Happy Birthday to the ancient one.

Based on the records found in ancient pre-historic caves. The position of the earth around our sun and the marking of the stars indicate that today is the anniversary of the birth of the ancient one known as Dave.

Happy Birthday oh glorious and benevolent leader! May our praise quell your wrath for another year.
Some fun facts about Dave
  • Dave is user 1 on Halforums, a site he started after a wrathful creature attempted to wipe away HalfPixel and this community during a major US Holiday weekend.
  • Scientists are more certain when Dogs were first domesticated, than when Dave was brought into the world
  • Dave's early attempts at standup comedy resulted was a big hit among the rank and file of the Roman Army.
  • Alfred the Great's divine rule was actually just Dave stating that England would be a lot better off if someone would just man up and take charge.
  • Dave helped cook the first thanksgiving meal. Shortly thereafter a Chinese takeout place opened at Plymouth Rock, so that the pilgrims would never have to suffer like that again.
  • When traveling west, Dave had intended to settle in California, but stopped for a quick old man nap in Omaha. Upon waking he declared that it was good enough.
There are many more facts to be shared, but not nearly enough time for me to list them all, so share some of your favorites!
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It is good that Dave is having his birthday today.
Happy birthday to the man who single-handedly broke the actuarial tables!

I'm sure it's common knowledge that Dave served in the military before, but did you know that he's also a war hero? He once took out a key enemy combatant by conking him on the head with a stone thrown from a sling. The enemy troops were so demoralized they retreated without fighting further.
All right everyone, party's over. I want to say thank you and good work, I know it was difficult for everyone, but we pulled together and made it happen. Now Shut It Down!

This is due to the Fiat of Fêtes, by His Glorious Wonder @Dave who declared that only one day shall be a birthday in Omaha, and all will have it.
So....Nebraska somewhere around the middle of January, you say? As a vacation? Sounds perfect to me....:whistling:

Also, happy birthday to tinyboobz, flappyboobs, and drinksfromboobs!