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Yeah. That was out of the blue for their characters and completely unnecessary, uncalled for and clearly just put in to garner some controversy and thus free pubicity.
umm, no it wasn't. Way back in the first half of season 1 Santana says "sex isn't dating" to which Brittney charms in with "If it were Santana and I would be dating." Awkward looks are shared all around and conversation moves forward. (specific episode is Sectionals).
Yeah. That was out of the blue for their characters and completely unnecessary, uncalled for and clearly just put in to garner some controversy and thus free pubicity.
umm, no it wasn't. Way back in the first half of season 1 Santana says "sex isn't dating" to which Brittney charms in with "If it were Santana and I would be dating." Awkward looks are shared all around and conversation moves forward. (specific episode is Sectionals).[/QUOTE]

Hm. I don't remember that.
To be fair to the show, they showed the emotional consequence of sex via Arnie and Brittney VERY well. Plus they brought back the Kurt hitting on whatshisname stuff and really, REALLY dealt with it well. I was very impressed with a lot of that episode. It was very good.
Duets was the best episode so far but I have to be honest, I am getting really tired of the show closing with a Rachel song. WTF, is it in her contract that she gets to sing a show tune at the end of every episode?
Duets was the best episode so far but I have to be honest, I am getting really tired of the show closing with a Rachel song. WTF, is it in her contract that she gets to sing a show tune at the end of every episode?
I love Rachel's voice but she does sing too much. They were saying, though... that Rachel will be singing less often and everyone else will be singing a bit more. they're also trying to develop the really minor characters more.


Staff member
Dunno about this episode, it had good/great moments, but it somehow felt... "not right" like... if it was somehow broken. I can't put my finger on it.

Still, it was nice to see Mike Chang "singing".


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Halloween episode was fun, had great musical numbers, and shirtless scenes of 3 males! =D

also, it completely failed to advance the plot whatsover


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But Kurt as Riff Raff? Perfect! He had the look and the sound. Too bad the non-RHPS parts were so weak.


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But Kurt as Riff Raff? Perfect! He had the look and the sound. Too bad the non-RHPS parts were so weak.
You forgot the scenes where we see Finn and Sam abs (neither are songs), and also Sue's Corner, that one was awesome, If I had kids I would follow her advice.


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I guess I'm not as into the abs of people portraying teenage boys. I guess that comes from my not being a gay man. :p
But Kurt as Riff Raff? Perfect! He had the look and the sound. Too bad the non-RHPS parts were so weak.
Also too bad that when they did "Time Warp" that they let Flinn sing what is supposed to be Riff-Raff's lines - I wanted to see what Kurt could do with that.


Staff member
I guess I'm not as into the abs of people portraying teenage boys. I guess that comes from my not being a gay man. :p
I really want to say that when you are closer to be 30, than you are closer to be a minor, people not only have the right but the duty to ignore the role you are in. Really, Cory can't pass as someone who is 21, much less 16-17.


Staff member
Okay, how's about this?

I guess I'm not as into the abs of men. I guess that comes from my not being a gay man.
I actually meant to post about the most recent episode. I'd love to hear your thoughts GL. Personally I thought it took any subtlety and nuance/realism in how they have dealt with Kurt and his struggles and just threw it all right out the window. It was like a cheesy, bad after school special. I think they could have done a lot better. The songs weren't half bad though, except for the awful Kate Perry song. That was just terrible.
I was annoyed that the girls mashup took two awesome songs that would have been great on their own and made sure we would never hear solo versions of them.

The bits with Puck and Artie were hilarious, and Sue continues to be the best part of the show.


Staff member
I actually meant to post about the most recent episode. I'd love to hear your thoughts GL. Personally I thought it took any subtlety and nuance/realism in how they have dealt with Kurt and his struggles and just threw it all right out the window. It was like a cheesy, bad after school special. I think they could have done a lot better. The songs weren't half bad though, except for the awful Kate Perry song. That was just terrible.
Dunno dude, after a lifetime of never seeing the issue in tV, I don't really care that much about sublety... It did bother me some lack of realism, mostly Blaine and Kurt walking holding hands (that is not only unrealistic between two people that never met, but somehow... impratical way of running, imagined if someone trip... well I got distracted).

Also, where is Mercedes?? I don't think Kurt should have told her about the bully, but they should had at least ONE scene in this episode, even if was a out of character scene where she dismiss his problems or something.

