You thought Elian Gonzales was bad

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Now we have a child being adopted away from it's birth mother while she is being deported. The story, as far as I can tell it, is this. The mother get's arrested at a poultry plant as an illegal immigrant. Her child is looked after by friends and family while the mother sits in detention, and ends up with a couple called The Mosers.

The Mosers decide they like the child so much that they want to keep him, so they file for an adoption. This adoption is now being upheld by the courts. The Mosers claim that the mother abandoned the child, the situation I see is that she was in detention awaiting deportation.

Messed up story, definitely makes me feel a bit ashamed at the moment.
Cases like these are the byproducts of fundamental gaps in the immigration and child welfare systems that make it all but impossible for parents in immigration detention to participate in proceedings affecting custody of their children.
I hate this, but I can see the sequence of events that led the court to rule against the birth parent, and I don't see any particular way to change the law so the birth parent would be given a better handle on the situation.
Yeah, that's one thing I don't align with conservatives on. We once took pride in accepting anyone and everyone that wanted to join with us. Now pride, fear, and envy has clouded people's minds into believing we should restrict entry.

Might as well just take down the statue of liberty.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door
Her only option would have been to accept deportation right away. If you accept deportation, DHS gets you the fuck out ASAP. The only reason she would've had to sit in there is if she was trying to get relief of some kind.

"At least Solomon had the option to decree that the child be cut in half, " Justice Michael Wolff wrote in a separate opinion
... okay, Judgy. You wish for that, real hard.
Her best option would have been to place her child with people she trusted and give them authority to take care of him while she was dealing with the consequences of her illegal entry into the US.

She also could have voluntarily left the country with her infant child.

The cynical part of me can't help but wonder if the prison conditions she was living in were better than what her life would be free in her home country, and if she was using the custody issue to prevent her deportation. That requires one to assume she's clever, understands the situation and the relevant laws, or have good counsel that helps her do so.

However, this has been going on for 5 years, and there's no way for us to understand everything that's been going on during that time well enough to pass judgement either way. A short article can't possibly convey the whole situation.

It sucks all around, and there are aspects to this case that will be used by each side of the isle to politicize the situation and use to support their own agenda.
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