Game Feature I Can't Figure Out The Name To?

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So there's a game feature that's been in a few games (Skyrim, Fallout etc) that I disable everytime I can because I can't stand it. I don't know what it's called, but I know what it does and the problem is now bothering me in Far Cry 3. I can't disable it because I don't know what it's called so I can't look up a fix.

It's what happens when you look at a light source, then look at something dark, then look around. Everything goes super bright, then dim, the adjusts. I can't stand the bloody feature. Anyone know what it's called?


Staff member
I actually like it as I think it adds realism. When you do that in real life the same thing happens. I know some people hate it, but I don't.
I actually like it as I think it adds realism. When you do that in real life the same thing happens. I know some people hate it, but I don't.
I like it too, but I'm not gonna leave someone in the lurch just because they don't :p

Plus I got to say high-dynamic-range rendering, which just sounds cool, and has a pleasing number of hyphens.


Staff member
Not bloom, bloom is what makes bright things leak into darker things, like looking at a window out at the sun from inside a dark church and the white light is "bigger" than the window.

Pretty sure it's HDR, which drove me nuts in earlier Far Cry games too. Whenever given the option, I turn off Bloom, HDR, and Coronas if they let me.

And ambient occlusion, because that's some ol' bullshit right there.
This is what happens when you actually stare at a bright light source and then look away. Not sure if you can turn it off in said games (I'm sure you could with modding but I'm not sure there's a button in the options or some simple way of doing it).
It was HDR and it doesn't immerse me in anything, it pulls me out of the immersion because just looking at a small light, then a slightly dark shadow doesn't make my entire vision go super bright and super dark with blurriness.

Thank you so much for pin pointing this. It's been turned off on Far Cry 3 and the game just got 100% more playable. Thanks.
It was HDR and it doesn't immerse me in anything, it pulls me out of the immersion because just looking at a small light, then a slightly dark shadow doesn't make my entire vision go super bright and super dark with blurriness.

Thank you so much for pin pointing this. It's been turned off on Far Cry 3 and the game just got 100% more playable. Thanks.

Weird because that's not even what HDR is supposed to do. It's supposed to help preserve details due to limiting contrast ratios. It generally really increases the realism of 3D rendered scenes (check out the picture in this link ). Maybe it's a poor implementation combined with too much bloom? I guess it wouldn't be the first time.
I have a similar problem in other games. They overdo the bloom to the extent that it can be actually painful, and they only have an on/off setting rather than letting me dial it up and down.

I have a similar problem in other games. They overdo the bloom to the extent that it can be actually painful, and they only have an on/off setting rather than letting me dial it up and down.

Are you sure you weren't just watching JJ Abrams' Star Trek?
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