I don't think PA's Gabe is a Transphobic Bigot.

Also, this particular round of twitter war has completely overshadowed the fact that that PAX panel is horrifically misogynistic and should never have been approved in the first place. The chances are pretty good now that nothing will be done about it. Did no one even think about trying to calmly contact Khoo? He has more to do with PAX than Mike or Jerry.
Yeah, that panel description (even the edited one) is just laughably awful. There's so much stupid and clueless PA shit, it's hard to pick which one to hold them in contempt over.
Yeah, that panel description (even the edited one) is just laughably awful. There's so much stupid and clueless PA shit, it's hard to pick which one to hold them in contempt over.

The panel I'm actually a bit angry about. Someone (likely multiple someones) made a specific choice about that one.
So give me an example of why a gay man is has the right to call me a breeder and I can't call him a flamer in retort?
It's still dumb and exclusionary, but there isn't a history of people being hurt or discriminated against for having children really here or being insulted and made to feel like less of a human being, bla bla bla


Staff member
No people are the dregs, unless they choose to make themselves so. Like career criminals or that douche that raped the baby. And people who talk on cell phones during movies.
Yes, those are the dregs to which I refer. The human failures by choice.
It's still dumb and exclusionary, but there isn't a history of people being hurt or discriminated against for having children really here or being insulted and made to feel like less of a human being, bla bla bla
Oh so it's ok for gay people to do the same thing to me because my ancestors weren't subjected to it. Gotcha.
Why should we be able to be trod upon just because you feel slighted by your current demographic standing?[DOUBLEPOST=1371855353][/DOUBLEPOST]Translation: Why can some people be terrible and mean and it's okay while it's bad for others?
It's not okay, but I dunno how to express this without sounding like a jerk. But I don't care? It's not a systemic thing that people are insulted and demeaned and discriminated against for being white or a dude. By all means on the individual level, it's not cool, but there isn't a huge swath of people thinking it's okay the same way there are several people that think it's cool to call women "bitches" and worse.[DOUBLEPOST=1371856651][/DOUBLEPOST]It's not ancestors, dudes. Racism isn't dead. We didn't defeat Bigotry when we elected Obama.
It's not okay, but I dunno how to express this without sounding like a jerk. But I don't care? It's not a systemic thing that people are insulted and demeaned and discriminated against for being white or a dude. By all means on the individual level, it's not cool, but there isn't a huge swath of people thinking it's okay the same way there are several people that think it's cool to call women "bitches" and worse.[DOUBLEPOST=1371856651][/DOUBLEPOST]It's not ancestors, dudes. Racism isn't dead. We didn't defeat Bigotry when we elected Obama.
I am a man; not a cowboy. Get your facts straight, bigot.
Charlie, while I agree with you on the concept of privilege and impact, if using "cis" as an insult gets to be considered within the additional context that the user of that insult is a member of an oppressed group then Gabe's ignorance similarly gets to be considered within the context of his limited life experience affecting his vocabulary and rhetoric.

That both sides get the benefit of context does not equalize the offenses. Gabe remains an insensitive ignorant ass, but context speaks to intent. More importantly, context speaks to resolution. Understanding how everyone got where they were is important if you're going to figure out where to go from there.
Gabe's ignorance similarly gets to be considered within the context of his limited life experience affecting his vocabulary and rhetoric.

That both sides get the benefit of context does not equalize the offenses. Gabe remains an insensitive ignorant ass, but context speaks to intent. More importantly, context speaks to resolution. Understanding how everyone got where they were is important if you're going to figure out where to go from there.
This isn't his first "being an ignorant ass" rodeo, though. And he also said his little story of his transgendered friend he met and exchanged emails with ("no guys, it's cool, I have a trans woman friend!")
Isn't their a trans-gendered regular poster on Halforums? I'd love to get her opinion on this.[DOUBLEPOST=1371857107][/DOUBLEPOST]
Nope. How many times have we been down this road before? How many times has Charlie gotten on that soapbox to call the rest of us bigots and racists?
To be fair, I'm pretty far left of center, but Charlie usually makes me want to be best friends with Ann Coulter.
I think what I find most interesting is exactly how meta this thread has become.

(FWIW, I had to Google this whole "cis" thing, since I'd never heard the term before. The answer failed to enrage me.)
This isn't his first "being an ignorant ass" rodeo, though. And he also said his little story of his transgendered friend he met and exchanged emails with ("no guys, it's cool, I have a trans woman friend!")
I love how any example of someone not being bigoted towards X automatically becomes proof of them being bigoted, since obviously only bigots would have any of those.
Not being his first rodeo, so to speak, is why I have no issues whatsoever with Fullbright wanting out. I completely understand it (even if their phrasing is a bit passive-aggressive).

But his comments here just make him ignorant and privileged, not "okay to insult and accuse of hate-incitement". I'd like to see him actually incite hate before we get to that point.

EDIT: Of course, I'd rather he not, period, but you know what I mean.
That comic was really funny. Not even remotely PC and a bit tone deaf as a result, but really funny all the same.
It wasn't as much the initial comic as the response to the response. I remember that escalating to like. People on twitter talking about raping the female gamers / bloggers speaking about it / talking about coming to PAX or one of those conventions for daring to be offended.
I didn't realize Gabe told people to go rape his critics or tell them to go get raped. I was under the impression that individual assholes on twitter did that.
You know, just as an aside regarding the use of slurs against the majority; as a white heterosexual male, there's pretty much nothing you can call me that will offend me. Being a honky cis male breeder is pretty great. If given the choice, I'd always choose this.
You know, just as an aside regarding the use of slurs against the majority; as a white heterosexual male, there's pretty much nothing you can call me that will offend me. Being a honky cis male breeder is pretty great. If given the choice, I'd always choose this.
Just being able to post on the internet and living in the US puts you in a pretty high income bracket worldwide, so there's wealth privilege.