Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

As in physical therapy? As in butt massage? That might actually help.

You volunteering?
Massage I get actually help. I had the problem with my upper back/shoulders where any time I sneezed I would be in excruciating pain. One hour with a friend of my mom's that's a massuse (sp) and I haven't had the problem since
And now the guy whose room I rented is accusing me of homophobia, and after I confronted him he asked if I was "blackmailing" him. I know for a fact I didn't say anything of the sort, and the fact that he even MENTIONED blackmail says a lot. ALSO- the reason he didn't say the previous stuff to my face was because he "didn't want to hurt my feelings." Yes, because POSTING A MEAN POST ON THE INTERNET doesn't hurt my feelings at all, because I'm borderline retarded and don't know how to work a fucking computer and can't read and this guy is a piece of shit who can die die die die DIE! I don't mean that, but holy shit was this guy a jerk, which weirds me out because he was SO nice to me this weekend.
And now the guy whose room I rented is accusing me of homophobia, and after I confronted him he asked if I was "blackmailing" him. I know for a fact I didn't say anything of the sort, and the fact that he even MENTIONED blackmail says a lot. ALSO- the reason he didn't say the previous stuff to my face was because he "didn't want to hurt my feelings." Yes, because POSTING A MEAN POST ON THE INTERNET doesn't hurt my feelings at all, because I'm borderline retarded and don't know how to work a fucking computer and can't read and this guy is a piece of shit who can die die die die DIE! I don't mean that, but holy shit was this guy a jerk, which weirds me out because he was SO nice to me this weekend.
Did you stay over in Portlandia or something? They sound so cartoonish.
Damn it, I can feel that I'm right on the edge of a nervous breakdown, but I don't know if I can stop it and I don't know if the Zoloft is going to be enough to keep me functional, or if I'm going to spend another 3 days cowering in a corner, too terrified to leave the house. I'm not sleeping well, I'm barely eating (and what I am eating isn't good for my diabetes), I'm not exercising, my stress level at work is ridiculously high right now, and I'm just about to stop coping with it altogether.
Ill make this as short as I possibly can.

I have two friends. One of them I've known since childhood. Lets call him Mr. A. The other I've known and have developed a great friendship with for 7 years as a result of being together with Mr. A. Lets call her Ms. C

Mr. A proposes to Ms. C after 7 years of being together. They then sign a marriage certificate but tell no one. This was last November.

3 weeks ago Ms. C contacts me and lets me know that Mr. A admits to cheating on her. Worse, over the next couple weeks he waffles on whether or not he wants to work on the relationship.

I then find out that Mr. A may or may be channeling Satan himself. The shit he does shocks me to the core. I might elaborate on that later but I'm both drunk and angry/sad to type out the whole story right now.

This morning: Found out that Ms. C has stage 4 Ovarian cancer. Life sure knows how to kick a person when they're down.

For fuck's sake.


Staff member
IThis morning: Found out that Ms. C has stage 4 Ovarian cancer. Life sure knows how to kick a person when they're down.

For fuck's sake.
This is me making anguished noises of commiseration. If you need somebody to rail at who's been there, you drop me a line.
Ditto. I haven't been able to get to bed at a reasonable hour in weeks. Why?
...cuz I'm an idiot. In one month I'm going to have to transition from PDT back to EDT, and if I don't start getting my sleepytimes back in order, life is gonna be unhappy for a week, and I've already planned that week to empty a house.
3am? Lunchtime. :p
You hush. I don't get those kind of hours any more, and I miss them dearly.

I have no idea why I'm up, either, unless jet leg takes 6 days to kick in.

EDIT: I've been sleeping on normal EST since the night we got home, so I don't think it's Taipei time. Or I hope not.
I accidentally finished all my work before noon, so now I have to spend the afternoon looking as busy as possible, so that I'm not given more work.
I accidentally finished all my work before noon, so now I have to spend the afternoon looking as busy as possible, so that I'm not given more work.
Well, if you need something to do, you can wander over to Family Mart and find my missing Hulk. ;)


Staff member
Not much flooding on the west side of Houston. It's wet, but didn't flood. I've never seen the Y that hosts our dojo so empty, though.
I went to my doctor today for an unrelated issue and he asked about how my pain prescription was doing and offered a refill. I must look rough?
I went to my doctor today for an unrelated issue and he asked about how my pain prescription was doing and offered a refill. I must look rough?
Sometimes they just want to make sure you're stocked up at home in case it comes back, but they're not allowed to directly suggest to you that maybe you should lay in a supply for later.

That moment when you're skimming through your new novel and find something you want to correct...only to remember it's already been submitted to the publisher. #WriterProblems

(And you've already gotten in trouble once already for sending in corrections, causing your book to be delayed. :oops:)
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I've lost 2 funny posts because of this intermittent public wifi connection. Oh well, at least I'm sorta drunk on Guinness . . . at 1 in the afternoon.