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Entourage (HBO)

I love it. This season's been a little underwhelming, but I'm a huge fan. It's probably the flagship show where the "lead character" is a horrible person and boring as shit, but you stick with it for all the great characters around him. The Day-Fuckers is one of my favorite episodes of anything.

I also like that it's been going long enough to earn some of the nice-r character moments this season. Like Eric taking Ari's advice about his client to heart, and Ari actually helping out Turtle for one second as a birthday present.
Entourage (HBO)

I love it too, although I have to admit that what I heard about it the other day rings true every time I watch (and enjoy, mind you) a new episode.... that Entourage is the male equivalent to Sex and the City.


Entourage (HBO)


Before season 6 started I watched all of the seasons before, and now I'm addicted, and cannot wait until the next episode every Sunday night.

Steven Soderburgin

Entourage (HBO)

Charlie Don't Surf made me watch the pilot and I thought it was pretty awful, though I'm willing to give it another chance. I especially want to see the Werner Herzog surrogate
Entourage (HBO)

Tried to watch it a couple of times, but I just wanted to shoot every character in the face and then rape the hole that was left.

Steven Soderburgin

Entourage (HBO)

I keep telling you I'll give the show a second chance (perhaps with the episode AFTER the pilot????) but you don't seem very enthusiastic about it.
Entourage (HBO)

Charlie Dont Surf said:
I love it. This season's been a little underwhelming, but I'm a huge fan. It's probably the flagship show where the "lead character" is a horrible person and boring as poop, but you stick with it for all the great characters around him. The Day-Fuckers is one of my favorite episodes of anything.

I also like that it's been going long enough to earn some of the nice-r character moments this season. Like Eric taking Ari's advice about his client to heart, and Ari actually helping out Turtle for one second as a birthday present.
I feel the same way.

It's something odd to see Ari so.... calm... "most" of the time. I mean, this is the guy who spits fire when shit doesn't go his way. Seeing him being "nice" to E and Turtle left me back last episode. Thus far the season has been, while watchable at times with... gems like this.

"When my son was born my greatest fear is having this conversation. I knew that I would give him anything he wanted because he was my son and I couldn't say no, which sucks, cause it wouldn't help him and he'd just end up in the streets doing heroin with the two Corries because I was too much of a pussy to teach him a lesson."

I'm hoping for Drama (my fav dude) character development and Vince being less boring than he already is. Ari gold creating a new asshole in someone would be nice as well... all in all it's been a weak transition from the last season.

Oh and the last thing.... the actress they have playing Ashley... should eat a burger or two... hard to compare her to Sloan.


Entourage (HBO)

ARGH I know a spoiler, but I don't want to tell you guys, cause it changes the show pretty oddly.


Entourage (HBO)

Charlie Dont Surf said:
I love it. This season's been a little underwhelming, but I'm a huge fan. It's probably the flagship show where the "lead character" is a horrible person and boring as poop, but you stick with it for all the great characters around him. The Day-Fuckers is one of my favorite episodes of anything.

I also like that it's been going long enough to earn some of the nice-r character moments this season. Like Eric taking Ari's advice about his client to heart, and Ari actually helping out Turtle for one second as a birthday present.
This. Vince is alright but for the longest time Drama, Ari and Turtle carry this show.

This season is.. different. Vince has jobs coming out of his ears, Eric is the one failing, Drama is still being Drama, and poor Turtle is just trying to climb out of Vince's shadow.

I could listen to Ari rant and rave for 30 minues and be entertained as fuck

Alex B.

Entourage (HBO)

I watched the first couple seasons, but haven't caught up. I enjoy it, even if it is a pretty ridiculous show. It's a guilty pleasure.

Entourage (HBO)

I'm about a season or two behind, but I love it. Favourite part of the show was (shock of shocks) the Aquaman-related episodes. And the ones with Medean (sp?), which is where I left off.
Entourage (HBO)

Calleja said:
Sloan is WAY hotter.

