The Zoe Quinn sex-for-reviews scandal

[DOUBLEPOST=1409500340,1409500066][/DOUBLEPOST]For the record, the censoring on Reddit is going strong on Reddit today... again.


Staff member
I like how the last bit of that video shows that basically, since the whole industry has become so incestuously corrupt, now IGN basically has the cleanest hands. Talk about through the looking glass.[DOUBLEPOST=1409503200,1409502997][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh cool, Jenn Frank wrote a piece about online harassment that was deemed UNETHICAL by #gamergate fucking idiots (despite being cleared by the fucking Guardian as being fine) and harassed her to the point where she's decided to quit writing about games.

Fuck off.

See this? This shit right here? This is why people think so poorly of gamers. This gives credence to every accusation of gamers being a bunch of hateful fucks who are threatened by the inclusion of anyone who's different from them.
See this? This shit right here? This is why people think so poorly of gamers. This gives credence to every accusation of gamers being a bunch of hateful fucks who are threatened by the inclusion of anyone who's different from them.
I can tell you that from experience. I think it's getting better, though. I'm still tired of hearing racial, homophobic and sexist slurs on multiplayer games of all types, but they're more of a minority now than a majority, I think.

Hell, I think you can say that about most of online culture.

It seems like there's just a core group of neckbeards who are terrified that a hobby that was "theirs" is being co-opted by other groups.
It boggles my mind that writers who engage in social media are SURPRISED SHOCKED AMAZED when a tide of vultures and ne'erdowells descend on them for writing something potentially 'unpopular'. Welcome to Writing 101! You think that newsrooms across the country don't get all sorts of hate mail for the things they report on? That's (unfortunately) part of the job, and is not a reflection of your gender, but simply your position as a public target. The number of these 'young people' getting up and quitting because they receive some flames their way is laughable. Damned millenials!
It boggles my mind that writers who engage in social media are SURPRISED SHOCKED AMAZED when a tide of vultures and ne'erdowells descend on them for writing something potentially 'unpopular'. Welcome to Writing 101! You think that newsrooms across the country don't get all sorts of hate mail for the things they report on? That's (unfortunately) part of the job, and is not a reflection of your gender, but simply your position as a public target. The number of these 'young people' getting up and quitting because they receive some flames their way is laughable. Damned millenials!
She posted 7 seconds of her twitter feed. It was dozens of messages filled with vile, misogynistic shit.

But it's all about the ethics right #gamergaters?
She posted 7 seconds of her twitter feed. It was dozens of messages filled with vile, misogynistic shit.

But it's all about the ethics right #gamergaters?
Yes, but misogyny isn't some kind of "Supreme Ultimate Power" and the reactions to it are fueing its use more.


Staff member
And? I've questioned the integrity of articles posted by Time magazine before. Just because something is a "real" news outlet doesn't mean it doesn't have an agenda.

Yeah, Clarissa, explain it all. After it comes to light, of course.

Also rolled my eyes at her author credit blurb -

About Jenn Frank:
Jenn thinks the Atari 2600, Game Boy Micro, and Apple iPhone are all viable game consoles. Email her at jenn at infinite lives dot net.
Yeah, that's right! Take that controversial standpoint! Look at me, I'm Jenn Frank, ready to take on all comers with my cutting edge opinions and unpopular stances! Except if a bunch of guys are mean to me on twitter, then I'm going to morph from strong, independent, opinionated woman to textbook damsel.

But you guys are right. One of the best freelancers out there should be harassed until they give up and quit. Fucking disgusting.
She posted 7 seconds of her twitter feed. It was dozens of messages filled with vile, misogynistic shit.

But it's all about the ethics right #gamergaters?
That's a really broad brush you're painting with there, Captain Coronary.


Staff member
Of course, you have no axe to grind, so you're perfectly unbiased, right Gas?
I've got an obvious position, and I post in support of it. Last I checked that wasn't hypocrisy. Ain't nobody supporting my patreon.

Color me unimpressed at the fallacious appeal to authority on the whole "but the GUARDIAN said it was ok!" Especially in this day and age where this is CNN, one of the biggest and most authoritative media sources on earth:

Yeah, mainstream media sources definitely are the authority on what's going on in the online world today.
I'm kind of tired of everyone involved in this.

Gamers... whatever this woman and her friends and the industry at large are doing doesn't justify the death threats, the harassment, and just general bullshittery that you are making them endure. You are destroying their lives over something that, while unethical, is not the end all/be all of corruption. No one deserves this. Stop letting the rage you've had smouldering inside you since you were an ostracized child turn you into a fucking monster because that is what you are acting like. You need to look at everything you've done and ether stop or find a better target.

