[TV] The Walking Dead

I'm all for keeping a band of survivors but at some point you'll need to listen and learn. If you're going to noob it up, I'm leaving you behind because quite frankly I need more than "knowing how to wash clothes" to feed 2 mouths who DON'T LISTEN.
-is disappointed the series started up at the quality it left off at rather than the quality the series started at.

Also, let me also chime in about those fucking commercials. Fuck.
You sure Frankie? I easily felt that was the best episode of the series. Hard to tell with the breaks but as a fluid watch (just downloaded it and rewatched it interrupt free) it's quality is way beyond.
I can't agree, I thought the pilot was brilliant and engrossing. Maybe it was the bad taste the ending of last season left in my mouth but I just wasn't into it like I was at the start of last season.
Honestly, I never count pilots vs regular episodes. They're meant to be "movie" quality and be "more than great" to get green lit for a series.
I thought the episode has a decent quality but the retarded amount of commercials broke the flow of the show. Many people have complained about that (here and elsewhere from what I read already). Also, fuck stupid little girls who run in forests. All she needed was a red cape and basket.

I like the show a LOT till they were forced to create a "rescue party". Though I liked the bit about the church and I guess moved the "love triangle" along a bit.

I also thought the whole 5 minutes of cutting in a zombie's stomach was a bit needless but hey, I though it was somewhat interesting they were... thorough.

And I thought the season finale was great. Especially the last 10 minutes where they showed the "events" with the cool music and the "countdown" where they talked and begged while for 2 minutes the redneck kept going at it against the door like a fly against a mirror.

The only episode that was average was perhaps S1E5 mostly because it felt horribly dragged out.
Enjoyed the episode. Astounded at the number of commercials. AMC better smarten up about that - they're ruining a really good show just to make a buck on the advertising.
I think they're trying to make up for the issues with the budget cuts. Sadly, due to this, I will not be watching them as they air, and instead getting them in full HD and interruption free an hour after showing.
I think they're trying to make up for the issues with the budget cuts. Sadly, due to this, I will not be watching them as they air, and instead getting them in full HD and interruption free an hour after showing.
Zombie movies used to be pretty low budget. I'd be curious to see where they're spending their money.
Just finished it on my DVR. I didn't even notice how many commercials were shown, so I recommend that approach for you guys if possible.

Great episode. Loved it from start to finish.
Added at: 23:15
On Mad Men.
Pretty much. Matthew Weiner is a fucking asshole, and I wish AMC had told him to go suck a bag of dicks.

Philosopher B.

I really dug on this episode for the most part. This review (chock-a-block with SPOILERS, obviously) summed it up pretty well.

Also, Lori: You go girl!

Jay said:
Ripping one's hand on a car door like a fucken noob and I mean ripping the flesh from top to bottom.
The thing that got me about that moment was how fast it was. I looked away from the TV screen for a second, and there he was, spurting like a fountain. It was definitely a bit ridiculous, but then that dude has been unlucky and clumsy in the past (what with losing the key and all).
The commercials weren't an issue for me since I 'legally obtained' the episode.

That said, I think the problem with it was that it was just incredibly slow paced. You had a great opening 20-30 minutes with the herd and the last 5-10 minutes were great. Though I admit, I saw Carl getting shot a billion miles away. Soon as it was Shane, Carl and Rick, I thought "Yep, Carl's eating a stray hunter's bullet." The deer confirmed it.

I don't really think Sophia is a bad character. She's just underdeveloped. Right now, she's the terrified little girl. And really, what else would or could she have done aside from run down that hill? She was surrounded by those walkers on the road.

Overall, though? Yeah, it was good. It just wasn't great, in my opinion. Mostly for the pacing issues. The stomach-opening scene was neat but kind of unnecessary. What did they expect to find that would confirm it was Sophia? A bit of purple cloth?
Actually, as someone who's read the comic, I thought something entirely different was going to happen when it was just Rick, Carl, and Shane... but yeah, once the deer showed up it was obvious what would happen.

As for Sophia... she's not really all that developed in the comic ether. She kinda seems like someone who occasionally plays with Carl and that's it. But then again, considering all that's happened that may make sense.
Awesome start to season two.

I thought the stomach search was suspenseful. Yeah they didn't find anything in there but they could have. How nasty would it have been if they'd found the little girl's fingers or something in there. Plus it establishes that the survivors are starting to shift further into the 'these are things/animals not people' point of view.

