[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
Honestly, I don't know how you guys telling these tales put up with it for the long haul. If my wife hadn't gotten over her issues, we wouldn't have made it as far as even getting married. I've never wanted to stay in a relationship where the other person doesn't trust me wholeheartedly.
While I think being overly suspicious or paranoid can be detrimental, I don't think complete, "wholehearted" trust is possible once you've been burned on it. Is someone who is cautious because they've been betrayed in the past not entitled to a relationship?

But really who can explain the heart. You love what you love, you love who you love. And let's face it, I know I'm not the easiest person to live with at times, either.


Staff member
My wife thinks video games are a silly waste of time. I mean, she played Atari and NES back in the day, but she couldn't care less about newer ones. But then, she doesn't care if I play them.
My wife is... MOSTLY okay with me gaming... but she's gotten used to me always being back in bed at the end of the day... almost had a falling out last night because of Minecraft.

I blame creepers.
While I think being overly suspicious or paranoid can be detrimental, I don't think complete, "wholehearted" trust is possible once you've been burned on it. Is someone who is cautious because they've been betrayed in the past not entitled to a relationship?

But really who can explain the heart. You love what you love, you love who you love. And let's face it, I know I'm not the easiest person to live with at times, either.
Oh, I know that of myself as well. I suppose wholeheartedly is an exaggeration, but I feel that if one person extends the trust that their significant other won't go off fucking other people, the same trust should be extended back.

But if I apply my own feelings to everyone else's relationships, then I'm no better than that article writer I lambasted in this same thread.


Staff member
Oh, I know that of myself as well. I suppose wholeheartedly is an exaggeration, but I feel that if one person extends the trust that their significant other won't go off fucking other people, the same trust should be extended back.

But if I apply my own feelings to everyone else's relationships, then I'm no better than that article writer I lambasted in this same thread.
The way she puts it, she trust me, she just doesn't trust THEM.

And to be fair, someone did try to steal me once. I had no idea it was going on. She was a very capable manipulator, playing us against each other in the hopes of being there to snatch me up when it all came apart.
The way she puts it, she trust me, she just doesn't trust THEM.
My wife has said that. Which is fine so long as it's not about my friends.

And to be fair, someone did try to steal me once. I had no idea it was going on. She was a very capable manipulator, playing us against each other in the hopes of being there to snatch me up when it all came apart.

The way she puts it, she trust me, she just doesn't trust THEM.

And to be fair, someone did try to steal me once. I had no idea it was going on. She was a very capable manipulator, playing us against each other in the hopes of being there to snatch me up when it all came apart.
This is what my wife does. She's very quick to save face by telling me that it's not me she distrusts, it's other women. I try to explain to her "what does it matter? I'm not leaving you.". In most of the cases where she has used this logic she has been very wrong to distrust them. I bring up my previous ex again as an example. She's a very wonderful human being who I am happy to have known. We did have a relationship, but honestly it never got much deeper than a sort of friends with benefits kind of deal. We were officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but we never got around to saying we loved each other in the way you would expect a couple to do. So when we ended things we remained good friends. We'd hang out and watch Doctor Who and occasionally meet up for frozen yogurt. When I started dating my wife, I explained to her the situation. I don't know why I just assumed she would accept the idea.
I even gave them the opportunity to meet each other. Call me new-age but I guess I kinda hoped they would be friends.
Instead I was tormented by my now wife for several months about my relationship with my ex. No matter what argument I used her response would always be "Yeah, but you fucked her.". Eventually I was forced to stop talking to my ex and even had to unfriend her on facebook.
Instead I was tormented by my now wife for several months about my relationship with my ex. No matter what argument I used her response would always be "Yeah, but you fucked her.". Eventually I was forced to stop talking to my ex and even had to unfriend her on facebook.
Uhm... This is... not... good.


