Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again


Staff member
This is bordering on a strawman argument. I'm sure there are some idiots on the far right who think that women only want shirtless Chris Evans at his peak fitness, but this image feels like posting pics of Debra Messing and Gabrielle Anwar to prove that women don't have to be Pamela Anderson to be attractive.

Jack Black is the only one of those who doesn't have an above average level of fitness. Pedro Pascal may not be muscular, but he's still very fit.

"See, girls like guys with a dad bod *points to Pedro Pascal and Henry Cavill*"

Are we really captioning an image with Henry fucking Cavill with a message about how women don't go for muscular guys? Have you seen what the man looks like with his shirt off? Most of the men on this image very clearly have extensive fitness regimes, and that includes Jack Black when he's doing a movie like Jumanji.

Shut the fuck up. Chris Pratt wasn't fat when he was on Parks and Recreation. A lot of nerdy characters are played by actors who have six-pack abs underneath their button down shirt (Jaleel White, William Jackson Harper, T.J. Thyne, etc.) Hollywood in general casts people who are thinner, more physically fit, and overall more attractive than average. "Hollywood ugly" is a phrase for a reason.

The text at the top of this image makes me really fucking angry, especially because I know that any sort of objection to this argument is going to associate me with "men's rights" or "red pill" or whatever that toxic crap is going by these days. It's a shitty meme image that makes it's argument incredibly poorly. The original venn diagram is about current trends in characters on popular shows, it was not made to demonstrate that women don't find conventionally attractive men attractive.

This is a shallow and stupid take on a funny venn-diagram, and "skylar" can take his opinion and shove it up his ass.
I assume that's supposed to say "sex beams" instead of "sex beans". Other than that little typo, I see no problems with this passage of text.
I assume that's supposed to say "sex beams" instead of "sex beans". Other than that little typo, I see no problems with this passage of text.
I was a bit disappointed with the mention of "her skin-covered body". Up to that point I was getting excited about some possible sexy exposed skeleton action.