Also, DVR yo, commercials are so passe.

All in all, I am still hooked and can't wait until next week.
Actually, as someone who's read the comic, I thought something entirely different was going to happen when it was just Rick, Carl, and Shane... but yeah, once the deer showed up it was obvious what would happen.

As for Sophia... she's not really all that developed in the comic ether. She kinda seems like someone who occasionally plays with Carl and that's it. But then again, considering all that's happened that may make sense.
It thought something different would happen too, but I had also seen previews for the second episode so I suspect that particular event will happen further into the season. By the way, it looks like Rick finally has the ubiquitous hatchet.

Comic Spoiler
In the comic, Carl learns to fend for himself and survive. Sophia doesn't acquire any survival skills and just freaks out whenever there's trouble.
Next week I'll probably DVR it and watch Boardwalk Empire that plays at the same time. When both shows end at 10, I'll switch over to the Walking Dead and fast-forward past the commercial-fest I had to endure last night to save time.
Actually, as someone who's read the comic, I thought something entirely different was going to happen when it was just Rick, Carl, and Shane... but yeah, once the deer showed up it was obvious what would happen.

As for Sophia... she's not really all that developed in the comic ether. She kinda seems like someone who occasionally plays with Carl and that's it. But then again, considering all that's happened that may make sense.
Carl didn't have a gun but I thought at one point he would have - which definitely had different expectations. That said, what happened to him is from the comics.
I could see Carl getting the smaller gun that Daryl found. It's in his mom's possession right now, too.
In the comics he uses an old Peacemaker, but that little Saturday Night Special on the show makes a bit more sense: It's cheap, easy to use, and nothing to worry about if it gets lost.
Gryfter, I agree. Great start to season two. It follows the comic to a point where you have a good idea where they are going but varies from it just enough to keep you wondering what will happen next. Sunday night is my favorite television night. Dexter at 8 and The Walking Dead at 9:30. Now if FX would move American Horror Story to Sunday at 7 my life would be complete.
Did anyone catch the preview to Hell on Wheels? A&E you haven't steered me wrong yet. I'll give it a shot.
Yeah, I couldn't believe the number of commercial breaks. I swear some of them were longer than the segments inbetween, too.
Also, I thought most of the cast stepped up their performance, except for Andrea, who was every bit as bad as she was last season, if not worse.
I don't like Andrea too much in the show, but they changed her quite a bit. She's supposed to be a twenty-something law clerk. She's well into her thirties in the show.
Its the alternating between extreme overacting or not emoting at all that bothers me, not necessarily the changes they made to her character.
I agree, I'm not overly fond of her character. I don't think it's fair though as I'm not fond of any character with no survival skills and do stupid shit... like "try to put a gun back together for the first time" while a zombie is on the other side of the plastic door.

My favorite character by far is the redneck from Boondock Saints. He seemed a lot more... subdued this past episode but he's still entertaining to say the least. And I want me one of those x-bows.
I agree, I'm not overly fond of her character. I don't think it's fair though as I'm not fond of any character with no survival skills and do stupid shit... like "try to put a gun back together for the first time" while a zombie is on the other side of the plastic door.

My favorite character by far is the redneck from Boondock Saints. He seemed a lot more... subdued this past episode but he's still entertaining to say the least. And I want me one of those x-bows.
So what you're saying is:
My current favorite character? Daryl of course. That's exactly what your ass needs to be like in this apocalypse.


Staff member
I've been pleasantly surprised with how they have distanced themselves from the plot of the comic, while still keeping in the general plot.

Also Daryl is pretty awesome.
I think the only reason Daryl seems awesome is because he's stopped being an asshole. Say what you will about his skills, but people that can't get along with others generally don't last long in groups and going solo is almost suicide if you can be attacked at any time. So he ether let go or wised up enough to stop rocking the boat.

I still think he's going to ditch everyone once he hears from his brother, if not sooner. They never found the body, so he's almost assuredly alive still.
I liked him better when he was being a total douche-bag though... brought some nice conflict and tension to the group....
I think they are downplaying him ATM so they can focus on the Shane-Lori-Rick situation. I was legitimately surprised when he helped T-Dog, considering T-Dog is the reason why his brother lost his arm to begin with. It would have been the perfect situation to let him die... and considering he doesn't exactly bring much to the plot or group, I'm not sure why their keeping him on as a character, except maybe to die at the hands of Merle when he eventually comes back.