Staff member
At one point you just have to take an honest appraisal, thinking "is this person worth enough to me for her to dictate who I'm allowed to be friends with, with no logic at all used in the decision." Because to varying degrees, it seems it always comes to that.
This is what my wife does. She's very quick to save face by telling me that it's not me she distrusts, it's other women. I try to explain to her "what does it matter? I'm not leaving you.". In most of the cases where she has used this logic she has been very wrong to distrust them. I bring up my previous ex again as an example. She's a very wonderful human being who I am happy to have known. We did have a relationship, but honestly it never got much deeper than a sort of friends with benefits kind of deal. We were officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but we never got around to saying we loved each other in the way you would expect a couple to do. So when we ended things we remained good friends. We'd hang out and watch Doctor Who and occasionally meet up for frozen yogurt. When I started dating my wife, I explained to her the situation. I don't know why I just assumed she would accept the idea.
I even gave them the opportunity to meet each other. Call me new-age but I guess I kinda hoped they would be friends.
Instead I was tormented by my now wife for several months about my relationship with my ex. No matter what argument I used her response would always be "Yeah, but you fucked her.". Eventually I was forced to stop talking to my ex and even had to unfriend her on facebook.
Do you mind my asking when you met your wife and when you got engaged?
Hm. Was your life a lot different? Was it years ago? What was life like for you when you met/became engaged? Or is it fairly recent and about the same?
My life was a lot different. Pretty much work/sleep/gaming. Now being a father has pretty much substituted gaming and most of sleeping.
Steinman makes an excellent point. Its super dangerous for you to be driving like that and to be constantly exhausted.

Maybe start with some small changes like not taking part in the morning drop off and resting then?
Shawnacy Please remember the following, and refer to it often: what happens to you, you have to deal with; what you do with what happened to you, everyone else has to deal with.

Your wife is someone who is alone a lot (not a lot of close friends/no friends), she is someone who spends a lot of her time with the kids (had 2, now a third with you if I'm remembering correctly), and doesn't work (chronic pain).

Having or not having relationships is something of a choice. Oh, she's been burnt, cheated on, abandoned. That sucks; I sympathise. Been there. What happens to you, you have to deal with; what you do with what happened to you, everyone else has to deal with. i.e.: She does have to deal with the pain of abandonment; she doesn't have to inflict it on you through paranoia (but that's what she is choosing to do).

She had children. She does have to deal with the responsibilities of kids (and obv, you do too), but she has decided that she cannot do it without you: "If you are not working, you should be helping me with the family stuff." Wait, but she is the one who signed them up for activities. What happens to you, you have to deal with; what you do with what happened to you, everyone else has to deal with.

She started suffering chronic pain and became unable to work. What happens to you, etc, etc, bored yet? Don't be, because this is key. What she does with her chronic pain is make you responsible for her lacking life outside the home. What she does with happens to her, everyone else [this is you!] has to deal with.

Her life outside the home was already pretty vacant when you got there. This is something that happened to her, and she had to deal with; what she's done with it, you have to deal with. She has done the wrong thing with it. Now you are dealing with the consequences, and they're hurting you.

One of the more terrifying things about this, is how perfectly logical and validating this is to her, mentally. She doesn't see herself as doing anything wrong, and here is why: she believes she is a victim. She is a victim of abandonment, she is a victim of chronic pain, she is a victim of no social life; she doesn't see any of these things as things she has control over. She is wrong.

1) Abandonment: maybe she was abandoned, I don't know. Here's what she can do, and oh boy, it's a doozy. Forgive those people. I am not kidding. Hate, resentment, anger, frustration, sadness: these are death, they will ruin her life because she will always feel justified in being paranoid about the people around her (e.g. you)
2) Chronic pain: you yourself have suggested this could be psycho-somatic. I'm not gonna google articles on it right now, but there seems to be a recurring suggestion of this in my brief gaze. Hm. She might really feel pain, dear god, I don't doubt that, but the question could be "Is she feeling pain because she's lying to herself with this 'victim' persona?"
3) No social life: for some reason, there are people who don't view this as a decision. You have a fair bit of power in meeting people. It can be hard, but you do have to take an active role. But, it's easier to believe you can't, that people don't like you/will leave so what's the point/etc. This is tied to the abandonment, for if she wants to have a healthy social life, she has to solve that one.

