Wyrmrest Accord WoW Guild Sexy Fun Time.

Well, I've run into a very annoying bug.

Outland doesn't work. At all. The graphics won't load, or take forever to load. If I pull up my map, it's invisible for about 30 seconds before the graphic for it loads. If I fly around the map, the minimap runs off into invisible territory, and mobs and other things in the world are missing until I wait long enough for them to load in. For my level 62 Death Knight, this is making him unplayable.

I'm running on a SSD, there shouldn't be any problem loading up the graphics for the game. I've deleted my cache, wtf and interface, disabled all addons, but it's still doing the same thing.

I is sad :(
I'm glad that they've evolved the storyline. If nothing else, Cataclysm really helped to push the major story of Azeroth along. I like that Thrall is now the new Guardian. I think it was intentional that they gave King Wrynn a similar backstory to Thrall's so that you still have the leader who's trying to do the right thing, but struggling with the forced gladitorial past. I will concede that Varian is a much bigger dickhole for his experiences as opposed to Thrall, but still.

I'm happy to have Malfurion back in the mix and out of the Emerald Nightmare. He was one of my favorite characters in WC3 and War of the Ancients.[DOUBLEPOST=1347165315][/DOUBLEPOST]I was extremely sad to see Cairne go, though.
Really, for the most part Humans and Orcs are the only races where armor looks like it's actually supposed to. Everyone else either has weird posture, feet, horns, torn out bits, etc... that make some stuff just look terrible.
Really, for the most part Humans and Orcs are the only races where armor looks like it's actually supposed to. Everyone else either has weird posture, feet, horns, torn out bits, etc... that make some stuff just look terrible.
My worgen says WTF AM I WEARING?
We likely won't get Thrall back, but we will likely get a much more tolerable Warchief by the end of MoP.
I'd be ok with Garrosh if he settled the hell down and Sylvanas came to her senses. Him and Sylvanas destroyed almost everything I loved about the Horde. I don't like what Cata did to the Horde.[DOUBLEPOST=1347168452][/DOUBLEPOST]Except trolls. I love what Cata did for the trolls.
Cata showed that Blizz doesn't know what to do with the horde if they aren't acting straight evil.
That would be true if this wasn't really the only time that this has happened. I understand what they were doing, shaking up the status quo by killing off or promoting the level headed leaders of the Horde. It leads to a greater redemption later. It's not like the orcs have never been led into evil by their leaders before...
Cata showed that Blizz doesn't know what to do with the horde if they aren't acting straight evil.
Garrosh punishing the Orc that blew up that Druid settlement disagrees with you. The evolution of Garrosh as a Bloodthirsty Warchief was beautifully illustrated in the novels for Cataclysm (Shattering/Wolfheart). I personally think what's been done with the Horde is awesome, though temporary as we already know that Garrosh is dethroned at the end of Mists.
Varian has come a loooooong way since the end of Wrath, especially with the novels.

Also another point against -The Horde is evil in Cataclysm- is everything the Blood Elves and Tauren have done. Well, more than Tauren but the Blood Elf -calming down- since BC has been a refreshing depth that they needed. Especially considering the Reagent's storyline on the Blizzard site.
Cata is the only WoW xpac that Horde have actually straight up evil though. BC you got to see Thrall come home and set the record straight about Grom (Which made me fall in love with the Horde). LK the only shitty thing they did was done by a rogue group and wasn't authorized by any of the leaders. Cata you have Sylvannas knowingly using the plague, and Garrosh being a war hungry ass.

Like Bowie said, it's just a shake up. They need to wrap it up in the current xpac if they're going to do that though. It leaves a bad taste when you don't.
They've already stated that the xpac after Mists is going to be a big war against a bigger evil and that there will be alot of settling between the Horde and Alliance in Mists. That's the purpose of the Panderans. To help bring -not a peace- but a settling between the two sides so they can face the new big bad -kind of- together.
They've already stated that the xpac after Mists is going to be a big war against a bigger evil and that there will be alot of settling between the Horde and Alliance in Mists. That's the purpose of the Panderans. To help bring -not a peace- but a settling between the two sides so they can face the new big bad -kind of- together.
A big war against a bigger evil has been every xpac.
Yep, and this will be the biggest, world threatening that requires Horde and Alliance to come together in a way they haven't in the past. Wish I had links to the posts but it was described in detail as one of the reasons for Panderans and their way of life.

It's like Warcraft 3 big evil.
Like, Sargeras, big?[DOUBLEPOST=1347180882][/DOUBLEPOST]In regards to Sylvannas, I'm not so sure that she didn't know exactly what was going on with Putress. There were undertones that she had similar plans going all the way back to vanilla WoW.
Like, Sargeras, big?[DOUBLEPOST=1347180882][/DOUBLEPOST]In regards to Sylvannas, I'm not so sure that she didn't know exactly what was going on with Putress. There were undertones that she had similar plans going all the way back to vanilla WoW.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Sylvanas is more pissed that he used it behind her back than pissed that it was made. :p
So MoP is my first expansion where I am not going into it as a raider. I wonder if I can deprogram the raider mentality for expansion week 1 from my brain...
So MoP is my first expansion where I am not going into it as a raider. I wonder if I can deprogram the raider mentality for expansion week 1 from my brain...
I find that kind of funny, considering MoP will be the first expansion where most of the playerbase will be able to take part in the raids.

