How was your first time?

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So, I was just trying to recall how I ended up in this community in the first place. If I'm remembering correctly, I was just following a post on PvP and ended up getting in an argument with JCM about how stupid it was that he was freaking because Optimus Prime was going to have flames painted on him in recently leaked photos of the original transformers movie.

I'd be curious to find out what originally sucked everyone into this madhouse.

Philosopher B.

My gigolo of a brother joined Image forums before me to post in a thread about when Shecky was first introduced. I thought the place looked like a bunch of weird cats, and I felt like jawing about PVP and movies and what-have-you, plus another forum I was going to at the time kind of sucked hairy balls, so I joined up so joyous and free, so away to Sherwood, hie! For I'm Robin Hood, and I'm very good, at avoiding the Sheriff's eye! So we'll trip along merrily, 'cross the green woods so gracefully. To trip and trip and trip and trip and trip it up and down! To trip and trip and trip and … whoa, whoops, trip it -


Sooo, triiip it uuuup ... Aaaaaand doooown ... !

Philosopher B.

I also remember one of the first impressions I had was that two guys named M80 and JCM posted a hell of a lot.
Right, I first started reading webcomics when someone pointed out Megatokyo to me. That got me interested in webcomics, and I looked around for others, and PvP kept getting mentioned. So I started reading its archives, and I found I rather liked it. One day I decided to see what the forums were like. This was back when we were on the Image boards.

I didn't decide to start posting until I saw a forum game that caught my fancy, however. It was a simulated text adventure game, you know, the type where to "go east", "go up", "light torch", "search room", "kill grue" etc. Except this particular adventure thread didn't have an "operator" per se, rather it had each poster posting a new section of the adventure, however they liked.

Being an avid (some would say addicted) mudder, this was right down my alley. So I registered and wrote a lengthy post, including a section of mud-like combat of the player against an NPC. The NPC was described as being overweight, hiding in an attic, wearing a Han Shot First t-shirt which had pizza and coke dribbled over it, and quite surly. I named him Nerd.

The other posters in the thread, however, were offended that the new guy was apparently calling them all nerds, though they also noted that I included the mud combat section, which meant I was just as much a nerd. I guess they didn't know what to do with me.

And then I stayed.


Staff member
PvP forums seemed less stupid and inane than the other webcomic forums I went to.


how I was wrong


Somebody said something that pissed me off, so I went to that guys website registered my name in reference to his remarks, and basically told him and his fan base that they could sodomize their mothers or some such. I was pretty high at the time. I found another old forumite and tried to piss him off too. I failed, but established my online persona as a raging murderous lesbian. ( for the record, shego was still a lurker back then so it was my schtick. This was also before Chaz became a raging ego penis. Back then he wasn't really around. As forumites go i'd say joined just before the first ban at image comics, not the prehistoric forumopolis thing that happened long before. ) I never really realized I probably should have done the mature thing and just stayed the fuck off the net. Maybe I should. Haha naaah.
When I was still doing my comic I wrote a question to Webcomics Weekly, after they answered it I joined the halfpixel forum to discuss it. I stuck around the WW subforum mostly at first, but started taking brief ventures into the PVP section. While there I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said "You're moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought nah, forget it yo home to bel-air!

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight I yelled to the cabbie "yo home, smell you later!" Looked at my kingdom i was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
I used to sporadically check the forums way back when. I never really posted until the Half Pixel forum days and even then only a little.


Staff member
Hmmm... You know, I'm not really sure exactly when I showed up here in the first place. I know it was after my time in the Army, which was in '03, but I have a faint recollection of being here around the time of the '04 POTUS elections (mostly because of a certain political thread). I've combed the PvP archives a bit to see if I can find the first strip I read, but I can't find it at the moment. I guess I just kinda slipped in and started posting at threads I liked.


I registered and posted once or twice on the Image forums about the time of Shecky's introduction in the strip. Lost interest after that.

Early in 2007 I joined the brand new Halfpixel forum Straub had just created. I remember Straub saying that the new forum was just an experiment to see if he could create a less moronic environment than what you usually get on online forums. It sounded good to me. But I grew a little bored after I realized just how slow and boring the Halfpixel forum really was.

And then one day Kurtz and Straub all but tied the godamned knot. Kurtz announced that the all new Halfpixel site would combine both of their forums into one giant MEGA FORUM. And then in came all the Edrondals and JCMs and Frosty Susans and lesbians and stuff.

