[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

Even deaths!

Seriously, I hate those types of games. I'm an above-average player (which isn't really saying much given the average), but those times when you gold in damage done with 1200 or something, you're like, "C'mon! Really???"

Even deaths!

Seriously, I hate those types of games. I'm an above-average player (which isn't really saying much given the average), but those times when you gold in damage done with 1200 or something, you're like, "C'mon! Really???"

I wish they'd make medals encompass both teams, so that no one on your team gets a medal when everyone is sucking.
Last night I had the best Pharah PoTG 1v5 cart carry I've ever Pharah'd. So much so that I figured I'd finally stick something on YouTube.
This morning I discovered that all your highlights get cleared when you log out.

Terrik and I were talking about this earlier. Can't wait for Gas to bitch about the map every time he gets hit by a car. :p


Staff member
So are we planning to get together and do our placement matches for season 3, or are we just going catch-as-catch-can on that?


Staff member
A little birdy tells me Dei and Terrik have already done all their placement matches, so I did a couple with Snuffles tonight. Word on the grapevine is placement matches don't actually do anything this time, no matter what, you'll get whatever your ending rating was for season 2 minus 250.
A little birdy tells me Dei and Terrik have already done all their placement matches, so I did a couple with Snuffles tonight. Word on the grapevine is placement matches don't actually do anything this time, no matter what, you'll get whatever your ending rating was for season 2 minus 250.
Well, I've seen a lot of people bitching, so maybe you lose more the worse you do, but honestly I can't say. But we knew months ago that placement would mean almost nothing.
Also, gains are boosted and losses are tempered for the first bit of the season I think, to micro adjust. So, I'm not really mad about my ranking, I'm just mad that placement feels pointless.
Overwatch won Game of the Year at the 2016 Games Awards. Love soaking in all the salty tears from DOOM and Uncharted fans.[DOUBLEPOST=1480737254,1480737051][/DOUBLEPOST]
I saw that, and what I most want to know is how did Bastion get up there???
Looks like a hook bug, you can see the Roadhog in the distance and his hook line appears then vanishes as Bastion is thrown into the air.