Best thing to do is read quest text, wander a bit, don't try to rush. Rushing on alts is all fine and good, but the first character you need to enjoy the scenery.
Unless it's a quest I've done a few times, I always read the flavor text in quests. There are some really great stories going on there in Azeroth. Some of my favorite quests from vanilla that aren't around since Cataclysm are the Scythe of Elune, Legend of Stalvin, and the most heartbreaking of all was the little ghost girl on EPL. The quest line is still there, but in a more watered down form.
Unless it's a quest I've done a few times, I always read the flavor text in quests. There are some really great stories going on there in Azeroth. Some of my favorite quests from vanilla that aren't around since Cataclysm are the Scythe of Elune, Legend of Stalvin, and the most heartbreaking of all was the little ghost girl on EPL. The quest line is still there, but in a more watered down form.
Legend of Stalvan is also still around, but they condensed his notes into Duskwood areas and added his brother (Tobias Mistmantle) to the mix, ending with a confrontation between the brothers. The Scythe of Elune kind of gains it's conclusion in Gilneas, though we still never find out what they do with it.
I always liked the scythe of elune because it's one of the few times elune is portrayed as being morally ambiguous. Elune is one if the few deity characters that you cant meet or fight in some way, and still has a lot of mystery to her.
I always liked the scythe of elune because it's one of the few times elune is portrayed as being morally ambiguous. Elune is one if the few deity characters that you cant meet or fight in some way, and still has a lot of mystery to her.
Did you read the Curse of the Worgen graphic novel? Kind of takes a bit of the mystery out of the object, as a large chunk of the novel why it was created.

It was basically made by the Druids of the Pack, with the help of an Elunite Priestess, using ones of Goldrinn's fangs for the blade and the Priestess' own staff as the shaft. They made it to help control the rage that would overtake them while in their wolf forms, but instead it transformed them into the first Worgen and made them even more out of control. It's speculated that this was due to the fang of Goldrinn being corrupted at some point. Malfurion then gave it to another night elf for safekeeping, who was buried with it. From what I remember, this turned out to be Mel'Thandris, whose shrine of which was where Velinde was "gifted" the Scythe of Elune and later became the Howling Vale.

As the Worgen themselves were tied to the Scythe, so too could it be used to break them out of the pocket of the Emerald Dream they were forced to slumber by Malfurion.

Either way, we still have no proof the Scythe was utilized by Velinde at the hands of Elune herself. Elune could have been the one to give it to her, but she was praying at the Shrine of Mel'Thandris at the time, where the Scythe was buried. It very well could have been a residual bit of magic inside the Elunite Priestess' staff simply heard her praying and came to her, much like many casters have a sort of binding to their weapons that allow them to retrieve them from a distance.
Did you read the Curse of the Worgen graphic novel? Kind of takes a bit of the mystery out of the object, as a large chunk of the novel why it was created.

It was basically made by the Druids of the Pack, with the help of an Elunite Priestess, using ones of Goldrinn's fangs for the blade and the Priestess' own staff as the shaft. They made it to help control the rage that would overtake them while in their wolf forms, but instead it transformed them into the first Worgen and made them even more out of control. It's speculated that this was due to the fang of Goldrinn being corrupted at some point. Malfurion then gave it to another night elf for safekeeping, who was buried with it. From what I remember, this turned out to be Mel'Thandris, whose shrine of which was where Velinde was "gifted" the Scythe of Elune and later became the Howling Vale.

As the Worgen themselves were tied to the Scythe, so too could it be used to break them out of the pocket of the Emerald Dream they were forced to slumber by Malfurion.

Either way, we still have no proof the Scythe was utilized by Velinde at the hands of Elune herself. Elune could have been the one to give it to her, but she was praying at the Shrine of Mel'Thandris at the time, where the Scythe was buried. It very well could have been a residual bit of magic inside the Elunite Priestess' staff simply heard her praying and came to her, much like many casters have a sort of binding to their weapons that allow them to retrieve them from a distance.
I did read that, but didn't like it. I dislike most times blizzard decides to demistify things (and retcon).

Don't even get me started on the Eredar.
All of this talk about the Lore of the WoW universe really makes me want to play again, starting from the beginning and actually reading all of the quest text, which I'm pretty sure I haven't done since Cataclysm. But every time I start out to do that, I get fed up at the lack of skills and unkillableness that I have on my 85s and wander off to play minecraft some more. I really wish I hadn't played so much WoW over the years and could still enjoy it as a somewhat new-ish game.
So since there's still 2 weeks to wait for MoP, my brother-in-law, husband, and I have made a 3 man RP guild based on a Fiasco game we ran a month or so ago that we based in WoW. It's basically fantastic. My brother in law is a gnomish bartender on a quest to beat all the dwarven brews at Brewfest.
2 weeks left to go and I'm trying to finish up all my Archaeology Achievements and get the lore master title. Going to be down to the wire I think.

I'm looking forward to the Jaina novel as well.