Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

I took this in a much more sinister way. As in “Don’t worry about actually voting, we’re just going to lie about how many votes we get and then violently force our way to victory.”

"You have to watch the voters"

I think a lot of terrorists are going to hear things like that and do exactly that. They're going to go to the key voting locations and make sure to watch and intimidate as many people as possible. He doesn't need the proud boys to vote. There aren't enough to swing any states and they have plenty of old people to vote for him. What they need is for a handful to visit those counties in Georgia and make sure people don't feel safe showing up to vote.
Here's a very well made, thorough video on the current status of the Georgia election fraud trial, who took plea deals, what the plea deals are, currently known facts about the case, and what to expect coming up:


Pundits will argue it was effective political theatre, but from a legal perspective he dug himself into a deeper hole. Like even in civil cases where taking the 5th can be inferred as guilt, actually admitting guilt is much worse.
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Pundits will argue it was effective political theatre, but from a legal perspective he dug himself into a deeper hole. Like even in civil cases where taking the 5th can be inferred as guilt, actually admitting guilt is much worse.
After the judge announced that your lawyer fucked up and you’ve already lost:

Step 1 - Act belligerently toward the judge
Step 2 - Get judge riled up with personal attacks so he confronts you
Step 3 - Use instances of judge being confrontational as evidence of his supposed bias
Step 4 - Appeal ruling until you get to conservative judges that you appointed, who will then overturn verdict

… and that’s how Trump avoids actual consequences.
My dream these days is for the judge to pause and question if fuckface is mentally fit to comply with his orders and then demand a psychological evaluation.

That and my kids to clean up after themselves. It's good to dream.
But like.... Contempt of court is a thing, right? At some point we're dealing with that? He refuses to answer questions, mocks the judge and prosecution, his lawyers are actively antagonizing the judge to get him to break so they can go for a mistrial. At some point surely he can just say "ok enough is enough, answer questions appropriately or we're done here" right?
But like.... Contempt of court is a thing, right? At some point we're dealing with that? He refuses to answer questions, mocks the judge and prosecution, his lawyers are actively antagonizing the judge to get him to break so they can go for a mistrial. At some point surely he can just say "ok enough is enough, answer questions appropriately or we're done here" right?
THIS! I seriously don't understand why the judge isn't doing more about the gag order or this blatant contempt of court.
Basically the judge said, "answer the questions or I will dismiss you and count your lack of answers as negative inference for all counts/"
THIS! I seriously don't understand why the judge isn't doing more about the gag order or this blatant contempt of court.
Trump’s lawyers are arguing that any attempt to tell Trump to shut up and stop violating court rules is a violation of his freedom of speech. The judge seems to be afraid of that narrative.
When he says box does he mean pussy? I am so confused about why you would rub rub rub a box....
With the "that's a very different kind of box, and frankly it's a kind of box that can get you into a lot of trouble"... I think that's exactly what he meant. :Leyla:

Not that I'm surprised he'd say that to a bunch of kids.

But at least there weren't any drag queens reading children's books at this event. :rolleyes:
It's a reference to "Shazam" starring Sinbad, where the genie is trapped in a boombox.
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EDIT: I can't seem to find any information that the Trump quote in the tweet is any more real than this photoshopped VHS tape.
Yeah, looks like it's probably fake. But what he really said is just as terrible: The 29 Most Cringe-worthy Lines from Donald Trump's Hyper-Political Speech to the Boy Scouts

The tradition for the President's speech to the Boy Scouts is that they talk about something inspiring and definitely non-political. And then there's Trump...
Wasn't it Hillary who pointed out he's basically following in Hitler's footsteps? And I don't just mean following behind him, I mean making sure to put his feet right into every one of Hitler's footprints.

Think I am going to try to find the plug to this simulation.

When asked about his Hitler-style speeches recently one of his spokesmen basically said that those that call him a dictator "will have their entire existence crushed when Donald Trump is president again."

I swear satire is dead.
While on trial for intentionally inflating assets, fuckfaces lawyers entered into the record as factual examples of inflated assets.

It's just so dumb.