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It was another bang up show for Mr Sheuster. Trying to score drugs AND trying to destroy another human being.


Are the writers trying to make him as unlikeable as possible?

And Calleja, I don't expect characters to be "perfect and nice" to be likable. Hell, I LOVE Sue Sylvester. Mr Shue is shaping up to just be a horrible person.

Oh, and his ex-wife macking on a 16 year old? Maybe they were the perfect couple.
My thoughts:

ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST- I don't understand why that scared the kids in New Directions so much. It wasn't a very good rendition and the choreography was not impressive at all. They should have just been relieved. They pulled off MC Hammer more impressively than that!

QUINN CALLING MERCEDES OUT ON HER RACISM- It was only a slight comment, but I still liked Quinn calling her on it. But then she had to go and try and make the case that being pregnant= being black. And I'm pretty sure that's not correct.

THE PREGNANT LADY SONG- It was too awkward to watch, but it sounded pretty great, I have to say.

LOSER- Why'd they stop it after like 20seconds? Didn't they used to sing entire songs on this show at one point?

YAY! SANDY'S BACK!- Yay! Sandy's back!

SHUE/SUE- That was Disturbing. Also Mr. Shue is kind really a dick now. When did that happen?

THE FINAL NUMBER- That's was worth watching the rest of this episode for.
I have to admit, I liked Mr. Shue leading Sue on, I mean, she's deserved something like that for a long time (even if she didn't learn a thing from it). I still wish they'd have done the whole Loser song, though, Finn and Puck were doing a great job on it (the Marky Mark song was pretty hilariously awesome, though).

Philosopher B.

Okay, I have to officially approve of this episode, because they saved the ultimate pinnacle of funk for last. It's kind of a shame they don't have
anybody who can do the bass-tastic awesomeness of Ray Davis' intro proper justice, but aside from that they did a good job. Only thing that would've made it more awesome is if they'd had Bootsy hats and some sheets and diapers, lol.

Like Gryfter, I found the pregnant number hilarious. Plus it resulted in hugz!

'Good Vibrations' was hilarious. It was a perfect fit with Mercedes, too. The 'Loser' segment was pure awesome even if it was cut short. :( Kinda got the feeling they wanted to have a little more of that, as they made a callback to that song later. Puck is still one of my favorite characters.

Now that they've done Marky Mark, Vanilla Ice, and MC Hammer on the show, though, what's left? Lol. I guess they still haven't done Tag Team. :p

Also, those last two lines were absolute gold.


Staff member
Hey, so who else loved when the guys wanted to punch the members of Vocal Adrenaline for egging Rachel?

also; They are doing "over the rainbow" :D
Well that Bohemian Rhapsody was like nails on a chalkboard, guess it was too much to ask to have Freddie Mercury arise from the earth and drag them all back into it to make it end?
Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad. He didn't really try to sing like Freddie but still had a voice that suited the song. It wasn't awesome, but it wasn't bad either.
Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad. He didn't really try to sing like Freddie but still had a voice that suited the song. It wasn't awesome, but it wasn't bad either.

I agree. I think bad Queen renditions come from people trying to sound like Freddie and nobody can sound like Freddie. He did his own thing with it, and it was good.

Absolutely, still not as good as Queen did it, but I mean, that's just an unreal expectation. It's Queen, fergodssake.

Now I'm done watching the whole episode, and it was great. Very happy with that as a season finale. I'll be coming back to this for season 2 for sure.
While the rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody was only so-so (and really how could it be anything but without Mr. Mercury), I thought the juxtaposition of it with Quinn giving birth was awesome. I especially liked when her outbursts mirrored the song lyrics.
It got a bit awkward with the "let me go"s, though... it was awesome the first two or three times but after that it seemed forced and... uncomfortable.
Loved the Journey medley. Queen had no soul, but the dude can sing. Also I love that version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

I liked this episode, all in all, great sendoff for season 1.


Staff member
I felt that was a dissapointment compared with "Sectionals", but I guess it is hard to be great as that episode. Still, It was good, if not great finale and most important gave us a point to return in season 2 (something that was the great weakness in this season)

Philosopher B.

While the rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody was only so-so (and really how could it be anything but without Mr. Mercury), I thought the juxtaposition of it with Quinn giving birth was awesome. I especially liked when her outbursts mirrored the song lyrics.
Childbirth and guitar solos are somehow frackin' awesome together!

I was really happy with the season finale, overall. They basically closed the whole thing out on one of my favorite songs, like, ever. :eek:

One thing I would like to see next season, is that Santana get more solos.


Staff member
While the rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody was only so-so (and really how could it be anything but without Mr. Mercury), I thought the juxtaposition of it with Quinn giving birth was awesome. I especially liked when her outbursts mirrored the song lyrics.
Childbirth and guitar solos are somehow frackin' awesome together!

I was really happy with the season finale, overall. They basically closed the whole thing out on one of my favorite songs, like, ever. :eek:
Very touching moment, like it should be. However I liked "To Sir, with love" better, mostly because I nearly at tears.

Philosopher B.

I was really happy with the season finale, overall. They basically closed the whole thing out on one of my favorite songs, like, ever. :eek:
Very touching moment, like it should be. However I liked "To Sir, with love" better, mostly because I nearly at tears.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got choked up during that number, too.

Also, loved Kurt's hat. :lol:


Staff member
I was really happy with the season finale, overall. They basically closed the whole thing out on one of my favorite songs, like, ever. :eek:
Very touching moment, like it should be. However I liked "To Sir, with love" better, mostly because I nearly at tears.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got choked up during that number, too.

