Wyrmrest Accord WoW Guild Sexy Fun Time.

Oh, and for everyone's information, here are the requirements for guild dungeon/raid achievements:

5 man dungeons/heroics: 3 guild members
Classic raids: 8 guild members
BC raids: 8 guild members
LK raids: 8 guild members in 10 mans, 20 guild members in 25 mans
Cat raids: 8/10 guild members (but we'll need 10 anyway to try them)

So guild dungeon/heroic runs could easily be spur of the moment deals, but doing a guild raid would probably require a touch of planning and scheduling.

That isn't to say we couldn't do, say, Molten Core with 3 players. It just wouldn't count as a guild achievement.
Almost 85 after a marathon run today (el oh el at the level shrinkage for reals). MORE 85 DKs FOR ME WHEEEE
Oh, and for everyone's information, here are the requirements for guild dungeon/raid achievements:

5 man dungeons/heroics: 3 guild members
Classic raids: 8 guild members
BC raids: 8 guild members
LK raids: 8 guild members in 10 mans, 20 guild members in 25 mans
Cat raids: 8/10 guild members (but we'll need 10 anyway to try them)

So guild dungeon/heroic runs could easily be spur of the moment deals, but doing a guild raid would probably require a touch of planning and scheduling.

That isn't to say we couldn't do, say, Molten Core with 3 players. It just wouldn't count as a guild achievement.
They need to be level appropriate for the guild achievements, i believe.
Would Thursday nights be an ok night to work on guild dungeon achievements? I figured we could start at the lowest level and work our way up. We can work on it as we want, but it would be nice to have a set night for it.


Staff member
Who's our blacksmith? I want to give them a lot of stuff and get armor back so I have the iLevel to do heroics.

I need to learn how to tank properly.
my DK is probably going to spend her JP on heirloom gear and not bother with gearing herself with it, since the expansion is so close.
You'll probably be better off selling the mats on the AH and working on hording your gold. Pandaria is only about two weeks away!
If you haven't done it yet, once you hit 85, make sure you do the Thrall quest in Mt. Hyjal and you at least start doing the Molten Front dailies for one day, you can get a couple pieces of 365 gear fast. To unlock the Molten Front dailies, you have to have helped the 4 ancients in Hyjal (lvl 80 quests).


Staff member
Haven't even gone to Hyjal yet and the Molten Front dailies are annoying. To get anything takes fucking forever so I was purposely staying away.
D'oh, heirlooms is a better idea than end game gear, isn't it... I hadn't even thought of that. I just used 2200 JP on my healing chest.

Do we know what stats are going to be primary for Monks, anyway? I mean, I would assume that it would be STA and AGI like a rogue, but not sure.
It would be kick ass if I can make a crapton of leather gear for my Pandaren Monk.

And I don't care if every player and his brother is making a Pandaren Monk, I will have that toon.
I ran my first heroic Cataclysm dungeon as healer last night. It was fun. got a great trinket that will be obsolete in 2 weeks
agi, imagine int if healing but not sure.
Agility Heirlooms if you are Brewmaster or Windwalker, and Intellect heirlooms if you are Mistweaver. Much like what Druids gained in 5.0, the healer Monks have a passive that when using the healing spec converts caster stats into near equivalent melee damage stats.

The Druid's version converts all intellect into agility when in bear or cat form. The Monk version, when in the healer stance, gives a boost to hit/expertise based on 50% of spirit, and increases attack power by 200% of whatever spellpower you have.

The downside is that while in this stance, all items that would add attack power naturally will give no bonus at all, so you want to stick with only intellect and spirit items if you play a Mistweaver.
The downside is that while in this stance, all items that would add attack power naturally will give no bonus at all, so you want to stick with only intellect and spirit items if you play a Mistweaver.
Enhancements shaman have a similar talent that translates attack power to spellpower.
I'm probably going to make a female dwarf or female orc monk (or both on different servers) but I still have not decided what specs to do, though knowing me I will do healing/tank because that is what I always do with my paladins. :p (Don't do it with druids because I don't really like bear tanking)
Because we aren't on a pvp server, does that mean we can have horde characters as well on our server?

And yes...shame on me for thinking about more alts.
I have some friends that play on the Horde side of Wyrmrest Accord, and from what they have shown me, the Horde side is about a hundred times more intense when it comes to RP.

The guild they are a part of will not even allow anything other then Orc Warriors to join. I am serious. The entire guild refuses to take any orc other then a warrior because they are supposed to be a clan that makes up a majority of the Kor'Kron, the Warchief's elite guard. I made a DK to join them on that side and already learned I will never be able to guild with them unless I roll over to warrior.

It's so intense that just to buy the green Kor'Kron chest pieces costs tens of thousands of gold.