I din't liked any of the musics in this episode, mostly it was "warm" I guess, not really terrible, but could have been a lot better.

I am not entirely sure how to feel about the bully and the kiss, besides thinking that it was probably was the most traumatic first kiss in the history of television.
I get what you are saying, I'm only speaking of subtlty in a storytelling way, it felt like they got lazy and just resorted to cliches to tell Kurt's story. I think his character deserves better than that kind of hamfisted storytelling.


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Oh, I wanted to ask you guys something that is a rather a strong point of debate in another forum.

What you guys think about Kurt telling Blaine about Karkofsky? Many think that it was dangerous and essencially a outing of a guy who is too scared deep in the closet and sort of a betrayal (one poster went as far as saying that the last locker pushing was deserved) others don't even see a problem at all.

Me: I think it was wrong... but not maliciously wrong, just something stupid that a kid would do after a traumatic incident... not the best, but somehow the "human" reaction to it. =P
Oh, I wanted to ask you guys something that is a rather a strong point of debate in another forum.

What you guys think about Kurt telling Blaine about Karkofsky? Many think that it was dangerous and essencially a outing of a guy who is too scared deep in the closet and sort of a betrayal (one poster went as far as saying that the last locker pushing was deserved) others don't even see a problem at all.

Me: I think it was wrong... but not maliciously wrong, just something stupid that a kid would do after a traumatic incident... not the best, but somehow the "human" reaction to it. =P
They didn't really "out" him, though with how scared he obviously was, they shouldn't have done that in a public place. They were trying to reach out to him, but he obviously wasn't ready for it. That he continues to shove Kurt just shows he's still turning to anger and violence to deny it.
I can't help but think that I really liked this last episode because Rachael was barely in it.

She is really getting tiresome.


Staff member
Oh, I wanted to ask you guys something that is a rather a strong point of debate in another forum.

What you guys think about Kurt telling Blaine about Karkofsky? Many think that it was dangerous and essencially a outing of a guy who is too scared deep in the closet and sort of a betrayal (one poster went as far as saying that the last locker pushing was deserved) others don't even see a problem at all.

Me: I think it was wrong... but not maliciously wrong, just something stupid that a kid would do after a traumatic incident... not the best, but somehow the "human" reaction to it. =P
They didn't really "out" him, though with how scared he obviously was, they shouldn't have done that in a public place. They were trying to reach out to him, but he obviously wasn't ready for it. That he continues to shove Kurt just shows he's still turning to anger and violence to deny it.[/QUOTE]

Well, "out" is also used as any instance where a person finds out about another person sexuality, it doesn't really needs to be "out to everyone".

But yeah, the conducted that poorly.

I can't help but think that I really liked this last episode because Rachael was barely in it.

She is really getting tiresome.
I have a friend that somehow manages to like her. I just don't understand.

I wonder if she is going to take a more important role in the next episodes, since the early season was just about Kurt or other minor characters


Staff member
So... mostly, this episode somehow lived up to his title, it really felt like a subistute, I don't remember any of it's songs right after they are sung, and... a tots storyline? seriously?

I think that the only things that are really good about it are "a little purse fell from my mouth" and brittany thinking that the broccoli was a little tree where gummie bears lived in.
Sue, always great. Mike and Shue's dance number was excellent. Gweneth Paltrow was smoking hot in Singing in the Rain.


Staff member
Aside from certain moments in episodes, Glee has been getting worse and worse. This last one was terrible. Including the Singing in the Rain rap number. God awful.


Staff member
Well, next week we meet Sue's mom, at least that should be fun.

also, is Kurt and Blaine together or what???


Also Karsofsky winking at Kurt in one scene, and threating of death in the other, what is up with that?
Sue, always great. Mike and Shue's dance number was excellent. Gweneth Paltrow was smoking hot in Singing in the Rain.
Sue was great. The producers number Mike and Shue did was also awesome. And there is nothing smoking, nor hot about Gweneth "boring as hell" Paltrow. Although I did actually really like that number.
You know, last season had a very clear arc that every episode moved forward, so even if an individual episode didn't have everything you wanted at least it moved the story forward. This season seems like it's been a series of filler episodes, some meh, some okay, but who knows what the overall arc is supposed to be. It seems like it's very similar to last season but it hasn't moved forward since the first episode of the season.
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