How to play Left 4 Dead (2).

I'd try again tonight, but I am already semi-comatose, and if I'm around later, it will be because my body is still sending panic responses about not being able to breath with a sore throat and stuffed nose when I try to sleep.
I can't find a text explanation of how to do it and I don't have the patience to browse YouTube right now, so Pez, GO!
It would have been epic if it included the Day Break playthrough. I can almost see it in my head.

"Shit! Fuck! Dammit! Dammit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Dammit! Terrik! Shit! TERRIK! Fuck! Shit! Terrik! TERRIK! GODDAMN IT TERRIK YOU (Gas Bandit blowing his stack)! Shit! Dammit! Terrik! Dammit! Shit! Shit! (Terrik) Oooh! Grenade launcher! (GasBandit) Terrik. Terrik... NO. Noooo. (Ellis-Terrik) Grabbin' a gurnayd launcher! DAMMIT TERRIK!"
Extremely accurate.

Especially the gurnayd launcher part.
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Staff member
Pezachu, she chooses YOU!
More than 15 years ago, this exchange occurred in :

"Still J" <> wrote in message
> Jonny was dancing to some boss tunage when Thomas Langård from the
> Tele2 Norway AS Public Access Band started to sing ...
> >Hey this is starting to look like a Pokemon fight.
> >
> >
> >Thomas!
> >
> ::Team Rocket captures your newbies::
<Editor's Note: figment does not actually exist, and thus cannot be
Jessie: huh, what happened to that newbie?
James: I don't know, he was here a moment ago. At least I think he was.
Meowth: Can't you two do anything right?
::Mewoth fury swipes Jessie & James::
::figment sneaks up behind Team Rocket and does his Dueling Proverbs
Figment:"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" But "Forewarned is
James: I don't get it.
Jessie: I'm not sure it's supposed to make sense.
Meowth: I'm confused
::Figment hurls an allegory, which approaches and bites Team Rocket::
Team Rocket: Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!

But, yeah, I'll play around in single player and see if I can figure it out.


Staff member
I'm betting it had to do with that Pumpkin head you guys found.
It took me three attempts, and some googling, but I managed to figure out the sequence. It does indeed involve the pumpkin... and intentionally spawning a tank right in your face.

Also, the Ender Dragon is a dick, and extremely difficult on single player, because none of the bots know to shoot it. It's a damn difficult fight, and The End isn't actually it's own level, just an extension of one. If you die fighting the Ender Dragon, you go back to the start of level 3, and once you're done fighting him, you still have to finish the level.


Staff member
It occurs to me, right at the beginning of the DeathCraft session, I said "Sooo.. this is interesting" and then it sounded like both Dei and Pez responded by saying the same thing, but because they talked over each other I couldn't make it out. What did you guys say? I'm sure it's a reference that eluded me.


Staff member
It occurs to me, right at the beginning of the DeathCraft session, I said "Sooo.. this is interesting" and then it sounded like both Dei and Pez responded by saying the same thing, but because they talked over each other I couldn't make it out. What did you guys say? I'm sure it's a reference that eluded me.
No reference, I just said "This looks pretty authentic."


Staff member
No reference, I just said "This looks pretty authentic."
Ah, and I just decoded that Dei said "Steve abandoned us, what a dick" and the last syllable of both your sentences kinda matched up so I thought you both made a reference or something. Ah well.
Patrthom's ambiguity card is still better as a response than what I was going to say in response to the wipe counter. It may or may not have spawned from my being a slightly sleep deprived, having to use the bathroom, and thinking about those "you have to wash hands" signs you see.
I would just like to point out, that anytime I asked if you heard the tank, I could clearly hear it on your end too. :p
Just some general advice on playing on the harder difficulties: The Magnum is ALWAYS a 1-hit kill to commons on any difficulty, no matter where you shoot them. If you find a magnum, it's not a terrible idea to use it as a primary weapon. It's a straight upgrade to even dual pistols and quite accurate, even while on the ground.
Oh god, part 3 and 4 are about the same length. I definitely started blocking out how long we were taking at this point.


Staff member
Oh god, part 3 and 4 are about the same length. I definitely started blocking out how long we were taking at this point.
Part 1: 10 mins. No problem! A little difficulty here and there but we overcame.
Part 2: 30 mins. Ok, this is getting tough. 3 party wipes. But we made it work.
Part 3: 45 mins. OMG WTF 7 party wipes
Part 5: ??????

As comparison, the average completion time for all 5 parts of a vanilla game were 50-60 mins total.
I mean, I am caffeinating the shit out of myself to try to ignore the illness induced sleepiness just to get through the afternoon. There's always a chance it'll keep me up all night. [emoji14]
I would also like to point out how many rounds it took from when I mentioned that you guys kept walking back and forth on the suns, to when Terrik figured it out.
If we do something tonight, I'm probably not available for at least another hour because everyone just got home and we need dinner.
Still watching it... you guys know that grenade launcher rounds can stumble a witch, right? It's actually a GREAT weapon against them.
Yeah, because Gas or I could generally crown her way more efficiently, and you can't be trusted. [emoji14]