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Way to go Supreme Court! Marriage Equality!




Just announced: Same Sex marriage is now legal in every state. Raise the rainbows, people!




Local "pastor" bigot vomits all over the op-ed page in 3... 2... 1...

Seriously, it's like a one-man WBC. With a side order of senile dementia. He went off on a proposal to lower the drinking age to curb binge drinking and thought college Greek life was real Greeks. :facepalm:




So... which one of you do i have to marry now?

Can i just pick a guy, or is there a lottery?

Do guys that have to divorce women first get an extension?




...since I can't find a woman to marry...

Na, I'm still too big of a jerk to live with.




Still waiting for the repercussions.
...like two Supreme Court justices proposing. I've seen the way Thomas looks at Scalia.





Yaaaay! :D

And it is about fucking time!




When "full faith and credit" is supposed to be a thing, and 37 states have that thing, it only stands to reason that it's a constitutional issue that is probably going to have to be worked out by the supreme court, contrary to what just about every Republican politician is saying today. It's a good thing that same-sex spouses will now have the same legal status for matters affecting their lives together instead of being second class citizens. I expect that in some places, prejudices will persist until there's a generational cycle or two, but this makes that change possible.




Nooooo! Now my heterosexual marriage will become meaningless! Or at least weaker, depending on who you listen to!




I'm not looking forward to hearing from my parents about how this is ruining the country. No, it's really not. It's just people declaring each other to be family. They're already having sex, this doesn't change what they're doing. They're not going to be doing any more or any less of what you consider sin. This has no impact on you or on the fate of the nation.

On the other hand, I saw this comment on my Facebook wall, too "America has finally done ONE thing right." Yeah, because that's helpful. Just ignore all other progress America has made. Giving minorities the right to vote? Nah, that wasn't right. Ensuring that everyone has a right to a trial by jury? Nope, that wasn't right either. America hasn't done anything good up until now!

Can both sides stop being so stupid?




Woot, way to go SCOTUS!




Can both sides stop being so stupid?




I expect that in some places, prejudices will persist until there's a generational cycle or two, but this makes that change possible.
In some places sure, but in others change will probably happen much faster than expected. Here in Spain (in some ways quite a conservative country, although in a different way than the US I guess) when a law was passed making same sex marriages legal most of the right was outraged, and the conservative party claimed that they would overturn the law. Only 6 years later, when they came to power, people had already realized that the world hadn't ended, their heterosexual unions were no less due to this, etc and there was no support for overturning the law.

So this is great news in more ways than one :D







It's already been announced in my city that they will be blocking gay marriage licenses. I know it won't last, but Jesus...




It's already been announced in my city that they will be blocking gay marriage licenses. I know it won't last, but Jesus...
Now just to get them to block ALL licenses like other municipalities...







I might need to buy a used Tux, in case all my Gay Friends get married for legals this summer.










Well, now that everyone's had plenty of time to bask in the rainbow afterglow, it's time for me to be the bearer of bad news -

This probably isn't over, and it's the supreme court's fault.

Same sex marriage has been a long struggle coming, and it's been winning. 36 states and DC had recognized its legitimacy, and every indication has been that it was a practical inevitability to continue working its way through the remaining 14 as popular support continued to build behind the movement.

And then the Supreme court decided it for everyone. Shortcut to the predictable end result, right? What's the problem?

Roe v Wade.

The main reason why the abortion debate continues to be vicious and acrimonious to this day is because it was not decided democratically, it was decided by the supreme court. That's the problem with a supreme court - if they rule against you, you feel your side lost because of treachery and thus the decision is invalid, and can probably be overturned if you just "get more of your people" in the right places (most importantly, the supreme court). That's why every supreme court nominee for the last 30 years basically couldn't get confirmed unless they all but performed a partial birth abortion live on the senate floor - because those who wish to outlaw it still consider the fight to be ongoing even to this day, because its legality was decided via adjudication, not legislation. It was decreed, not voted.

And now same sex marriage is in the same situation. Do you think them thar rednecks will now roll over and pout quietly for the rest of eternity because of a supreme court decision? When they feel disenfranchised by the "judicial activism of 5 unelected lawyers who answer to no one?" That's the exact phrasing all the right wing talking heads are using at this very moment. They perceive injustice, and it hardens their resolve to dig in their heels and not accept what they see has been imposed upon them.

