ZOMG PBF has Updated!!!

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Fine, I will ruin it.

The Earth wants to get in orbit with the Moon, which is played off as if the two were having sex. The Moon is unsure because the Earth has an STD, in this case, humanity. The Earth assure the Moon that his STD is not contagious so she would be fine. The final shot it the lunar landing putting up the flag, which means the Earth gave the moon it's STD.
Wow, I know jokes are ruined by explaining them, but this one was particularly destroyed by being detailed like that.
The newspaper comic Frank And Ernest did the same basic joke several years ago, sans the sexual innuendo. I do think it's much better WITH the innuendo, though.
Okay, now I got it, and... I didn't laugh. :(
It's much harder to laugh when someone has to explain the joke. I did it just to help you understand the joke more then anything. I hope no one opens my spoiler without spending some time looking at the image, it really is a hoot when you "get it" without someone telling you.
Fine, I will ruin it.

The Earth wants to get in orbit with the Moon, which is played off as if the two were having sex. The Moon is unsure because the Earth has an STD, in this case, humanity. The Earth assure the Moon that his STD is not contagious so she would be fine. The final shot it the lunar landing putting up the flag, which means the Earth gave the moon it's STD.
I thought the STD were Americans?
I thought the STD were Americans?
Not sure where you get that. The only reason the flag is American is because, so far, the US is the only country to land on the moon at all. The blunt of the joke is all encompassing of humanity, they are the Earths version of "crabs" you could say, at least in this context.


Pretty lame considering I saw a Ziggy comic of similar nature like 10 years ago.
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