Halforums House of Pain - Season 2

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Staff member
Well, it's about that time again. I've set up the Halforum's House of Pain Fantasy Football League for it's second annual ass-kicking, name-calling, trash-talking season.

Will Name Pending repeat as the champion or will someone new step up? I've sent out messages to last year's owners, but if they are not willing or able we will open those spots up. So...

  1. If you had a team last year and want to get one this year, please post here and let me know.
  2. If you had a team last year but can NOT take one this year, please let me know so I can recruit for the empty spot.
  3. If you DIDN'T get in last year and want to be in this year if a spot opens up, post here. First come first served.
Scoring rules are the same as last year and the LIVE DRAFT will be Sunday August 22 at 12:00 PM CST so those in Europe can still participate. Sorry West coasters, but 10 am is still not too bad, I think.

Questions, comments, concerns?
I've moved the crowbars and thus am re-branding my team.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present for you...GIANTS WASTE OF TIME.
Can you see/recap what happened next year? I can't remember but something drastically crazy had to happen for me to not win. I hope that joker picks a kicker in the 3rd round again and all New York Giants.
Can you see/recap what happened next year? I can't remember but something drastically crazy had to happen for me to not win. I hope that joker picks a kicker in the 3rd round again and all New York Giants.

Hey New York is going to be a very strong team this year.


we're talking about the Jets right?


I'm in again.

Can we just make it easy on him and make a player named "NYG WR" so in case anyone else gets arrested or injured for the season then he's covered?
I'm so in. I had a lot of fun last year, despite my mediocre performance. This will be the year of The Cranky Llamas!

As a quick side note: If you're going to play, please actually PLAY! Don't hang around for the first 3 weeks or so and then never log in again (this means you Chibi, even though I know you weren't the only one!).
I haven't been home since March, so I don't know if the bobblehead trophy has arrived in the last 3 months.


Staff member
Starting tomorrow this will be open to anyone. If you had a team last year and haven't signed back up yet you might lose out.

So far we have 9 signed up out of a total possible 16 teams.


I'm in....prepare to feel the pain!!! (Hopefully yours and not mine.)


The Tastemakers (and myself) are back to win what was stolen from us last year: the Halforum League Championship. :p
Sooo... we have an odd number of people signed up. I figure if someone from this forum wanted to play, they would have joined by now. Does that mean we can add someone not from this forum? Would people be comfortable with that? I ask because my dad really wants to play in a league with me, and I thought this might be a way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Or not, depending on how people feel.

Thoughts? Opinions?


Staff member
I may end up doing the draft as a computer pick this year. I found out I have another draft that day at the same time. And since that one is a money league...

Unless you guys would want to move the date from the 22nd...:whistling:
I wouldn't mind, as I think I'll be on a cruise that sunday, though I don't have the whole schedule in front of me


Staff member
Oh there'd still be a live draft. Only *I* wouldn't be there. So you guys would live draft and mine would be automatic.

But just in case, if I did it on a weeknight, how many people from Europe or later time zones do we have?
Dave I'd be in favor of it getting pushed back if you could. That weekend is my gaming groups big return to our Pathfinder game after about a month of missing due to scheduling. We plan on playing the entire weekend.

[Edit] And after last year I'll be damned if I'm letting Yahoo draft for me again.


Staff member
Saturdays are a bit rough. especially the afternoon. out with friends, family, etc for a lot of folks. Ill be at a wedding reception.

Why not do it like a monday or tuesday night. A bit later so folks are after dinner, and not much going on.


Staff member
The only issue with that could be time zones. If we have anyone from across the pond it would be too late for them.


Staff member
Yeah, I am more concerned with us 'mer'cans!

But really, I am thinking mid evening on a weeknight would be best for most, if not all.


Staff member
Okay, let me figure something out quick. I think that we do have a few non-'Mericans in the league.

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 AM ----------

How does August 25, 2010 (Wednesday) at 7 pm CST work for everyone?
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