New Picture Thread

I like the rings.
And the light sabers.
And the wands.
But...why is one of the bridesmaids using the Elder Wand and the bride an unidentifiable (not Voldemort, nor either of the Malfoys, nor bellatrix) Death Eater wand?
(and why no red lightsaber? :p)
And the bride.
And the locket.
And the candy bar.
And the fans as, I guess, keepsakes.
And the venue.
And EvE and Wall-E.
Yes, yes, and the groom too :p

So whose father is George Lucas, exactly?

Congrats :)
Dill used some wands that she had bought, she bought ones she liked. You'll have to ask her about those.
There is a red lightsaber, one of the groomsmen has Vader's. The glow of them get washed out in photos and outside, so outside photos are hopeless.

Edit: Oh and the officiant (in the kilt, the George Lucas look-a-like) is my Uncle


Staff member
Holy crap. This large bird of prey was sitting on my car hood when I came out for lunch and I did not see him. We startled each other and he flew off to perch on one of our satellite dishes.



Staff member
Are they HD? I just associate big dishes with the early days of cable and rural areas. Where I grew up all the farmers had an array of dishes in their yard.
None of our stations are HD, but I don't know what kind of receivers they have on the dishes, they might be. You can swap out the antenna mounted at the focal point. Most of those dishes have been there longer than I've worked here (so more than 12 years, and probably a lot longer than that) but the electronics on them have changed a couple times that I know of.
None of our stations are HD, but I don't know what kind of receivers they have on the dishes, they might be. You can swap out the antenna mounted at the focal point. Most of those dishes have been there longer than I've worked here (so more than 12 years, and probably a lot longer than that) but the electronics on them have changed a couple times that I know of.
A dish is a dish, right? You just swap out the horn/aim it in a new direction, I thought.

I went and saw Reel Big Fish on Sunday. They had a VIP ticket option where you get to meet the band before the show.

I brought them a copy of this drawing I did and had them sign it:

So... which one is you? I don't know the band that well, and none of them look like a hedonist bot.
@Dei, I swear, I scrolled down and for a second thought your picture was my girlfriend. You two look a little similar, even in hairstyles.

Meanwhile, my boss suddenly regretted the idea of Casual Friday.

(He was just a good sport humouring me to take this picture. :D )
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