Here's why this is irrefutably logical to her:
If/when you see this as too unhealthy to sustain, and you get a separation or divorce... then bam you just validated her victim persona. I mean, you didn't, but that is how she will see it, and she will reinforce her identity, never seeing how the person who isolates her is her.

I can't tell you what to do. I don't know. She has to turn this shit around. Come back. Give up being a victim. It's not who she is. At least, it doesn't have to be.[DOUBLEPOST=1367283343][/DOUBLEPOST]Also of interest... you are required to help her take care of the children, you are also required to help her be a child (you must accompany her when her mother's about). Hm.
I have been dealing with setting up a network at work using Ubuntu because I have to for this program we're using.

My boss wants this, along with about 6months worth of graphical improvements, done yesterday, and whether or not I have employment after July 5th may depend on it.
I'm stressed the fuck out.
Following the big fight we had regarding her delving into the unnecessary past, she has concluded that only I was out of line for that entire situation. I admit I blew up over her calling me a liar, but she insists that she was not mad when she did so and I could have just explained what I meant by "pseudo-engaged" better. This upset me, because I still do feel she has completely avoided the fact that she was insecure enough to go through my trash email to read a letter from a girl who has not been informed that I am not available. Mostly because I know if I DO inform her, that will mean replying to her which my wife will not appreciate. Apparently I'm a horrible person when I tell girls I'm not available, because I tend to add things like "I'm sure you're a wonderful person and I wish you the best of luck."
The matter of free-time was brought up and she insists I have more than I want. Apparently I'm on my phone a lot in her opinion, which I guess means that I'm going to have to put the phone down and focus on something else such as housework to get her to agree that it's okay for me to play some Xbox on occasion. The thought has occurred to me to ask "Does it bother you when I take free-time. Because if it does, and you're not telling me, then there's something amiss here."
Cause there really is something amiss. I don't understand why it's so difficult for me to just sit back and play Xbox on occasion. I guess I have to wait for her to be preoccupied with something, such as her massive sewing project, but usually she does that stuff when I'm asleep.
Following the big fight we had regarding her delving into the unnecessary past, she has concluded that only I was out of line for that entire situation. I admit I blew up over her calling me a liar, but she insists that she was not mad when she did so and I could have just explained what I meant by "pseudo-engaged" better. This upset me, because I still do feel she has completely avoided the fact that she was insecure enough to go through my trash email to read a letter from a girl who has not been informed that I am not available. Mostly because I know if I DO inform her, that will mean replying to her which my wife will not appreciate. Apparently I'm a horrible person when I tell girls I'm not available, because I tend to add things like "I'm sure you're a wonderful person and I wish you the best of luck."
The matter of free-time was brought up and she insists I have more than I want. Apparently I'm on my phone a lot in her opinion, which I guess means that I'm going to have to put the phone down and focus on something else such as housework to get her to agree that it's okay for me to play some Xbox on occasion. The thought has occurred to me to ask "Does it bother you when I take free-time. Because if it does, and you're not telling me, then there's something amiss here."
Cause there really is something amiss. I don't understand why it's so difficult for me to just sit back and play Xbox on occasion. I guess I have to wait for her to be preoccupied with something, such as her massive sewing project, but usually she does that stuff when I'm asleep.
You're a grown-ass man, you don't have to ask permission for shit. She's not your mother. If you were neglecting your family, she would have cause to worry and ask you to pull it back some, but that doesn't sound like the case.

As long as you're fulfilling your family obligations, you're not neglecting the kids, you're not letting the house fall apart, you're not getting fired from your job for not doing your work, then do whatever the hell you want. When she starts to bitch and moan, just mention how the email-girl never gives you problems like that, how how that attitude makes you really not want to spend more time with her.[DOUBLEPOST=1367343803][/DOUBLEPOST]

I should point out... don't actually say those things, god no, this is exaggeration. But the message should be clear. The reason she does those things is because it works in getting what she wants.
I should point out... don't actually say those things, god no, this is exaggeration. But the message should be clear. The reason she does those things is because it works in getting what she wants.
This. A thousand times this. Do not let her push you around like this, when your already giving her everything she wants.
One does wonder. If she is being provided for with food, house, kids, potentially savings and forward-looking to retirement...what exactly is it that is making her feel so insecure?

