancer. Can't sleep, haven't slept well in days. Bank account is running dry. Sore all over. Feel like screaming.

No relief in sight.

Behind at work. Family drama. Relationship drama. Best friend might have cancer. Can't sleep, haven't slept well in days. Bank account is running dry. Sore all over. Feel like screaming.

No relief in sight.
Seems like more than a minor rant. :( I'm really sorry to hear that.


Staff member
So, I was sitting in the Tim Horton's listening to a young girl and boy (both apparently just turned 18) talk about how this social group is better than this and how this guy is always talking behind so and sos back. You know, the shit high schoolers talk about. It made me smile and reminded me just how long ago that was for me, but also reminded me how I don't understand how guys my age go for girls that young. Hell, I know cops older than me that only go after the under 20 crowd at bars. I don't get it. Sure, she was plenty attractive, but that's it. What could anyone my age or older possibly get out of that? Other than a terribly awkward lay from someone inexperienced.

I'll stick to women my age. Experience is a good thing.
In related news, our new 19 year old promotions assistant has long platinum hair down to her amazing bubble butt which could launch a quarter into orbit, and a rack that would give a monk a heart attack. And here I am now the dirtiest dirty old fucker what ever needed a good pepper spraying.

Sometimes it's frustrating being in a college town.
Sometimes it's frustrating being in a college town.
I work for a business which sees something like 40% college students, 11-12hrs/day including weekends, which means that I am probably surrounded by college students for 5 of my 8 hours.
With that level of exposure, you get used to it. You sound like you're at the stage of more than too little, but less than too much.
I prescribe more Internet.



Staff member
I work for a business which sees something like 40% college students, 11-12hrs/day including weekends, which means that I am probably surrounded by college students for 5 of my 8 hours.
With that level of exposure, you get used to it. You sound like you're at the stage of more than too little, but less than too much.
I prescribe more Internet.

It probably doesn't help that I can count the times I've left the house to go somewhere other than work or the grocery store in the last year on one hand.
In related news, our new 19 year old promotions assistant has long platinum hair down to her amazing bubble butt which could launch a quarter into orbit, and a rack that would give a monk a heart attack. And here I am now the dirtiest dirty old fucker what ever needed a good pepper spraying.

Sometimes it's frustrating being in a college town.
If you weren't her supervisor, I'd honestly say go for it. Not for a lasting relationship, just something fun to get you back in the game. Unfortunately, since she works for you, that puts the kibosh on that.
In related news, our new 19 year old promotions assistant has long platinum hair down to her amazing bubble butt which could launch a quarter into orbit, and a rack that would give a monk a heart attack. And here I am now the dirtiest dirty old fucker what ever needed a good pepper spraying.

Sometimes it's frustrating being in a college town.
When I worked in DC, at the Teddy Roosevelt building, my bus stop was right in front of Thurston Hall (GW University dorm)--it was a special kind of torture/pleasure when spring rolled around.


Staff member
Pssh. I was a professor for 5 years. That's being around attractive college students who are actively, regularly soliciting you.
I work at a junior college in the library. I am literally surrounded by students every day. Though in this case it's sort of like a buffett at a Scottish restaurant - not a whole lot of selection, and what's there isn't really that appetizing.
Well this morning thoroughly sucked. Went to the dentist under sedation (.5 mg of Triazolam) under the directions of my dentist, ready to have the three lower teeth "surgically removed." Apparently the "surgical removal" instructions didn't get to the doctor who was working on me this morning, who numbed me up and started working on some simple extractions. Yeah... they didn't work any better this time than they did on Monday. So now my entire face hurts (again), I can feel all of the injection sites and their bruising, and no teeth have been removed. I had been recovering to the point that I could eat somewhat solidish food again and now I'm back to milk-logged oreo cookies, ramen, and flavored milk. I just want to eat something more solid that the average mushroom bit from a can of cream of mushroom soup.

On the plus side though, I'm down like 10 pounds over the past few weeks. Easy to lose weight when you can't eat anything.
More ongoing IT problems: With the new printers, we apparently have a new printer policy. Now, in order to print our your documents, you save them to your network account, then go to one of the printers, log in to that on the touch screen, it displays the files you have saved, you select the one you want, and print it out.

Did I mention that the printer beeps with each button that gets pressed on the touch screen? Because it totally does. So now every few minutes, "Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep" like goddamn R2D2 with a stutter. Every. single. time.

I don't know who fucking ran out the gas/oil/whatever this week in the building for no reason, but we've been getting a little less heat each day, and finally on this fine Friday morning before my last overtime shift for the week, no fucking hot water at all. I can't even call the management because they don't open until after I'm at work and are closed before I get out. Fortunately my wife is getting out early today, so she's going to call, but for this morning, I get to freeze.



Staff member
That guy has upside down ears. Every time I see him, I think upside down ears.

EDIT: Here's one with short hair:
I scheduled my son a double guitar lesson today because jazz band is kicking his ass, and I woke up this morning and realized he left his guitar at school yesterday. I may cry. I wish I had at least photo copied his sheet music when I had the chance because he can borrow a guitar.