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Your Matrix download




If you could download only one skill or knowledge area, a la The Matrix, what would you pick?

I think I would pick: music theory or woodworking.
I love to play the guitar, but I stink at music theory and I am way too lazy to learn it; though I would like to.

As for woodworking, I do have 10+ years of experience with 4 of that in an actual shop, but there is so much more to know and not enough time to do it. I'd like to be able to just get to work and not have to spend so much time trying to get up to speed of the certain technique.

Those are kind of boring, but I'd rather have a practical skill.

For those that need reminding:




All human languages.
While I suppose that would cool, what purpose would that serve you, especially the rare/regionalized dialects?




While I suppose that would cool, what purpose would that serve you, especially the rare/regionalized dialects?
Finally he could ask where the bathroom is and be understood, no matter where he was.




While I suppose that would cool, what purpose would that serve you, especially the rare/regionalized dialects?
You mean other than being able to communicate with every human on the planet, read any book anywhere, watch TV anywhere, and basically make it super easy to travel? You could also make a ton of money off of doing translations or being an interpreter. It's basically THE ultimate skill you can get from the Matrix.

It also has a lot less needed paperwork to make it work. Getting medical knowledge does nothing without the paper to let you practice it. Being an amazing woodworker is useless unless you join the local union. But NO ONE cares if you have a language degree.




The ability to harm people with my thoughts.




The ability to harm people with my thoughts.
You're going to download how to be an insult comic?




Wait, is it too late to change my answer? I want to be able to copy myself over other people, like (Formerly Agent) Smith in Reloaded.




Wait, is it too late to change my answer? I want to be able to copy myself over other people, like (Formerly Agent) Smith in Reloaded.
Like this only with Gas.








You're going to download how to be an insult comic?
slow clap 2.gif


Fun Size

Fun Size

Electrical engineering. I already know how to program, so that would give me what I need to build a gigantic, killer robot army.

That I would only use for peace keeping purposes, of course.




I want to sing opera. Mezzo-soprano.




That "all human languages" idea is a very good one, but I hope it doesn't spread, or I'll be out of a job, and there are so many more things I have yet to buy...

Personally, though, I think I'd go with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu... I wouldn't need it for very long, just one evening to get my revenge on my instructor and tie HIM into knots for a change...

Either that or a kick-ass metal singing voice. Just because. :twisted:




One of two things:

1) The ability to draw, specifically comics. Then I would be unstoppable in my storytelling.
2) Complete training on pro-wrestling, so I might be able to try living that dream again.






Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer





All human languages.
You stole my answer in the first reply! *shakes fist*

Ok, if we're limiting this to stuff that can be realistically downloaded from the matrix system, then I pick all possible knowledge on the human body. I might not be able to practice medicine, but at least I'll know the best way to keep myself healthy.




If we're going with "realistic skills" and not "magic powers", the ability to do just about any kind of digital art I want. I can pick up just about the basics of any skill, even start learning a language okay, but I am absolute utter crap when it comes to artwork, and that's the sort of thing you have to do every single day every day for years to get even okay at. It's something I feel I'll never truly ever be able to grasp, and it's something I could use all the time. Drawing the comics I've always wanted to, making goofy doodles, making exquisite pieces of character art for our convention... Yeah, I'd maybe go with that.

If I had a giant list in front of me I might pick something else, but that's what immediately comes to mind.




I would like to know all the ins and outs of how the downloadable knowledge system works, how to build and maintain the equipment, etc. And then the project would begin in earnest. I mean, can you imagine what life would be like once people stop Torrenting warez and start Torrenting skillz? I would know SO. MUCH.





I would like to know all the ins and outs of how the downloadable knowledge system works, how to build and maintain the equipment, etc. And then the project would begin in earnest. I mean, can you imagine what life would be like once people stop Torrenting warez and start Torrenting skillz? I would know SO. MUCH.

No fair! You wished for more wishes!









The ability to cook at one meat dish, one fish dish, one vegetarian dish, and one dessert, and one bread from each ethnic culture in the world, and to do so well.




Can I just update my drivers? I have plenty of things I'm interested in, but all my attempts - be it art, music, o, computers or sport - are thwarted by a lack of fine motor skills. Just give me decent control over my body, thank you.




Can I just update my drivers? I have plenty of things I'm interested in, but all my attempts - be it art, music, o, computers or sport - are thwarted by a lack of fine motor skills. Just give me decent control over my body, thank you.
So instead of kung fu, you want tai chi?





The ability to cook at one meat dish, one fish dish, one vegetarian dish, and one dessert, and one bread from each ethnic culture in the world, and to do so well.

Sorry. Too much tumblr.




Be able to hit a bull's eye, have a shot at learning a musical instrument, drawing, make a painting? Obviously they'd all still take time to master, but fingers doing exactly what I wanted them to instead nearly-there would help.