It's a bit of a shame, really, when all signs indicate that same sex marriage was on its way to universal acceptance via democracy. If opponents were faced with the stark proof of the minority of their belief, there probably would have been more acceptance in the long run that the world has changed and it's just time to accept it. But now, that path is closed, and it would not surprise me if churches that perform gay marriages start to see the same sort of treatment that abortion clinics have been experiencing for the last few decades.[DOUBLEPOST=1435351646,1435351303][/DOUBLEPOST]But hey, on the lighter side...




I posted on the FB page of our local newspaper that I was an ordained minister if anyone wanted to get married. They deleted it.




Well yeah. You were trying for free advertising.




6/26 was an inside job




Whose 9/11 is 9/11 now if y'all Mericans don't want it anymore. Canada don't need that crap.




Whose 9/11 is 9/11 now if y'all Mericans don't want it anymore. Canada don't need that crap.
9/11 was the attack of Muslims on Capitalists.
6/26 was the attack of Liberals on Christians.
...or something something.




Whose 9/11 is 9/11 now if y'all Mericans don't want it anymore. Canada don't need that crap.
Dammit, I saw an image in imgur earlier this week that'd be perfect for here... but of course I didn't know there'd be a need to display a great tragedy befalling canada so I just moved on past it, and now it's lost forever buried beneath the ever churning avalanche of memes, boobs and cats. And searching for it won't help because everybody's gotta have a stupid clever title/tag on their submission instead of an actual description.

Anyway, so pretend I've posted a jpg here of a Canadian police officer on his knees, screaming to the heavens, in front of a permanently closed Tim Horton's.




Anyway, so pretend I've posted a jpg here of a Canadian police officer on his knees, screaming to the heavens, in front of a permanently closed Tim Horton's.
Yup, that's the sort of 9/11 I want.

Canada is First World like nowhere else


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

Dammit, I saw an image in imgur earlier this week that'd be perfect for here... but of course I didn't know there'd be a need to display a great tragedy befalling canada so I just moved on past it, and now it's lost forever buried beneath the ever churning avalanche of memes, boobs and cats. And searching for it won't help because everybody's gotta have a stupid clever title/tag on their submission instead of an actual description.

Anyway, so pretend I've posted a jpg here of a Canadian police officer on his knees, screaming to the heavens, in front of a permanently closed Tim Horton's.
I saw that on Twitter! It was wonderful.




Very happy to hear this news. As @GasBandit said, though, the fight's not over. It's a big step in the right direction, but it's still not over.

With that said, how come we haven't heard about all those pastors who promised to light themselves on fire? Dammit, I had the smores ready and everything!




Very happy to hear this news. As @GasBandit said, though, the fight's not over. It's a big step in the right direction, but it's still not over.

With that said, how come we haven't heard about all those pastors who promised to light themselves on fire? Dammit, I had the smores ready and everything!
Hot dogs might be the better choice. All those phallic symbols.




Hot dogs might be the better choice. All those phallic symbols.
Well...I mean...if you want a DIFFERENT sex imagery, there's also melted marshmallows. :Leyla:




Well yeah. You were trying for free advertising.
oh nm it's still there. someone asked me what bible I was reading. I almost want to reply the bible of satan, our one true lord.... but I won't.




oh nm it's still there. someone asked me what bible I was reading. I almost want to reply the bible of satan, our one true lord.... but I won't.
Well, duh. We all know "Satan, our one Lady" is far more fun.




someone asked me what bible I was reading.
How to Serve People.




The one where Jesus said to love one another, you know, the NEW testament? That's what I always want to say, even though I'm in my happy agnostic bubble.




Or you could bust out the old funny stuff about how it bans wearing mixed fabrics, women teaching or speaking in church, touching the dead skin of a pig, eating seafood, trimming your beard, etc.




"You're not Christians, you're Selective LevitiCANTS"




Whelp, today I at least started my first ever block list on facebook.

Boy, you really learn who the bigots are when something like this happens.




It's a bit of a shame, really, when all signs indicate that same sex marriage was on its way to universal acceptance via democracy. If opponents were faced with the stark proof of the minority of their belief, there probably would have been more acceptance in the long run that the world has changed and it's just time to accept it. But now, that path is closed, and it would not surprise me if churches that perform gay marriages start to see the same sort of treatment that abortion clinics have been experiencing for the last few decades.
I don't think I've ever heard of a Unitarian church being bombed...




