Legend of Korra

Just watched the 5th episode. It's really well drawn and it's good but it constantly feels.... rushed. I guess I'll never get used to the pacing.
Yeah fifth epsidoe was the best example of rushing so far?

"Want to see some relationships in Avatar!? HERE'S ALL OF 'EM!"


Staff member
Nick is really pushing the 'shipping angle for the show, too:

For those blissfully unaware of 'ship wars, Makorra = Mako + Korra and Borra = Bolin + Korra. Fans tend to fight pretty intensely over which characters should be together. Basically, Nickelodeon is poking at the more rabid portion of the fanbase, because the various 'ship wars for A:tLA fueled the fandom a lot. Once Bolin is fully out of the picture I imagine Makorra vs. Masami will be next for Nick to promote. (and cue all the Makorralin shippers who can't figure out why Nick won't publicly acknowledge them.)
Ship has now replaced butthurt and entitled as words that infuriate me and make me think less of the people that use them.
... yeah anyways.

Thus far, I like the characters overall, I like Korra, I love the drawing style, storyline is suspect and the timing of it feels off. I don't understand why they didn't book more episodes to start with. This is a cash cow for them.

And it would have prevented the rushy feel I get from the show.

It feels far less than Avatar than it should. It's like.... a bender with dating issues.
... yeah anyways.

Thus far, I like the characters overall, I like Korra, I love the drawing style, storyline is suspect and the timing of it feels off. I don't understand why they didn't book more episodes to start with. This is a cash cow for them.

And it would have prevented the rushy feel I get from the show.

It feels far less than Avatar than it should. It's like.... a bender with dating issues.
At best, it feels like an Avatar-themed DnD campaign, which I can definitely get behind.

At worst, it feels like Avatar fanfiction, with all the shipping and fanservice so far.

It feels the most like it's own show when it's somewhere in between, which for me, was the second and fourth episodes so far.
The problem with the pacing is that the show doesn't have a lot of time for breather episodes so everyone can catch their breath. Next season is getting more eps, so it should be a bit calmer.
Also I think a factor in the whole shipping thing is that these characters are older than the last time around. They're more prone to having a relationship and wanting to be in a relationship.

And really, I hope it calms down. I HATE love triangles, so that whole situation irks me. Half of that situation appears to have been wrapped up, which hopefully it remains that way.

Naga is still my complete love, as is Pabu.
I honestly don't think it's good. I think it's a lazy, easy way to create drama. It's lame.

And that is also why I will probably never be a good writer.
Nothing wrong with easy, as long as it works. And hard to say if it works at this point, since all they've done is establish that it really is a triangle while getting rid of the easy "Everybody wins!" solution.
I still don't want there to be any relationship at all yet. I want more an each character first. Meh, I dunno, I think I just want to get to know the characters better before they hop into a relationship.

But seriously, I adore this series and trust Mike and Bryan with all my heart. I'm not really worried about this series - I know it's going to continue being amazing.

And if they don't make a soundtrack for this (Boo on nick for not making one of Last Airbender) I will be so upset! The music in this show is glorious, I can't get enough of it.
Them hopping into a love triangle without a ton of character building has more to do with accelerated pacing than anything. At some point, they're going to have to slow down. Hopefully by tomorrow
Oh, I know it has to do with the shorter time frame with which they have to tell this grand story. And I get it's all about building tension. Still doesn't change my opinion on how I feel about it though.
I think it's a method of putting an unbelievable amount of pressure on Korra.

All she wanted was to get out of the South Pole, and almost immediately:

- She's flummoxed by ongoing airbender training;
- She's recruited into a probending team;
- She's caught in a civil war between benders and non-benders;
- She gives a press conference wherein the press assumes she'll be taking on the Equalists AND Triple Triad;
- She's coerced into an anti-equalist task force by Tarlok; and
- She's in a love triangle with Mako and Bolin.

Girl's under a HUGE amount of stress, and we've already seen that her every move in ANY of these tasks can drastically affect the others (ie. Skipping probending practices because of task force duties).

Adding relationship stress to the mix can only make it harder. I look forward to another breakdown like the one they built up to in A Voice in The Dark. Reacting realistically to all that stress, fear and uncertainty for the first time was the first time I gave a shit about Korra as a character. Made her seem like a human and not just like the Avatar.
It seems like Lin is the ONLY cop in the city worth a damn. The other "elite" Metalbenders went down like chumps, while Lin took out like 6 of them by herself. I'm not sure she's involved anymore, but they still kinda suck.

Also, they have a fucking airship. HOW DO YOU HIDE THAT IN A CITY!?
It seems like Lin is the ONLY cop in the city worth a damn. The other "elite" Metalbenders went down like chumps, while Lin took out like 6 of them by herself. I'm not sure she's involved anymore, but they still kinda suck.

Also, they have a fucking airship. HOW DO YOU HIDE THAT IN A CITY!?
They might have sneaked onto one of the police airships. Anyway I'm superglad we finally got to see Lin in action because holy shit does she kick ass. This was definitely the episode that got me the most pumped so far.