World War Z Trailer - UGH

Of course, they could have gone the Peter Jackson route.* They could have kept almost everything in, cut the whole thing into three separate movies, market the whole thing as a trilogy, and (if it was done well) reap the profits.

*I'm thinking Lord of the Rings, not The Hobbit.
I don't get the backlash. I thought Walking Dead has proven that y'all will watch literally anything with zombies in it, no matter - how bad the plot is, how uninteresting every character is, and how community theater the acting is?
I don't get the backlash. I thought Walking Dead has proven that y'all will watch literally anything with zombies in it, no matter - how bad the plot is, how uninteresting every character is, and how community theater the acting is?
Take your smug, hipster bullshit somewhere else, asshole.
Charlie, stop the blatent trolling. Everyone else don't comment on it. If it stops everyone gets to keep hating this movie nicely. If it doesn't then... you know the drill.
That's just it, they removed all of it and made this instead.
Basically this. They were provided with a script that would have done justice to the source material but instead they opted to re-write the entire thing and turn it into summer block buster to make a shitload of money. When your choosing money over awards, your studio is ether on the brink of collapse or populated by idiots.
Basically this. They were provided with a script that would have done justice to the source material
Is the script public anywhere? I'm not asking this to troll, I'd honestly be interested in reading it.

ashburnerx said:
When your choosing money over awards, your studio is ether on the brink of collapse or populated by idiots.
Having different priorities doesn't make you an idiot. If they choose money over awards, and then make a shitload of money, they did what they wanted and succeeded.


Staff member
I also would like to see the script, because it doesn't look like they scrapped everything in the book to make this movie. I'm still seein national scale responses and somethig similar to the Orange Plan or whatever it was called. Where can I find the script that you guys have all read?
First of all, Charlie, thank you. *very deep, emotional hug* Because of this comment, I can finally, finally, finally say this without it being self-depreciating because...

Thats what you said to the driver of the car you hitchhiked in after being thrown out of the limo?

Ha ha ha, holy shit this movie sounds like it's going to be a real winner (I mean, it will be financially, because ZOMBIES !).

Choice quotes

"It was, like, wow. The ending of our movie doesn't work," Evans recalled after watching a director's cut of the blockbuster hopeful. "I believed in that moment we needed to reshoot the movie."
Incomplete script, an incoherent ending, massive re-shoots, millions of dollars in budget overages, and even a Hungarian SWAT team raid are apparently just a few of the issues plaguing Pitt's troubled production


Staff member
I agree this looks terrible. I've resisted entering this discussion so far because I didn't really think much of the book either, and I know how much you guys like dissenting opinions. But geez, when you've pared your movie down to the most interesting 90 seconds and it still looks like crap, that doesn't bode well.
I agree this looks terrible. I've resisted entering this discussion so far because I didn't really think much of the book either, and I know how much you guys like dissenting opinions. But geez, when you've pared your movie down to the most interesting 90 seconds and it still looks like crap, that doesn't bode well.
The book wasn't high literature but it was definitely a fun, compelling read in my opinion. I have no idea how you'd turn it into a movie. Obviously Pitt and company didn't either.
The book wasn't high literature but it was definitely a fun, compelling read in my opinion. I have no idea how you'd turn it into a movie. Obviously Pitt and company didn't either.
You don't. You turn it into a miniseries. But that'd never do for someone like Brad Pitt.


Staff member
It may have been hard to make a miniseries out of it with Walking Dead already out, but its a better platform.
I just don't understand. They HAD a really great script by J. Michael Straczynski, which was getting some great buzz, including possible Best Picture possibilities. It was stylistically compared with Children of Men, which is pretty appropriate for the book. Now it just looks like a crap boom fest, instead of engaging character profiles and political commentary.

It's one thing to badly adapt a book into a movie. That happens all the time. It's another to actually have a well-received script adaptation and then scrap it to make something terrible.
I just don't understand. They HAD a really great script by J. Michael Straczynski, which was getting some great buzz, including possible Best Picture possibilities. It was stylistically compared with Children of Men, which is pretty appropriate for the book. Now it just looks like a crap boom fest, instead of engaging character profiles and political commentary.

It's one thing to badly adapt a book into a movie. That happens all the time. It's another to actually have a well-received script adaptation and then scrap it to make something terrible.
Damon Lindelof.
I just don't understand. They HAD a really great script by J. Michael Straczynski, which was getting some great buzz, including possible Best Picture possibilities. It was stylistically compared with Children of Men, which is pretty appropriate for the book. Now it just looks like a crap boom fest, instead of engaging character profiles and political commentary.

It's one thing to badly adapt a book into a movie. That happens all the time. It's another to actually have a well-received script adaptation and then scrap it to make something terrible.
It's what happens when the people running the movie studios don't know anything about the product they put out. It's the same problem going on in the video game industry. They are trying to turn a creative endeavor into a BUSINESS, which is why the products are crap.
It's what happens when the people running the movie studios don't know anything about the product they put out.
That has nothing to do with what happened. This was a calculated move on their part. They believe a dumb action flick will earn them more money than a moving drama. It's not that they don't know anything about the product, but rather they know the movie audience so well that they know people will buy tickets to a PG-13 action flick more than an R rated drama with action elements.
Considering the shitstorm going on behind the scenes with the finances, I'm not sure how Paramount will be doing afterward if this movie tanks.
I just don't understand. They HAD a really great script by J. Michael Straczynski, which was getting some great buzz, including possible Best Picture possibilities. It was stylistically compared with Children of Men, which is pretty appropriate for the book.
Despite a limited release and low earnings at the box office compared to its budget,
Children of Men was a good story and was nominated for tons of awards. It made crap at the box office. Most film-making studios are in the business of making money, not art.
The limited release likely didn't help it, I imagine. Plus, World War Z is much more well known to the general public as a book first. But yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it. :(
The limited release likely didn't help it, I imagine. Plus, World War Z is much more well known to the general public as a book first. But yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it. :(
Nope. I disagree. I believe limited release has nothing to do with it (or is at least influenced by what I'm about to say). The general public is genuinely stupid, and corporate popcorn flicks sell more than art films ergo most "good" films are often limited release.

For example, there's been this ongoing debate about why Adam Sandler keeps pumping out stupid movies despite actually having shown a degree of quality acting range. Spanglish (while not Gone with the Wind) is considered a respectable drama: $55,041,367 worldwide revenue. Grown Ups is pretty dumbed down with a shallow plot and one dimensional characters (it's fun don't get me wrong): $271,430,189 worldwide.

People don't want to see insightful films that make them question the value of their lives; see triumphs or failures of the human spirit, or think about what it means to be human/explore art/ peer into various genre. They want sex, low-brow toilet humor, and violence. And, yes, I realize some low-brow stuff is great too, but I really wish that a serious source material that actually does attempt to make literary insight into societal structure etc. would be adapted as such to the big screen. Unfortunately, studio execs translate movie earnings like Grown Ups into movie adaptations like World War Z.



Staff member
There's one thing, and only one thing, that stands any chance of saving this movie. Somebody needs to actually surf on the zombie tidal wave.
Here's the summary from Rotten Tomatoes:
It's uneven -- and fans of the book may be annoyed by how thoroughly it diverges from the source material -- but World War Z still brings smart, fast-moving thrills and a solid performance from Brad Pitt to the zombie genre.
Currently at a "69% Fresh" rating.