I don't think I've ever heard of a Unitarian church being bombed...
That was pre-gay-9/11.




Whose 9/11 is 9/11 now if y'all Mericans don't want it anymore. Canada don't need that crap.
Chile had 9/11 before it was cool.




You might have to play Hearthstone to get what Blizzard posted:

Hearthstone Equality Pun.jpg

That's the card art for the spell Equality, altered with a rainbow of color.




This is good. I've seen too many of my LGBTQ friends face various troubles with this issue - it took almost 2 years for work to approve healthcare coverage for my immediate supervisor's partner, even though that's a right specifically protected under NJ law.




I realize that the way the ruling came about might mean it continues to be questioned for years to come, but I'm going to go ahead and celebrate the victory for now anyway.

Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk




CSPAN2 is replaying oral arguments and I tuned in just long enough to hear the TN Solicitor General call their policy "legitimate." So, it's "legitimate" to deny one group of people rights afforded to another group of people based solely on the legal doctrine of "we don't wanna"?




I didn't see this thread earlier. I posted a bunch of salt over the whole thing in the funny political pictures thread:


It's SO like the protests against the end of segregation.




I hate Jindal. He ruined this day for me. I want to cry.




Whelp, today I at least started my first ever block list on facebook.

Boy, you really learn who the bigots are when something like this happens.
I'm surprised you lasted this long. I can barely stand most people's "clever" links and posts when it's not politicized.








It occurred to me today that my nephew won't ever realize what a big deal this is because it'll just be the norm by the time he's old enough to understand it all.




So I've been arguing with this idiot online about homosexuality. They're very religious and say it's a sin and quoting Bible passages and such. They also threw out some statistics, like only 3% of North America is gay and that 30% of those people are pedophiles. Oh yeah, this guy also equated homosexuality with pedophilia. Because of course he does.

I've seen this 3% statistic used in arguments before. Where on earth does that come from? Or that 30% bullshit?

Ugh. I hate people sometimes. It's judgmental, close-minded bigots like them that are slowing progress in our society.

Some of these guy's quotes:

"Would you leave your son in a company of two homosexuals alone ? Would you take that risk ? I wouldn't. Soon the schools will be dressing your son into girly princess dresses, actually the idea is already there will you be happy about it ? Your son is going to be surrounded by gays as they aim now for corrupting education , if you disagree, the state will take your son away and adopt him to a nice homosexual couple and maybe this is what will follow"

"Officially the US have 3% homosexual population yet 30% of child abuse and paedophilia is committed by homosexuals who pick the same sex. 3% commit 30% . The state believes it owns your child and it will take him if wants. But you will see soon enough."




My FB is also home to quite a few aggressively anti-gay-marriage people. I'm sorry, you do not live in a part of the middle east controlled by IS. Therefor, what one specific religion has to say on the matter is really quite irrelevant. Yes, you may believe homosexuality is a sin. So is divorce. So don't do it. Feel free. That's absolutely no basis whatsoever to deny anyone else the freedom to divorce, marry the same sex, get drunk, eat meat on Friday, or half a dozen other things considered a sin by your religion.




So I've been arguing with this idiot online about homosexuality. They're very religious and say it's a sin and quoting Bible passages and such. They also threw out some statistics, like only 3% of North America is gay and that 30% of those people are pedophiles. Oh yeah, this guy also equated homosexuality with pedophilia. Because of course he does.

I've seen this 3% statistic used in arguments before. Where on earth does that come from? Or that 30% bullshit?

Ugh. I hate people sometimes. It's judgmental, close-minded bigots like them that are slowing progress in our society.

Some of these guy's quotes:

"Would you leave your son in a company of two homosexuals alone ? Would you take that risk ? I wouldn't. Soon the schools will be dressing your son into girly princess dresses, actually the idea is already there will you be happy about it ? Your son is going to be surrounded by gays as they aim now for corrupting education , if you disagree, the state will take your son away and adopt him to a nice homosexual couple and maybe this is what will follow"

"Officially the US have 3% homosexual population yet 30% of child abuse and paedophilia is committed by homosexuals who pick the same sex. 3% commit 30% . The state believes it owns your child and it will take him if wants. But you will see soon enough."

