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Weird issue with my keyboard.




So my the 9 key on my keyboard stopped working. I took it apart, cleaned it and nothing. Everything else works fine. Okay, I thought, it must be a loose connection under the keypad, but since the keyboard is old I'll just get a new one. This morning, though, I logged in to work from home to do my reports and when using the VPN the 9 key works.

Log off and the 9 key again doesn't work.

I've googled this and looked at my key mapping, but can't find why it wouldn't work locally but would remotely.

Any ideas?




Num lock?




Nope. Numlock is on. I can do 1-8 perfectly fine. But the 9 key only works when I'm VPN'd in to work.




Does your keyboard have a function lock key (usually labeled fn)?

Does your keyboard have a macro program, where you might be trying to execute an empty macro by pressing keypad 9?

If you turn num lock off, does it function as page up?




What is your keyboard's make and model? It helps to know the hardware. Depending on the keyboard, something odd might be going on with your drivers for it.

Does this issue happen in the computer's BIOS/Setup? How about the login screen? How about when you boot the computer into Safe Mode? If no to any of those, then some piece of software might be intercepting the 9 for reasons.

Define "VPN'd". Do you mean that as soon as you tunnel into your work network it fixes itself, or do you mean that when you are remoted into a work machine it works? If remoted, are you using RDP, Citrix, ...?




Ah, by 9 key I thought you meant the 9 keys. Just beat the hell out of it until it relents and starts working.




If you turn num lock off, does it function as page up?
This is the important one. It'll tell you if something is remapping/intercepting the keypress. Sticky keys, accessibility, dictation, whatever.





It's a Gateway KB-0532.

When I turn of the numlock it DOES act as a page up.

It works when I remote into my work computer.

I'll try the safe mode next.




It's a Gateway KB-0532.

When I turn of the numlock it DOES act as a page up.

It works when I remote into my work computer.

I'll try the safe mode next.
Is it possible your keyboard somehow got set to the wrong region?




You might try using a utility like QiPressto see which keys are being pressed.
That'll tell you what the key has been remapped to, or what command it might invoke.





You might try using a utility like QiPressto see which keys are being pressed.
That'll tell you what the key has been remapped to, or what command it might invoke.

My system tells me this is a very bad site.




My system tells me this is a very bad site.
There are other alternatives that may be more to your liking.





My system tells me this is a very bad site.
Well, I mean, it is by definition a keylogger.




Okay, this thing is driving me insane. Here are the particulars from the top, what I've tried, and the effects.

  • Keypad #9 and now #5 no longer work.
  • Cleaned keyboard. Nothing.
  • VPN into my work using Dell NetExtender & mstsc...and they work again.
  • Booted in safe mode. - They worked. So it's a software issue somewhere. I don't use the keyboard that much so I do not know how far back I'd have to go for a restore.
  • I downloaded that file @PatrThom suggested and it tells me that pressing the keys does not do anything. They aren't remapped, they just aren't registering a click.
  • While in safe mode I ran my virus scan as well as malware scan. Nothing.
  • Uninstalled the keyboard drivers and forced reinstall. Nothing.
So it looks like I have to find out what is causing this. Probably have to go through my Task Manager removing things one by one until it works.[DOUBLEPOST=1470705559,1470705299][/DOUBLEPOST]And I figured it out.


The NVidia streaming app did not play well with OBS. I had Shadowplay on without knowing it, and it takes over the 5 & 9 keys for broadcasting.

Well that was a load of fun.




Well that was a load of fun.
Welcome to the world of tech support!
It's always worse when you can't figure it out at first, because you're the person who's supposed to know.





I've been both level 1 & level 2 support. When I tried a couple things I immediately Googled and then posted here. When none of that worked I went the long way around. But I got it!