Also, we need a "Ari slaps a guy" moment this season.
To compare sloan to ashley is like comparing porche to honda. Sloan gives me wood everytime she's on the screen, Ashley makes me crave to eat a Burger at Harveys... she's so damn gaunt with a huge head.

Oh, and I'm hoping that Ari slaps a guy this season as well. I need MAD ARI.
Entourage (HBO)

ThatNickGuy said:
I'm about a season or two behind, but I love it. Favourite part of the show was (shock of shocks) the Aquaman-related episodes. And the ones with Medean (sp?), which is where I left off.
Medellin, that's my favorite fake movie project/aftermath on the whole show.
Entourage (HBO)

SeriousJay said:
I miss Billy Walsh.
He was one of my favorite characters in smaller doses. He still was pretty good when he was in a bunch of episodes, but those first random few were amazing.

When he just turns around wearing the "FUCK SUITS" t-shirt is one of my favorite sight gags from the show.
Entourage (HBO)

Best quotes.

Billy Walsh : "You mind if I use your shitter, I just gotta piss, but the one in the waiting room stank like a refugee boat."
Billy Walsh : "I will not let those douchebags Aquamanify my movie!"
Billy Walsh : "One suit. Two Suit. Three suit. Four."


Entourage (HBO)

What did happen to him? Wasn't the last episode we saw him in was after Cannes?
Entourage (HBO)

Medellin turned out to be a piece of crap, apparently, so I doubt Vince is gonna want to work with Walsh again.


Entourage (HBO)

Roxxoredizorz said:
What did happen to him? Wasn't the last episode we saw him in was after Cannes?
Knowing Billy he probably locked himself in a bathroom with lines of coke and the gun loaded this time.

I actually thought the trailer for Medellin was great.. Not quite as good as the minute or so of footage we saw of Aquaman (come on who didn't wanna see what happened next after Vince jumped off that pier? although A.C. shoulda been blonde not brunette).


Entourage (HBO)

WolfOfOdin said:
I miss Carnivale' :(
This. Carnivale got canceled way to early, if you read the writers notes they were going to do 6 seasons, each 2 seasons completing a "book" of the show, the first "book" (seasons 1 and 2) introduced us to the the avatars of both sides dark and light. book 2 and 3 would have further explored this and much more.

I'll hand it to HBO, they have balls to be different and try something new but sometimes..they just dont stick with it (I'm looking at you John From Cincinnati)

Entourage (HBO)

WolfOfOdin said:
I miss Carnivale' :(
Me too. I was really impressed that they were able to end the second season with something that could have been an "end" or could have been a cliffhanger. It worked well either way. And Samson is one of my all-time favorite characters on TV.

I lost the thread of Entourage along the way. Think I missed last season. Don't really miss it too much.

Entourage (HBO)

You know what would be great for Carnivale, to let it continue? A comic series. I honestly wish more cancelled series would continue on there, just so the writers don't go mad with unfinished stories.
Entourage (HBO)

Lloyd : "Put my eyes on him him, how?"
Ari : "Pretend he's Zac Efron's ballsack."

I LOLed HARD. Great episode.


Entourage (HBO)

My favorite part was,
Ari's Wife: "What time is it?"
Ari: "I'm sorry, but my cock doesn't wear a watch!"
Entourage (HBO)

Roxxoredizorz said:
My favorite part was,
Ari's Wife: "What time is it?"
Ari: "I'm sorry, but my * doesn't wear a watch!"
LOL, yeah. A classic "dumb question" "dumb answer".


Entourage (HBO)

Good episode till the ending.. If I were Turtle I'd never let my s.o. anywhere near Drama let alone someone else.


Entourage (HBO)

Mav said:
Good episode till the ending.. If I were Turtle I'd never let my s.o. anywhere near Drama let alone someone else.
She is smoking hot, and actually, the actor who plays Turtle, and Jamie, are dating in real life.
Entourage (HBO)

I figured that was gonna happen ¬¬

Care to add spoilers to the title or black out discussion of a particular JUST AIRED episode us foreigners have to wait to see? kthxbai
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