Following the big fight we had regarding her delving into the unnecessary past, she has concluded that only I was out of line for that entire situation. I admit I blew up over her calling me a liar, but she insists that she was not mad when she did so and I could have just explained what I meant by "pseudo-engaged" better. This upset me, because I still do feel she has completely avoided the fact that she was insecure enough to go through my trash email to read a letter from a girl who has not been informed that I am not available. Mostly because I know if I DO inform her, that will mean replying to her which my wife will not appreciate. Apparently I'm a horrible person when I tell girls I'm not available, because I tend to add things like "I'm sure you're a wonderful person and I wish you the best of luck."
The matter of free-time was brought up and she insists I have more than I want. Apparently I'm on my phone a lot in her opinion, which I guess means that I'm going to have to put the phone down and focus on something else such as housework to get her to agree that it's okay for me to play some Xbox on occasion. The thought has occurred to me to ask "Does it bother you when I take free-time. Because if it does, and you're not telling me, then there's something amiss here."
Cause there really is something amiss. I don't understand why it's so difficult for me to just sit back and play Xbox on occasion. I guess I have to wait for her to be preoccupied with something, such as her massive sewing project, but usually she does that stuff when I'm asleep.
She sees herself as a victim. You won't win by doing housework.

This is the first time you've mentioned the phone, and your use of 'apparently' suggests it's the first time you've been told about this.

The phone doesn't matter.

The Xbox doesn't matter.

The sleep doesn't matter.

These are not the point: she will see herself as hurt by any activity you engage in that does not involve her. Wait, what if you do housework, and curl up beside her, and set the phone on fire, sleep when she says it's okay, and throw the xbox in the garbage?

Then she will find a way to validate her victimhood anew. "Who's Barb? You sure talk to your sister a lot. Why did it take you an extra 15 minutes to get home from work?"

You can't win because she's not seeing the same world that you are. She has stuck herself with this label "victim" and now believes it's such an integral part of herself that she will hurt you -and sleep deprivation is literally hurting you- to show herself if no one else that she is a victim. I don't think she concocts this as a plan, I think it's unconscious, but this is what is going on. She has to recognise that she is not victim and these choices don't have to be made.
The matter of free-time was brought up and she insists I have more than I want.
Everything else aside - and other people have brought up a lot of valid points regarding the things I'm not dealing with - this is the most ridiculous thing I think I've ever heard of an adult saying. Not only is she dictating how much time you're allowed to have and how you get to spend it, she also feels like she has the right to tell you that you're happy about it? I don't even understand how someone can get into the mindset that this is an appropriate approach to take in any kind of relationship, let alone a marriage.


Staff member
Well this is fun. Our tenants are backing out of their lease, leaving us with two housing payments. They've consulted lawyers, and are telling us what they're going to do instead of asking. I don't like that. What happened to asking nicely? I would've probably said yes with some condition. They're forfeiting the security deposit, and saying that according to their lease (I just used one of those quick-form leases) that's good enough. It's annoying because we already said okay to them once under the condition that they let us list the house and they show it. But they asked for more time. Now they want out but they're not really returning the favor. The worst part is that we really liked this couple and were on friendly terms with them. Suddenly their tone has changed to business-like and cold.
My students are acting like such shits today that I wanted to throw something.

"Why do we have read ______? It's so haaaaaard! *whine* *whine* *whine*"
I really don't like days where it's like:

45 minutes of work
Afternoon break
2.5 hours of work

Really unbalances my whole day.



A server went down today

A big, important server.

The one that runs the main cloud app that differentiates our product from every other stupid product in this market.

Why did it go down?

The previous developer, who left months ago, chose to put it on a free hosting sandbox service.

That was discontinued.


I was able to recover within a few hours of finding out, but really? You put your BIG IMPORTANT THING on a free, no guarantees service?


