don't end your sentences in prepositions

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So jay and mathias, why aren't you calling me a African American? I am as white as I am straight, so the joke is calling me something I'm not, right? I'm just curious why you think it's okay to lob around nice gay person. I love Louis CK, but you're missing the point by a fucking mile. So, just curious, why aren't you calling me a African American and posting the Chris Rock youtube?

edit: also lol that NIGGERR is blocked and not nice gay person
I like how you think everyone misses the point of a thing, especially when you miss the point of what your pointing out to be a point...of




Staff member
Yes, fellow citizens, when a middle-aged white man says something offensive, it's supposed to be funny and if you don't laugh well you're just dumb because it's funny!

Middle-aged white men tryna be edgy up in this piece, folks!
Added at: 21:08
I mean honestly, does it really ruin everyone's day if they just held off saying certain things? Since obviously plenty of people have, so to speak, a "stick up their ass", is it really that hard not to play nice? Or is showing off how cool and edgy and hip you are making the PC dweebs squirm that critical to having a good day?
Right, exactly. No, I get it, man. I get you're too cool for all this shit, alpha dog. I get that, I really do.

*Jay is Homer*

But since you're all about a middle aged diatribe of bullshit, I'd like to point out how much of a just recently graduated with a BA in liberal arts, generation X wannabe, hipster douchenozzle you're being...below.



Staff member
and the best part is, for all the acting so cool, they're the ones being reactionary to their insensitivity. I know you are but what am I, etc. It's cute.


Staff member
The funny thing is the whole "no preposition" thing is completely unnecessary as far as actually understanding sentences goes. I've never met a single person who read a sentence ending with a preposition and failed to understand it.

Apparently that's not the case in Latin, but ignoring the rule suits English just fine.

Next on the agenda: who the crap came up with "whom?" and why is every English gender-neutral singular pronoun so awkward to use?
YES YES YES, this.

The "don't end a sentence with a preposition" thing is a stylistic adherence to Latin. It really serves no purpose in English other than to give forum posters something to feel superior about. It's no reflection on intelligence whatsoever.

Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious weakness most Warriors ignore him.


Staff member
I remember that apparently Star Trek is wrong, because it's wrong "to boldly go where no man has gone before". Thou shalt not split the verb!

Also, even though I use English practically every day and consider myself quite fluent in both understanding and producing it, there are still some moments when my Finnish-wired brain produces some linguistic farts. For instance, since Finnish has no gender distinction in pronouns (beyond the joke that conservatives use 'hän' (Finnish for 'he') for men and 'se' (Finnish for 'it') for women), I sometimes end up forgetting to use the proper female personal pronoun "she" or "her". Not often, but it happens from time to time. Also, I tend to "wash my teeth" instead of brushing them.


Staff member
I don't mean to take sides, but much of that post could be said about you.
I mean, take it for what you will. I just know I don't feel justified and awesome when I keep screaming the word "faggot" on an online message board because it's really showing those kids what's what.
I mean, take it for what you will. I just know I don't feel justified and awesome when I keep screaming the word "nice gay person" on an online message board because it's really showing those kids what's what.
No, but you feel justified about other things, it seems.


I generally think splitting the infinitive sounds much better and so that is what I'll use.

Often the same with many other grammar rules. If it sounds better to me that is how I roll.


Staff member
Like I mentioned before, it's really about clarity and concision. If there's a way to say something, and it sounds and feels effective, then BOOM. You're not going to get sniped from a clock tower if you bend a rule.


Like I mentioned before, it's really about clarity and concision. If there's a way to say something, and it sounds and feels effective, then BOOM. You're not going to get sniped from a clock tower if you bend a rule.

I don't know I think Krisken has wanted to take a few shots at me just for typoing your/you're or their/there. >.>
People who misuse "myself" when trying to sound overly formal. "Jim and myself worked on those TPS reports..."

Also, "you" written as "u." I've unfriended facebook friends over this.

As for they're/there/their... I still occasionally goof on this one when I'm not paying attention and most of the time don't notice mistakes before someone else points it out.


considering I routinely mistype hate as had I think my their/there typos are not so bad.
People who misuse "myself" when trying to sound overly formal. "Jim and myself worked on those TPS reports..."

Also, "you" written as "u." I've unfriended facebook friends over this.

As for they're/there/their... I still occasionally goof on this one when I'm not paying attention and most of the time don't notice mistakes before someone else points it out.
Oh, god, if we're going into internet spelling fuckery, I'll point to two words that drive me insane.



Ugh, I have actually ended conversations on IM over use of those.


I was instructed the other day that boi referred, in some contexts, to a girl that identifies more masculine than feminine.

Just thought that was interesting.
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