Journalists and Devs... you are guilty of conspiring to advance your own careers at the expense of fair and balanced coverage and in choosing who "gets" to be part of elite through personal favors. It doesn't matter that it's for a good cause or that it will better the industry because you have tainted the good you have done with your backroom politics and bedroom antics. Helping a friend get ahead isn't a crime... but you throw sex into there and suddenly it EVERYTHING changes because the relationship dynamics have changed. There is a reason we sneer at actresses who get work this way and it's because it devalues not only the art but all things in a production. It suddenly turns from "How good are you at what you do?" to "What can you do for me?". How many talented young people will be unable to realize their vision because they are unwilling or unable to engage in this incestuous kingdom of your own creation? You've recreated the Hollywood system and that system SUCKS.

Things were supposed to be different this time. We were the victims and we endured and now we are in charge. That THIS is what comes from it makes me wish we had been stamped out when we were young and weak.
I remember about, Jesus, almost a decade ago now, I was at E3 '05. I got to meet some guys on the Blizzard cinematics team, and some guys from BioWare who had worked on some new cloth effect tech on Jade Empire. When my friends and I asked about getting into the industry, they all said the same thing was a big blip on the radar.

Potential. Not outright talent, not who I knew, and not what I showed them, but the potential for growth they'd glean from a portfolio and interview.

It seems to me, now, that none of that is true, and it makes me incredibly sad for an industry I wanted so badly to be a part of one day.
I remember about, Jesus, almost a decade ago now, I was at E3 '05. I got to meet some guys on the Blizzard cinematics team, and some guys from BioWare who had worked on some new cloth effect tech on Jade Empire. When my friends and I asked about getting into the industry, they all said the same thing was a big blip on the radar.

Potential. Not outright talent, not who I knew, and not what I showed them, but the potential for growth they'd glean from a portfolio and interview.

It seems to me, now, that none of that is true, and it makes me incredibly sad for an industry I wanted so badly to be a part of one day.
You need one of a few things to make it in gaming:

- to be rich enough to own your own studio
- to be impressive enough to get people to give you money on KS to make your dream projects or to attract the eye of a senior developer
- know the right people

That's it.

I don't know what is more sad, the fact that people actually sit in IRC and do this type of shit or the fact that someone is up at 4 AM tweeting about these people harassing her in a barrage of tweets instead of doing far more productive things in their life. Not going to hate on her for defending herself, I believe I understand but I'll be frank and say once again... feeding the trolls and attention-whoring isn't helping her cause. There's no need for her to tweet/take pics like this and post them online at all. Just file the police report and go to fucking bed, let the police use this channel to their advantage, now it's gone. Go to bed! Then wake up, pick up a boom and learn how to code better because ZQ was a pretty bad game and that's the bottom line.

Maybe stop having sexual relations with gaming journalists as well, whether they covered your game or not.
Maybe stop having sexual relations with gaming journalists as well, whether they covered your game or not.
Well, I'm sure glad that an IRC log of anonymous has proven once and for all that video game journalism is a bastion of integrity and diligence.
i don't give a fuck about videogames, i'm just trying to show that the shitty gamer side is all about M I S O G Y N Y


Staff member
i don't give a fuck about videogames, i'm just trying to show that the shitty gamer side is all about M I S O G Y N Y
All you've managed to show is that a vocal minority of gamers are being whiny little shits. There are a lot more gamers out there who want nothing to do with that type of asshattery, and who also don't want anything to do with Zoe Quinn's asshattery either.
I get what they're doing is pretty lame and reporting is good gravy to me. To go on Twitter and post a barrage of tweets like that, showing pics and whatnot... after you file a police report?


Just shut the fuck up and deal with the authorities. Give them the tools needed to do their job, don't warn them of your presence. Let them advertise what they are doing openly on IRC. It's stupid. Like REALLY stupid what she did.

And once again, she proves what she's all about.... the attention seeking asshattery. No need to feed the trolls.

Just move on. Get better at what you do. Most people are quite sick of hearing of her and of her journalist friends.[DOUBLEPOST=1410024543,1410023958][/DOUBLEPOST]I don't like Zoe Quinn for many reasons, least of which is the fact she's a woman who "makes games". Along the long list of bad things attributed to her by far is her actions that killed a event that was created to help women get into game development all for her benefit.
Why would she stop grand standing about it? It's all to her advantage right now.

Remember watching that video awhile back? She was at maybe 1500 dollars a month on her patreon in that screen-grab. After all this stuff happening? 2800. She gets paid more then I make during my day job just to say she might be working on a tiny, mini-game. Not even counting what she may have gotten through the paypal links on her site and the rebeljam con.

Idiots can keep raging over her all they want, but they are just allowing her to milk the victim card and laugh her way ultimately to the bank. To stay silent right now would be to give up her ability to profit off the free press.