Would anyone be interested in a few old posters of mine?

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I am moving in about a week, I have been going through stuff and found some old posters that I don't really want, but also don't really want to throw out.

So, I was wondering if anyone here would want them? I'd only ask they pay chipping charges, otherwise, no payment necessary.

They are as follows:
2 GI Joe posters - Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow
3 Dead or Alive Posters - DoA2, DoA3, and DoA Beach Volleyball. These were preorder exclusives for the respective games, I believe.
Spider-Man "Door poster" It's about 6 feet tall, also a game preorder poster. 2 more views to show the top & bottom.

I'm going to be honest about these, they all have pin holes in the corners and are bent or torn in places. Nothing terrible, but not in pristine condition either.

Anyway, that's it. If no bites, I throw them out at the end of the week (9/30 or 8/1). If interested, send me an im.


You know I would love them all, but I'll hold off unless someone else wants them :)

My wife would love the GI Joe and I'll take DOA ;)
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