How was your first time?

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Interesting and semi related joke there, with this girl named Jessi
I used to post on the Blank Label Comics board and the Starslip forum became all abuzz about one of the wars between Buckley and Kurtz--I believe this was when Buckley disbanded his WoW guild. Further investigation led me to reading PVP, ceasing to read CAD, and I began posting on the Image boards.
Don't find the clitoris. The clitoris finds you.
You sound just like CrimsonSoul, and just ask his wife how well that's working out.

Besides, the clit is not hard to find, it's well worth the few seconds it'll take to look.
Now that's not the kind of thing a true friend would do, mang. Makes me think you're not really Chippy's friend.


I have an idea. Let's cut chippy up into equal pieces, and then you can all have a share.


Staff member
I was 18, she was 23. I *wish* it was Stiffler's mom.

And Chippy, Chipps, El Chipparino if you're not into the whole brevity thing...

One day we will hi-five. And it will be fucking epic.

...the mexican can come too.


Staff member
I have to admit, it wasn't much of a conquest, though. I was drunk and bitching about the election. She took me home and showed me the ropes 0: )

Violent Drunk Ray Romano

Ah the actual first time now? Got my driver's license, bought a Camaro, and magically got laid 2 weeks later.
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