[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Sorry you have to go through this frank, I hope it isn't mrsa. But whatever it is they've got great treatments for it and other similar infections. Hang in there and know we are all pulling for your speedy recovery.

When my niece dealt with mrsa in the bone she did have to be admitted several times for days at a time over three months before they finally knocked it out of her system. It's incredibly frustrating, but you'll get there.
My doctor screwed up my pain med prescription two visits ago and halved it. I was pissed and ointes it out to him. He said he was sorry and fixed it.

Not so much. I dropped it off to be filled and my husband picked it up. I assumed that it was maybe a day early or something. They're stingy as hell here. Nope, he made the same damn mistake again and I'm out completely for the week. Idiot on the phone is like try an after hour clinic. Yeah, they don't give out pain meds. I have the option of using my old pain meds that helped cause seratonin syndrome or I go without and don't get to walk this week. No quality of life either this week.

The BS they put us through infuriates me.
I've found "is there anything I could do, or stop doing, to help?" to be a decent catch-all.
But there might actually be something I could do! And I don't work with her close enough for there to be anything that I could stop doing that would help. Mostly, I just see her at the end of the day.
But there might actually be something I could do! And I don't work with her close enough for there to be anything that I could stop doing that would help. Mostly, I just see her at the end of the day.
You don't have to fix everything. Sometimes all people need is someone to acknowledge that their situation sucks.
Obviously the infection isn't that worrying to them. They said the antibiotics are working and the surgery to clean it out is just a precaution.

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You don't have to fix everything. Sometimes all people need is someone to acknowledge that their situation sucks.
Aye. That's my approach.

Although it's more because I don't want to have to fix anything, which leaves me no other option beyond acknowledging that their situation sucks.

Frank, your situation sucks, man.
Who is they? Is this just local incompetence or a bigger issue? Not having the meds you need is really terrible. Sorry to hear it.
They is the medical profession in general. I was threatened, interrogated and humiliated at my first pain clinic appointment.

I am constantly harassed about needing pain meds but they won't speed up the MRI I need. I'm about eleven months in to my twenty four month wait. Five years ago, both SI joints were equally damaged, now one is way worse and we need to know why. I have asked to have my SI joint surgically fused but they refuse. It's fusing on its own which is horribly painful and could take ages.

They never just fill a pain med prescription for me. It's always a hassle, I never get enough for more than a week or two and I always have to call multiple times and essentially beg. I hate it. I have never abused my prescriptions or sold them or whatever else they are afraid people will do. I had to get permission to pick up my patches a day early so I could attend my grandfather's funeral without transferring my prescription. It's embarrassing.

All of this could have been avoided if they had just taken my pain seriously a decade ago and treated my disease then rather than just treating the pain.

This has been going on for years, I'm not sure why I'm more upset about it now than I've been before.
Got a concrete date. Wednesday. I could have just been going to my local hospital this whole time for antibiotics. Again, anyone that says hospitals are desperate to kick you out, I have contrary anecdotal evidence.

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Got a concrete date. Wednesday. I could have just been going to my local hospital this whole time for antibiotics. Again, anyone that says hospitals are desperate to kick you out, I have contrary anecdotal evidence.

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
When I had an allergic reaction to combined drugs last may (memorial day weekend) they wanted to keep me until Tuesday to run some tests on my heart, even though a dose of liquid benadryl cleared up all the symptoms, my blood work, chest x-ray, and blood 02 level did not indicate cardiac problems, and I was fine. I left Sunday afternoon instead (I'd gone to the ER at 6:30am because starting at 3:30am-ish, I'd started having symptoms of what I thought was a heart attack; however the hives on my arms and chest indicated an allergic reaction).


Staff member
Fridge died. It's 10 years old, which is still on the young side for a refrigerator... Some quick research shows me average life expectancy for a fridge is 14-17 years.

I could probably fix it. But then it might be better just to get a new one.
Fridge died. It's 10 years old, which is still on the young side for a refrigerator... Some quick research shows me average life expectancy for a fridge is 14-17 years.

I could probably fix it. But then it might be better just to get a new one.
Mine's 10 years old also, it seems like I just paid her off yesterday. I will be greatly saddened when she passes.
There is a member of my lab that is so damned irritating. Being thorough and thoughtful about science is great, but being so flipping nit-picky about how each step is done is so damned ridiculous. She is a slave to protocol, and will not change it unless it comes from my PI. Even though she is older than me and has at 10 more years of experience, she knows very little outside of the stuff we do in this lab. Also, her culture believes that younger people should respect their elders. Which I guess in her mind means I should do what she tells me to do.

Since joining the lab, I've made changes to the established protocols in the lab b/c I actually consult with experts who know more than me and ask their opinion. My lab mate will not listen. This person just says, "This is the way we do it in our lab. We've published multiple papers using this protocol."

One of the assays that my lab has tried doing for the last 7+ years only works ~5% of the time. I hate wasting time doing something that is likely to fail. So, what did I do? I went and found a damned expert for that assay and asked their opinion. Turns out we were using decade old knowledge, and no one has thought to update the friggin protocol. After that meeting, the person in my lab said she doesn't believe it.