Also, loved Kurt's hat. :lol:[/QUOTE]

heheh only kurt to use such thing xD


Staff member
Again my problem with that scene wasn't the dad or his reaction it's the fact that the straight kid was being pushed and pushed and pushed into this situation that in the best light was pretty horrible for him. Then he comes in and the other kid has totally changed everything to suit himself, not thinking in the least about anyone else. But because the straight kid snapped in frustration and anger he's painted as the bad guy. The other kid? He gets everything he wants because he's the sympathetic gay character. Even so much as the straight kid showing up later dressed like Gaga. What's the lesson here? Be a victim - it pays off.

I like the characters, but this sends the wrong message.


Staff member
He'd tried everything else. Kurt just wouldn't listen. Finn was placed in an extremely uncomfortable and awkward situation where he had to share a bedroom with a guy he knew had the hots for him. Remember, the kid is a high school kid, even if the actors aren't. He talked to everyone he could and got nowhere, he made his feelings known and they ignored him! Then he comes home to find his place turned into Elton John's dream room and it was the last straw. Yes, he knew those words were bad but he used them specifically to finally get his point across. He did, but not exactly in the way he'd intended.

In the end, the only person with no consequences who got everything he wanted was Kurt. Because he's the poor little gay victim. It just galls me that people acting the way he did got away with everything and is still looked at with pity. He doesn't need pity - he needs to be treated like everyone else.
I agree with Dave, I get "why" he used the words, but I'm with Ame, it doesn't excuse them, it does make me wish, SO FREAKING HARD, that he had yelled back at his new mom's f-buddy that he tried to tell them he didn't want this. When parents put their needs in front of their kids the kids always suffer. I get that the mom wanted to date. Nothing wrong with that. But forcing your 17 year old soon to LEAVE HIS HOUSE and move in with the kid who is in love with him??? WTH people. Parenting 101: You made the kids, take care of them, don't screw with their lives. Wait a year for him to move to college and then go do whatever you want. Jeeze.


Staff member
My sister did the same thing with my two nephews. Not quite to that extent, but fairly close. She sold her house and moved the three of them into her new man's house...where they were promptly beaten down verbally if not physically. They never measured up to his biological kids, especially his son who could do no wrong. So what did they do? They stayed out late at night, got into trouble and got juvenile records - all just to stay away from this guy. My sister? Did little to nothing.

So yeah, I feel for this kid.
Take the Kurt angle out then, and it's still a TERRIBLE idea. As you said, his frustration would be totally valid.

Not that that means its ok for him to use those words. It still isn't.


No big, chief. We know we have to accommodate for your failing eyesight.
The eyesight is easy, he just has the font on the biggest setting and uses one of those magnifying glass software things...

it's the SENILITY we have to be extra careful about.

I just started watching it, and holy, is it a ton of FUN!

It was so freaking hard to find a DVD Boxset here in Germany.

Philosopher B.

Can't wait for it to come back.

Can't say I'm as thrilled about Britney though, lol.
Oh noes! The main character is white! RACIST!
OMG the black person likes R&B! That's RACIST!

Really? That's his argument?
You know who's prejudiced? That writer is.
That was written with some heavy bias and preconceived notions (and conjecture) in mind.

I can't believe I read that entire piece of crap.
Seriously, that's all you got out of it? Not that the show continuously features the white characters more prominently than the various minorities and then tries to write that off as a "lie" told by Sue?

Glee isn't a horribly racist show, by modern TV standards. (Which is to say, modern TV is collectively pretty racist, and Glee is only slightly better). The author didn't call the show out as being horribly racist. He called it out for disingenuously trying to seem all diverse when it fact, it's just as bad as everything else.

No, no single TV show is racist just because it has a white main character. And the fact that the black girl likes R&B doesn't either. But 90+% of prime-time protagonists are white, and most non-white characters are defined by their stereotypical non-white characters. That IS a racist phenomenon, regardless of what "intent" is behind it. It collectively sends the message to non-white people that their stories are not important. This has measurable results.[/i] Dismissing that makes the situation worse.

Glee does a lot of good things as a show. For one thing, it at the very least HAS a bunch of token characters, giving them some measure of visibility. But the major issue (with the Sue episode in particular) is that it paints this picture of Sue Sylvester and says "this is what racist bigotry looks like, see how ugly it is!?" and gives itself points for being diverse and progressive. When in fact, it is the institutionalized, invisible racism that is the biggest problem nowadays. It allows Mr. Shue to focus on the white kids without ever really questioning it. It allows hollywood executives (or, [url=]anyone offering a job, period) to give roles to white people over black people and honestly believe they are looking for "the best skills" (when a double blind test reveals that to be false). It allows characters like Mercedes to be defined almost ENTIRELY by stereotypes. It doesn't matter that she happens to like R&B music. It does matter that she rarely gets a storyline that doesn't hinge on her being either black or fat.

I will note that I think a big problem is that in America, Racism™ has become this big, cardinal sin that no one can admit to without looking and feeling like a horrible person. It's great that we've come so far that racism of the Sue Sylvester type is punished so aggressively, rather than accepted as the status quo. But plenty of discrimination still exists, and it won't go away unless people can admit to it without being ostracized. (We might need a word other than "racism," since it already has so much baggage. Dunno).
It's so racist to have a tv show with characters mean to identify with 75% of the country.:rolleyes:

Seriously though, I think some people confuse trying to appeal to the majority of people with racist. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be more minority leads on shows and that white people can't identify with minorities, but the casual way racist is thrown around is kind of... crazy.

Now that being said, the show is hardly some saint of diversity and tolerance, and it is silly for them to play that up.
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