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Which game should I pick?




There are two games that interest me and I can only afford one.

Guild Wars II

Grand Theft Auto V

Now, I've never played either game series but I know about them. I know that GTAV doesn't come out for a few days, but this is one game that I don't think I'd get ripped off doing a pre-order.

I've heard great things about Guild Wars, but it IS an MMO like WoW so why not just play WoW? Although I would have that whole "exploring the world and peoples" think that I've lost with WoW.

So what are your thoughts?




There are two games that interest me and I can only afford one.

Guild Wars II

Grand Theft Auto V

Now, I've never played either game series but I know about them. I know that GTAV doesn't come out for a few days, but this is one game that I don't think I'd get ripped off doing a pre-order.

I've heard great things about Guild Wars, but it IS an MMO like WoW so why not just play WoW? Although I would have that whole "exploring the world and peoples" think that I've lost with WoW.

So what are your thoughts?
I could never get into GW2. GTAV is one of the few games I've ever pre-ordered. I can't wait for the 11th.

GTA Online looks like a lot of fun. If you didn't see the video I posted of the online heists, take another look.




I can only speak to the console version of GTAV, but I had a huge amount of fun literally just trolling around trying out different things. It feels like you can never run out of different places to go/things to do.

GW2 I enjoyed, but mostly in the "more polished than the current version of WoW" kind of way. I was never grabbed by the world-building/story, and I stopped playing it pretty soon. Like most MMOs, if you know a bunch of people playing it that you can play with, that's different, but if that's not the case, I think you'll have a ton more fun with GTAV.




All four of them have to be good friends. I can't see this working with a PUG.




While I'm not an MMO fan, I don't agree that Guild Wars 2 is "why not buy WOW instead?" territory. No subscription fees - you'll recoup the investment in 3 months but can play indefinitely; it's prettier (in my opinion), and has quite a few mechanics that are quite different. There are many MMOs that are"might as well get WOW", this one isn't really. Though, of course, it still *is* an MMO.
That said...Well, I'd buy neither. but that's personal taste. There are "better" games out there, especially bang-for-buck-wise, than a pre-order (have you played GTAIV with all its expansions and mods? have you played Saint's Row III and V? they're all cheaper, offer a great game without patches and day one server issues and the like, etc).
Have you tried, and I'm just throwing shit around to see what sticks here, considered the Two Worlds pack? it's $5.99 (or whatever, Steam's conversion rates are completely incomprehensible) right now, the first one's a great RPG, the second one's pretty neat as well, I haven't honestly played the expansion to the second nor the tower defense game, and it'll have you set for 50-60 hours of entertainment for a fraction of the price of either of your choices.

Of course, if you are looking for the social aspect (gah brrr) offered by those, I simply don't understand how your mind works and can't make a good suggestion :p but I'd imagine there're other games people on this board are playing which could offer that as well.


General Specific

General Specific

Of those two, I'd go with GTAV.

This is based on experience playing the previous games in both franchises.

Had a lot of fun running around GTAIV and doing things that had nothing to do with the plot. GTAV looks like it is even more open, if anything. Lack of disposable income due to impending wedding is all that has kept me from picking up my own copy.

Played the first Guild Wars for a bit, eventually would get stuck somewhere that required you to have a group to advance and I HATE PUGs. I would use some to get past certain spots, sometimes a friend would be online I could group with, but in the end, I would get bored and go play something else.

But that's my experiences, YMMV




:(Grue. I don't get to play games. I have 4 or 5 Wii games that I haven't even opened. That's how long it has been.




If you can, maybe see about playing one of the older GTA games. I think it's the kind of thing you'll either love or just not care for.





I played a great amount of GW2 with Pauline, so I feel comfortable saying I am very informed on the subject.

GW2 has no subscription fee, which is a plus, and it's fun as far as MMOs go, but it also has some problems. It's also definitely a second-string MMO. I wouldn't put it in the same class as the 100-odd east asian clone/knockoff MMOs that come out every other week, but it doesn't feel as fleshed out as a heavily worldbuilt IP with encyclopedic tomes full of established lore such as WoW has. It doesn't have the expert hand at building immersive content that WoW has. It doesn't have the amazing endgame raiding content to compare with WoW. The team PvP is better than WoW, but not as good as it was in DAOC or WO - plus it's almost 100% determined by gear and numbers, not tactics as it was in the other two mentioned games.

GTA5, on the other hand, from all accounts is a masterpiece of sandbox immersion and storytelling, the crowning jewel in a long line of games that show they know how to do this shit right.




GTA5, on the other hand, from all accounts is a masterpiece of sandbox immersion and storytelling, the crowning jewel in a long line of games that show they know how to do this shit right.
And the PC port is supposedly one of the best Rockstar has ever done, which may also make it the first good pc port they've ever done.

Now if it just doesn't get delayed again...




I love my wife. When she found out that GTA didn't come out until April 11 she said, "Why not just get that one on my 8th paycheck?" So I'm getting both! Downloading and going to play Guild Wars tonight.

Yay wife!




I love my wife. When she found out that GTA didn't come out until April 11 she said, "Why not just get that one on my 8th paycheck?" So I'm getting both! Downloading and going to play Guild Wars tonight.

Yay wife!
Wives are awesome.
In general, I mean.
...this is not an endorsement of polygamy.





Lucky man!!! :wololo:




Have you tried, and I'm just throwing shit around to see what sticks here, considered the Two Worlds pack? it's $5.99 (or whatever, Steam's conversion rates are completely incomprehensible) right now, the first one's a great RPG, the second one's pretty neat as well, I haven't honestly played the expansion to the second nor the tower defense game, and it'll have you set for 50-60 hours of entertainment for a fraction of the price of either of your choices.
I never thought I'd see someone mention these games ever. I liked them, more than Skyrim, but egad the voice acting was horrible.

On topic, I vote Grue




I found Two Worlds 2 excruciating to play. Bad controls, bullshit design.




So did I. But I still somehow enjoyed it.




How much is there to do in GTA V? Well, Rooster Teeth has 2 weekly shows based around fucking around in GTA V (Achievement Hunter: Let's Play GTA Monday, and Rooster Teeth: Things to Do in GTA on Thursday), and a good many of their episodes of GO! are in GTA as well. There's the campaign. There's Online. There's Heists. There's map building so you can make your own races, deathmatches, etc. Rockstar is STILL adding content to GTA V. It's definitely a great investment for your gaming dollar.
