[Bug] Invalid error

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I keep getting this on IE Firefox, and Chrome both here on my home computer, and on my work computer.

Am I the only one? It's highly annoying


Staff member
Weird. Wonder if it was when I was putting in the addons. Let me know if it happens again.
It only happens occasionally. Switching to compatability mode in IE seems to be the only way around it that I've found.
This happens to me all the time. Everytime I go to a new thread and try to post something in fact. And I can tell when it's going to happen because the text gets larger than it is regularly. Now, I've just been re-freshing the page before I post anything, which fixes it for me.


Staff member
Huh. I've never gotten that. Next time it happens, send me a PM and let me know about what time it happened. I can check the error logs and see if I can do something about it.
I've just noticed, when I'm posting on my Laptop, I don't get this at all. However, I do get it on my work PC, my home PC, and on the school PCs... very odd.


Staff member
I've checked the logs and don't find anything. There's no errors logged by Xenforo. I wonder wtf is happening?
Added at: 13:37
Let me know if it happens again. I think I found it.


Staff member
I discovered that there was an issue with Skimlinks javascript and Xenforo. Xenforo said they wouldn't do anything because it wasn't their script - rightly so. Skimlinks said that Xenforo wasn't a big enough platform to fix the issue yet.

So Skimlinks is currently gone. Doesn't matter that much. I can do without the aggregated $5 generated from it. :p
It seems to work just fine now. I haven't had this problem in a couple of days.

if(dave==best admin evar){
string out = "heap thanks and praise";

OK, I think I've spent too much time this weekend programming... thank god my homework is done.
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