How to play Left 4 Dead (2).


Staff member
I shudder to think of how much of last night survived for posterity. Future generations may be better off not knowing.
I've got the footage from all three matches.. I think I was on the right track when I said I was going to delete it.
I would say save the parts that we can use for our Terrik being Terrik supercut and trash the rest. ;)
:/ True. I cannot play games drunk. I am bad at everything but dirty jokes while drunk.

I really just want the part where Terrik shot me in the tunnel of love while claiming he did no such thing. ;)


Staff member
I really just want the part where Terrik shot me in the tunnel of love while claiming he did no such thing. ;)
Unfortunately, as I was still incapacitated above the hole in the floor, I didn't get him shooting you on camera, but I do have the "Terrik incapacitated Anna_Dei" show up and then you start squeaking at him.
This was was apparently well tested in vs. mode. If we want to try to move to custom maps for vs. nights.
Oh, also, I have to do the parent-teacher conference thing for the next two nights, I'd probably not be available to play anything until about an hour or so later than our normal start, if that was a thing that could happen. If anyone wants my gmail so you can just text me on hangouts or whatever, just pm me.
Yeah yeah, but close enough, it was late when I was posting. :/
(Aka, I googled and posted the first imdb link that popped up without thinking about it)
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Staff member
We've got a lot of custom maps we want to play co-op, but we've got so many people interested we usually end up with at least 5 people on a gaming session. I had jokingly said to Dei that we were at the point where we need a to use a sign up sheet, but really we're not that far off. We've been wanting to play Back to School for a week now but it's clear we'll have to do it more than once. I'm still trying to figure out how that's going to work video footage wise. In any case, reply to me here with your available times through this week and I'll try to work out when we can get this done.

As for me, my availability is simple - any weeknight after 8pm central, and most saturdays and sundays most any time.
So I have parent/teacher conferences this week, one today for my son at 5pm that will probably take 2-3 hours because we have to talk to 5 or 6 teachers. I have the one for my daughter tomorrow at 7, but that one should only be 20 minutes once we get in there, assuming the schedule isn't running behind. Completely clear on Wednesday, Thursday I might theoretically have plans, but I've been skipping that out of apathy for the last month and a half so why stop now. Nope, Thursday is going to be clear because I already know I'm not doing it, :p Friday is D&D but I should be free around 10/10:30 like I was this weekend. Saturday is most likely free, definitely in the afternoon, no idea about nighttime, but it likely is.

All times Mountain time of course. Also, I turned off my mobile Steam app because it keeps sending me random notifications about messages I got days ago.
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We've got a lot of custom maps we want to play co-op, but we've got so many people interested we usually end up with at least 5 people on a gaming session. I had jokingly said to Dei that we were at the point where we need a to use a sign up sheet, but really we're not that far off. We've been wanting to play Back to School for a week now but it's clear we'll have to do it more than once. I'm still trying to figure out how that's going to work video footage wise. In any case, reply to me here with your available times through this week and I'll try to work out when we can get this done.

As for me, my availability is simple - any weeknight after 8pm central, and most saturdays and sundays most any time.
And this is sort of the position I'm in too: if I don't show up, you guys play the custom maps I've been waiting to play, ensuring I'm basically not going to get a chance to play them until you all are ready to do Versus with them.

Maybe we should set up a schedule and I can list the custom maps we haven't played yet that I already have years ago so you guys can get a guaranteed 4 man on them.

- Dead Before Dawn (played this back when it was a Left 4 Dead 1 map)
- Diescraper Redux

Anything else is something I haven't done yet.
We've been saving Back to School for you, beyond that, I've been the only one actively suggesting maps really, because I have nothing better to do with my life apparently. ;)

My point is, suggest maps everyone!