Girl Genius General Purpose Thread

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Well if she's Barry's kid then she's a Hetrodyne, which is a bad build.

If she's Serpentine's kid then that makes her at least a half sibling of what's-his-name.

Man, this story's going all over the place in this chapter. Everybody's been diseased, cured, knocked out, woken up, knocked out again. Plans have changed upteen times. Agatha went Super-Saiyan once. Lucrecia has been released 2 times. It's just chaos to the point of "Get over with it already!".
I am definitely leaning towards Zola being a Mongfish. But I still have not let go of the possibility that Barry could be the father. Of course now I am wondering it Theo's dad could be the father since he married Serpentina but than again I have been wondering if Lucifer Mongfish may not have had more kids than what has been listed so far. Of course it has been stated that the Mongfish are very gifted when it comes to biology so Zola may have been created in the lab or something like that for all we know. On a side not I have had a weird thought what if Lucrezia/The Other gets transferred out of Agatha and inside the Castle?

So do you think Lucrezia/The Other is going to duplicate her mind into Zola's or is she simply going to do a straight transfer?
She's probably going to do a straight transfer. She already knows that Agatha can fight her, so she probably wants to abandon that body as quickly as she can.
I saw a post on another board that gave me an idea

What if Lucrezia/The Other transfers Agatha's mind into Zola? And if Lucrezia/ The Other does transfer Agatha's mind into Zola I wonder if Agatha would have any trouble completely over power Zola's mind. Also I was just had a interesting thought. If Agatha did get transferred over to Zola and Lucrezia/The Other left to do her own stuff than as long as she didn't destroy the mind transfer machine before she left they could do some swapping of their own. Anyways thinking down that line of thought made me start to think of what would be the weirdest places for them to transfer everyone's minds around. Of course I had the thought of Krosp getting transferred into one of the fun-sized mobile agony and death dispensers. But I also had the interesting thought of what would happen if they Transferred Agatha's mind into the Castle?

I was thinking from what we have seen of Lucrezia it seems like it she (or at least part of her) has been planning this whole thing from the beginning. Now in today's comic she mentions the wretched locket. So we can assume she has seen it before. Now earlier when Agatha had a dream about receiving the locket she was told it had belonged to her mother. So I started wondering if the locket could have been used to suppress Lucrezia's evil tendencies or something like that. And maybe Barry made some changes that made it suppress Agatha's spark. And later when the locket got broken and Klaus ended up with it we saw him working on it. That may indicate he knew what it was for or at least have an idea. But none the less when Klaus was working on it he could have reset it to it's original function which is why it suppressed Lucreazia when Agatha had put the locket back on.
It's a thought. I'm of the belief that Lucrezia has been plotting this from the get-go, and that her marriage to Bill was a sham from the start (based on flashbacks with her and Wulfenbach) that was intended to get her access to the castle and the potential of a suitable blood relative that could be used as a host for her. Agatha's brother (Klaus) was born, and something likely happened during her experiments with mind transference. Klaus was killed or put in a state that was irreversible. But she was discovered by some of the Hetrodynes attendants. This forced her to move ahead with her plans earlier than she originally intended. She started the war and at some point had Agatha. Whether she was already pregnant with Agatha, or she and Bill had a fling later on despite their sides in the war isn't certain really. But Bill and Barry caught on to the plan, and have been doing whatever they can to stop it by hiding Agatha and giving her defenses against it.
Maybe Lucrezia was affected by a mind transfer machine herself at a early age and the locket was given to her in order to suppress The Other. She may not have even know that she was possessed. Her father (or someone) could have given her a locket from the get go so that the Other would remain suppressed until a desirable time arose. If you remember the flash back scene with Lucrezia and Klaus she had a necklace on than as well. Now I am not completely disregarding the chance that Lucrezia has been planning this all along but I am saying I think there is a strong possibility that she may have actually planned on going clean but her family had the plans. Now if you recall Klaus had said that the Others work was far beyond Lucrezias abilities but the underlying principles where the same. Now also remember that they hinted that a sparks style could run in the family. So the Mongfish could be servants are at least transfer devices for The Other or possibly one of their ancestors could have been the original Other and has been being carried on to the next generation through the mind transfer device. Of course I am still leaning to the other being an entity from the future or maybe another dimension but I have no proof to support that theory except possibly the Dragon From Mars story but than again that could have just been nothing more than a story and no hints were intended.
I thought of that myself and granted it could be a huge whole in the theory (but be warned I am not saying I believe these theories are teh only possible answers I am just throwing out ideas as they come to me) But still Lucrezia may not have recognized the device as the same locket/device (seeing as how she didn't open it to view the mechanics of it) now it could have been that she simply thought it was a common necklace (since they stated at one point that a lot of people where the same design) also the Heterodyne boys could have found Lucrezia's old locket and redesigned it to look like an ordinary locket so Agatha would be that much more inconspicuous.

Also I would like to restate that I am not saying I believe this theory or any of my other theories to be the only possible answer. I am simply laying out different theories I have as they come to me and many if not all will probably be proven wrong as new information trickles out. And as they are I will change my theories to reflect the information as it becomes available. The only reason I post the theories I have is so that other people can offer there two cents on them and blow holes in them when need be. They exist for no other reason than to offer some discussion and to let our brains (mine included) run in absurd directions and try to reach strange new paths that we may not have reached without having open discussions on theories no matter how far fetched they seem.

I love the look on Tarvek's face when he realized that everyone else went for a better gun/option. On a side not do you think Zola knew that the Gun was there cause she saw it or do you think she pulled the memories of it's location from Lucrezia/The Other?

Hmmm, I have to wonder why Zola took the gun as well. Part of me thinks she may still have feelings for Gil and has plans for him and the gun (
) but maybe she just likes it for the scare factor.
I find the newest strip to be interesting. Von Pinn has actually HELPED Agatha.
Technically, I think she always had to. Agatha is still technically under her charge and she HAS to protect anyone the Baron asks her to, even if Agatha has done her damnedest to get away.

I wonder if the new Dingbot will use any technology from Lucrezia/The Other. Lucrezia/The Other did say that Agatha was reaching into her mind and pulling out her secrets.
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