Jaywalking? Strip search. Cursing in public? Strip search!

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It's easy, just make a poll:

"Are YOU an Attention Whore?!"

Then make the voting viewable.

Answers itself right? Even the shyest of whores will have to vote yes to make sure their name is seen and if they click no, then they're just a "Kind of Pay Attention To Me Escort".
You guys are harsh on ol' Chuck. I think he goes a little overboard on the white-knighting but is otherwise a decent poster and guy.

Charlie is probably a decent guy in a person to person setting, off the computer. But that's mainly because he's a pussy who's afraid of getting punched in the face. I dare say, who'd he press charges to? After all, "fuck da police, right?"
I disagree, Dave. After the massive happy-dance he did on the news of Joe Paterno's cancer diagnosis, I lost any use for the expletive deleted. That is not something a decent poster or human being would do.
That's what always gets my goat. He'll happy-dance over anyone as long as he can put up a nice "think of the children front."

That's the thing that's been grating my nerves about Charlie on a gradual slope. He's all fluff and no substance.

But if Charlie leaves, everyone's just going to turn their attention back on you Mathias. That wasn't half as entertaining as this is! ;)
I've always had substance behind my flame wars, and if I was wrong, I'd admit it. Gasbandits the same way. You might think his logic is flawed and he's batshit insane, but at least he's not a phony. I really only brow-beat someone if they deserve it.
Would the scanners used at the airports be of any use for strip searches? Obviously not a portable option, but do they exist in police stations as a fast method of screening?
So's there a pool going on how long till he's back?
I suspect he'll create a new character, but call it his "neighbour" that shares a wi-fi connection, and he'll suspiciously have the same grammar and vocabulary tics as Charlie.
Seriously - he might be paying attention to something else going on in his neck of the woods (IIRC, he's from the Middle TN area).

<--- Hint
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