[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

Once it loads, here's another vid of me and @Terrik being awesome.

(And I guess that OMG IT'S A FULL HALFORUMS GROUP is important or something)
I just noticed in your video, you seem to have the character voices muted. How do you know when it's high noon?!
1.) Team voice are always quieter
2.) Enemy team is always louder

ALSO: Patch Notes

A new patch is now live on Windows PC. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum.
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.

Please note that many of these changes will be rolled into a larger patch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at a later date.



Alternate Fire
Recovery time (i.e. the amount of time before McCree starts reloading) decreased from 0.75 seconds to 0.3 seconds
Bullet damage decreased from 70 to 45

Developer Comments: McCree was performing too well against all targets, making him feel like a must-pick in many situations. By reducing the damage of his alternate fire, McCree is now significantly weaker against tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt, but still maintains his lethality against smaller targets like Tracer and Genji.


Widow’s Kiss
Alternate Fire (Scoped Shot)
Base damage decreased from 15 to 12
Note: Scoped shot damage multiplier remains unchanged
Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scoping

Ultimate cost increased by 10%

Developer Comments: In the right hands, Widowmaker can often feel unstoppable—even when just landing body shots instead of critical heads shots. The changes to her alternate fire weaken body shot damage while leaving her headshot damage unchanged. Additionally, we felt her Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, was coming up a little too frequently, especially considering its impact on the game.



Improved stability of the High Bandwidth option in Custom Games


Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain Ultimate charge whenever damage boosting an ally who was attacking a barrier or Ice Wall
Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on a certain maps


Fixed an issue with collision on certain areas of Dorado not blocking line of sight
McCree change seems okay. I worry that it's going to be a lot harder to kill Roadhogs but Reaper/snipers should still do fine.

I think the missed the point with Widow, though. It's not quickscoping that was the main issue, it's that she charges to 100% in no time and thanks to that can still bodyshot the hell out of most people and kill in two shots. Headshots will completely melt people. More charge needed for her Ult is a good step, though, it definitely charged too fast.


Staff member
1.) Team voice are always quieter
2.) Enemy team is always louder
Yeah, but notice in your video at 3:40 the enemy hanzo fired off his ultimate but you didn't hear the "RYUGA WAGA TICKY WA KAROO!" (Though you did hear the wolf howl part) or Zarya's russian babble when she did her ultimate soon after. I could just barely hear your own callout when you rezzed terrik right after that, though, but it was pretty buried in the noise.[DOUBLEPOST=1465927122,1465926997][/DOUBLEPOST]
McCree change seems okay. I worry that it's going to be a lot harder to kill Roadhogs but Reaper/snipers should still do fine.

I think the missed the point with Widow, though. It's not quickscoping that was the main issue, it's that she charges to 100% in no time and thanks to that can still bodyshot the hell out of most people and kill in two shots. Headshots will completely melt people. More charge needed for her Ult is a good step, though, it definitely charged too fast.
They weakened her body shots and left her headshots unchanged, when all is said and done (they weakened base damage, left power multiplier the same which still is weaker because the base damage is lower, but then increased the headshot multiplier so that headshot damage is same as pre patch).

As for roadhog, the trick is definitely range and headshots. Even on soldier 76 I'm able to do pretty decent damage to him as long as he doesn't hook me and I can get headshots.
Hanzo's wolf skin Ult has been a complaint for awhile now, even playing as him I've noticed it's super quiet.

The only other one that always bugs me is Mei's Ult phrase, as she sounds like she's dying, not tossing out her little Blizz-buddy.[DOUBLEPOST=1465927267,1465927158][/DOUBLEPOST]And yeah, I get that they lowered Widow's base snipe damage, but the charge rate is what allows her to toss out so much damage so quickly. Granted I haven't played with the changes, so maybe it worked out.
Yeah, but notice in your video at 3:40 the enemy hanzo fired off his ultimate but you didn't hear the "RYUGA WAGA TICKY WA KAROO!" (Though you did hear the wolf howl part) or Zarya's russian babble when she did her ultimate soon after. I could just barely hear your own callout when you rezzed terrik right after that, though, but it was pretty buried in the noise.[DOUBLEPOST=1465927122,1465926997][/DOUBLEPOST]
They weakened her body shots and left her headshots unchanged, when all is said and done (they weakened base damage, left power multiplier the same which still is weaker because the base damage is lower, but then increased the headshot multiplier so that headshot damage is same as pre patch).

As for roadhog, the trick is definitely range and headshots. Even on soldier 76 I'm able to do pretty decent damage to him as long as he doesn't hook me and I can get headshots.
I can always hear it fine, so I assume it's a video thing.

I'm streaming when we play, so everything is just an export from Twitch to YouTube.
I think the missed the point with Widow, though. It's not quickscoping that was the main issue, it's that she charges to 100% in no time and thanks to that can still bodyshot the hell out of most people and kill in two shots. Headshots will completely melt people. More charge needed for her Ult is a good step, though, it definitely charged too fast.
Headshots are supposed to melt people, the issue always was bodyshot spam combined with quickscoping, and this knocks it down a ton. Now Tracer and Zenyatta can actually survive a Widowmaker bodyshot and the Widowmaker actually has a penalty for trying to go in and out of scoped mode. We will have to see how it plays out, but in my opinion they are good changes without removing her core, which is high damage headshots.


Staff member
On a semi-related note, last night was the first time I noticed that the game gives you an auditory cue for when you've made a headshot. Kind of a quiet metallic hihat noise that I hadn't noticed before. It's really helped me improve my damage on Soldier76, as I'm learning where to shoot that constitutes a headshot much better.[DOUBLEPOST=1465940338,1465940030][/DOUBLEPOST]Even Critical Miss is getting in on the act.

On a semi-related note, last night was the first time I noticed that the game gives you an auditory cue for when you've made a headshot. Kind of a quiet metallic hihat noise that I hadn't noticed before. It's really helped me improve my damage on Soldier76, as I'm learning where to shoot that constitutes a headshot much better.[DOUBLEPOST=1465940338,1465940030][/DOUBLEPOST]Even Critical Miss is getting in on the act.

The hit indicator also flashes with a red X shape every time you nail a headshot.


Staff member
I've got last night's epic 99% overtime struggle rendering at home, will upload it this afternoon probably. It doesn't make me look very good though... all I do is die, whine, respawn, rush back to the fight and die again :p

And fail at jumping.
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I really hope to make time to play tonight. Been so busy with other things and last night I was so exhausted I couldn't even log on to the computer.
I really hope to make time to play tonight. Been so busy with other things and last night I was so exhausted I couldn't even log on to the computer.
I feel ya.
I haven't logged into any Blizzard game in many days.
Checking for today's Hearthstone brawl is going to be the first time I've turned on my PC (the one I game with) in what, a week?