On top of that, she is computer illiterate. It's like having my mom in the lab, and asking for help to align some DNA sequences or "Where do I find my IP?"



Staff member
UPS guy just kinda strolled into my office just now, had me sign for an envelope (that was for the GM anyway).

Kinda disconcerting, given that to do that, he had to go through a door marked "EMPLOYEES ONLY" rather than ringing the bell on the receptionist's window sill and waiting for her to come up and attend to him.

UPS guy.png


Staff member
Receptionist went to the bathroom? Otherwise I got nothing.
Well, yeah, she wasn't at her desk at that moment. But that's why the bell is on the window. So he can ring it and wait to be helped.

Not ignore it and walk through a door marked "Employees only." Then walk down a hall, turn a corner, walk down another hall, and then go into the first office you find.
First World Problem: I cashed some checks at the drive through teller. He gave me a $100 bill. Like WTF?! where can I spend this damned thing?!

Also I think it was the first C-Note I've seen in 15 years.


Staff member
First World Problem: I cashed some checks at the drive through teller. He gave me a $100 bill. Like WTF?! where can I spend this damned thing?!

Also I think it was the first C-Note I've seen in 15 years.
I assume anyone who carries more than $20 in actual paper cash is doing so to buy drugs, personally. I can't think of any other reason when even literally the air pump at my local gas station accepts cards.
I assume anyone who carries more than $20 in actual paper cash is doing so to buy drugs, personally. I can't think of any other reason when even literally the air pump at my local gas station accepts cards.
I used to pay for my college tuition by withdrawing the full amount in cash from the bank, stuffing it in my coat pocket, and walking to the school's bursar (20~ min). I didn't want to pay the 1-3% fee for using debit/credit, and I didn't have a checkbook until my last year there.


Staff member
I used to pay for my college tuition by withdrawing the full amount in cash from the bank, stuffing it in my coat pocket, and walking to the school's bursar (20~ min). I didn't want to pay the 1-3% fee for using debit/credit, and I didn't have a checkbook until my last year there.
That's bizarre because it's beyond trivial to get a checkbook/checking account.

Also I'm amazed you didn't get mugged.
I assume anyone who carries more than $20 in actual paper cash is doing so to buy drugs, personally. I can't think of any other reason when even literally the air pump at my local gas station accepts cards.
Maybe I don't want the feds knowing every time I buy a doughnut or a Coke.


Staff member
When doing this, it is considered prudent to leave the T-shirt with "I'm carrying a lot of money" printed on it at home that day.

Corollaries to Murphy's law would lead me to believe that the ONE day you get mugged is this occasion.

Also, an hour ago Tapatalk started sending me fucking e-mails every single time someone replies to me here. I haven't used tapatalk in years. WTF.
Corollaries to Murphy's law would lead me to believe that the ONE day you get mugged is this occasion.

Also, an hour ago Tapatalk started sending me fucking e-mails every single time someone replies to me here. I haven't used tapatalk in years. WTF.
Wow, that's strange[DOUBLEPOST=1490295244,1490295212][/DOUBLEPOST]
Corollaries to Murphy's law would lead me to believe that the ONE day you get mugged is this occasion.

Also, an hour ago Tapatalk started sending me fucking e-mails every single time someone replies to me here. I haven't used tapatalk in years. WTF.
Is it still doing it?[DOUBLEPOST=1490295294][/DOUBLEPOST]
Corollaries to Murphy's law would lead me to believe that the ONE day you get mugged is this occasion.

Also, an hour ago Tapatalk started sending me fucking e-mails every single time someone replies to me here. I haven't used tapatalk in years. WTF.
That must suck.
That's bizarre because it's beyond trivial to get a checkbook/checking account.

Also I'm amazed you didn't get mugged.
I had no SSN/TIN, my only forms of ID were a passport and I-20, and I had to walk or cycle everywhere... Opening the checking account alone, nevermind getting money in and out of it, were interesting experiences.

The path I walked was well transited, I looked like a college student, and I made sure to do it during the daytime. I did it once a semester for... 3 or 4 years? First semester was paid by card, last 1-2 semesters were done by cheque.


Staff member
Wow, that's strange[DOUBLEPOST=1490295244,1490295212][/DOUBLEPOST]

Is it still doing it?[DOUBLEPOST=1490295294][/DOUBLEPOST]

That must suck.
I've solved it with a gmail filter now, jackhole :p[DOUBLEPOST=1490295776][/DOUBLEPOST]
I had no SSN/TIN, my only forms of ID were a passport and I-20, and I had to walk or cycle everywhere... Opening the checking account alone, nevermind getting money in and out of it, were interesting experiences.

The path I walked was well transited, I looked like a college student, and I made sure to do it during the daytime. I did it once a semester for... 3 or 4 years? First semester was paid by card, last 1-2 semesters were done by cheque.
Would they not take a cashier's check?[DOUBLEPOST=1490295983][/DOUBLEPOST]
Maybe I don't want the feds knowing every time I buy a doughnut or a Coke.
Oh they know. Google and/or Apple knows, so everybody knows. The surveillance society is now real and inescapable.