And after that? CRAZINESS!
Lurked on Image but didn't join. Lurked on Halfpixel until the last year it was up and got sucked in by one of the de-lurk threads. I registered, picked my avatar of House you see to the left, and then posted so much shit I ended up in the Rogues Gallery.
When I first got internet at home I started reading a whole bunch of webcomics and at least 5 of them made reference to this huge guy being a self righteous prick . I had to see who this was and found PVP and my first forum. I posted a few times but then JCM raged about something and I just ended up lurking after that. This was a couple months before the whole krypton krew and Joe came around


Kurtz posted something at PVP about webcomics that made me ask the question where is webcomic big moments. Got a bunch of links posted none of which really answered the question. Seem to recall the first reply was by someone called zero. I remember because they were/are a doctor which prompted me to joke that that question was not "what's your superhero name".


Back when Kurtz still had his imagecomics forum (which still exists): People were having a shit-fit over the release of the original Star Wars trilogy and how they had to pay more money for another set. I registered specifically to tell a couple people to shut the hell up, a thing or two about marketing, and that no one was forcing a gun to their head to buy the stupid set. This was the first instance of the shark honing in on the scent of blood and instigating a frenzy of nerd rage.

I believe a week after that JCM and I got into one of our -now legendary- flame wars.
The last forum was dieing a slow painful death because all the web comics that served as the foundation of the website stopped updating, or were shitty to start with. During my time in indie web comic land (which the more I think about just sounds ridiculous) and they would always go on about the evils of PvP and how if you read it you must have just found out about web comics yesterday or something. I decided to check out what all the fuss was about and thought it was kind of funny so I checked out the forums and decided to post a bit. That old forum is still mostly dead so you guys are stuck with me! HOW HORRIBLE!


Long time Lurker. I went to the forums when I was reading PvP. Never really joined in any of the topics becasuse people jumped all over each other on the slightest difference of opinion. I still remember the great fights people had with JCM. Crone (Amy) was destroying people left and right. I loved Shego's creative sick side. (The whole thread on "What if you killed someone" brought a smile to my face. Atleast from what I remember.)

When the great wipe happened, I was annoyed. Didnt make any sense that someone would do that to their fan base.

Gave up on PvP and I have been lurking here ever since. It is strange, this place has like a black hole effect. I leave and come back all the time like some drug addict needing his next fix.


Long time Lurker. I went to the forums when I was reading PvP. Never really joined in any of the topics becasuse people jumped all over each other on the slightest difference of opinion. I still remember the great fights people had with JCM. Crone (Amy) was destroying people left and right. I loved Shego's creative sick side. (The whole thread on "What if you killed someone" brought a smile to my face. Atleast from what I remember.)

When the great wipe happened, I was annoyed. Didnt make any sense that someone would do that to their fan base.

Gave up on PvP and I have been lurking here ever since. It is strange, this place has like a black hole effect. I leave and come back all the time like some drug addict needing his next fix.

That thread is what Godzilla'd the old pvp forum. So, really we have Shegs to thank for this new wasteland.
I think I posted on Image a time or two, was not in the clique and was roundly ignored. I stayed away for a year or so, and joined back in the late halfpixel days. I got a few replies and hung out until the major wipe.
It was sometime in 2001. I think. I know that's when I started reading Penny Arcade, which led to CAD and PvP. Now, I don't really read any of them. I sporadically check my bookmarks.

I don't know why I started posting at Image. It was probably something JCM said. I lurked there quite a bit before.


JCM was really hardcore back then.
He would come up with so much of the most comical bullshit logic on a daily basis that it was hard not to respond.[/QUOTE]

HA! I still remember Chaz going at it with JCM. I am suprised you two didnt level Japan with some of those fights. Now all I can picture is a giant metal toothed shark fighting a giant Jesus.
I was a big time lurker before this last move, I think I had 10 posts total and have no idea what they would have been. I think what got me started posting here was when I made a drunk thread about how much I loved popcorn and it ended up going on for 6+ pages. You people are strange.


Some young pup (aka my pipeline to nerdsville) passed around a very old pvp comic on that ol' email thingy-mah-bob. So i tracked down more, read some comics, found the forum more entertaining and watched you all.
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