As far as the 3%, this is probably the original source. No, gay people don't comprise the bulk of the population. That's what makes us minorities :p

Only 5% of the country identifies as Asian american and only 1.2% identify as Native American. That doesn't mean that they are any less entitled to the rights of every other citizen of the country.





As far as the 3%, this is probably the original source. No, gay people don't comprise the bulk of the population. That's what makes us minorities :p

Only 5% of the country identifies as Asian american and only 1.2% identify as Native American. That doesn't mean that they are any less entitled to the rights of every other citizen of the country.
Hmm. I'd always thought the estimate was about 1 in 10 people were LGBTQ.




Hmm. I'd always thought the estimate was about 1 in 10 people were LGBTQ.
I'd heard 1 in 5. Either of which sounds more likely than 3%, honestly. Especially when you take into consideration how many people still aren't comfortable or feel safe enough to come out of the closet.




Hmm. I'd always thought the estimate was about 1 in 10 people were LGBTQ.
That was from back in the 70s and the data collection wasn't reliable.




I heard 5%.




I heard 5%.
If you include standard error, then it is around 5.





As far as the 3%, this is probably the original source. No, gay people don't comprise the bulk of the population. That's what makes us minorities :p

Only 5% of the country identifies as Asian american and only 1.2% identify as Native American. That doesn't mean that they are any less entitled to the rights of every other citizen of the country.
If it weren't for the constitution and those unelected lawyers in the robes, any group under 50% of the population would have no rights. Tyranny of the masses.




So I just did the math. There's about 319 million people in the U.S. 3% of that is about 9.5 million.

That...actually sounds like a reasonable number. I think? I'm honestly not sure. Even still, it doesn't matter how many or little. They still deserve the same basic rights as everyone else.




I heard that now I'm forced to gay marry the next man I speak to, so to be sure I'm keeping my rebel flag customized AR-15 at the ready just in case some homo gay tries to make me into an abomination in the eyes of the Lord with his queer virus.




I heard that now I'm forced to gay marry the next man I speak to, so to be sure I'm keeping my rebel flag customized AR-15 at the ready just in case some homo gay tries to make me into an abomination in the eyes of the Lord with his queer virus.
You haven't seen the leaked security footage? It's already begun! We're powerless to stop the gaypocalypse!


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I'm really trying to make a joke about being angry the gays are stealing our women... somehow I know it's there but my brain is misfiring.

I'm all for this. Every person should have just as much right as the next to be unhappily married as the next person.... or you know, happily if that works out for you...




I spend every day hoping to god that my family doesn't post something stupid about gay marriage, because I really don't know if I could just ignore it like I do the rest of their nonsense.




One of the perks of not being on facebook is it keeps exposure to family stupidity to a minimum.




I unfriended a cousin some years back because all she posted was anti-abortion stuff. Not just saying abortion is bad, but really NSFW pictures on the matter.[DOUBLEPOST=1435493710,1435493301][/DOUBLEPOST]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/...marriage_n_7674990.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices

Aw maaaaaan! Well now I'm just disappointed.

*throws away the smores*




"Would you leave your son in a company of two homosexuals alone ? Would you take that risk ? I wouldn't. Soon the schools will be dressing your son into girly princess dresses, actually the idea is already there will you be happy about it ? Your son is going to be surrounded by gays as they aim now for corrupting education , if you disagree, the state will take your son away and adopt him to a nice homosexual couple and maybe this is what will follow"
To hear them tell it, the entire 3% lives right around them, like they somehow mistakenly bought a house right in the middle of the Rainbow Reservation and somehow didn't realize it.

Even prior to the SCOTUS decision, and even if it were true, I'm thinking there would have been clues.








I heard 5%.
I heard Mr. Shecklesby has a thing for rubbing himself in butter from a statue he's carved in your likeness

I mean, uh I heard 3.5%-5% identify as gay, but up to 11% identify as having some same sex attraction.




I heard Mr. Shecklesby has a thing for rubbing himself in butter from a statue he's carved in your likeness
Psf, well, who doesn't, really?




I hear this is going to cause a lot of unintended trouble with computer systems due to "Y2Gay," or the phenomenon of demographic-dependent software assuming that everyone who checks the "Married" box must be part of a heterosexual pair, and does not allow for the possibility of M+M or F+F couples.

Pro tip for software engineers: If you're going to rewrite your software, you might as well head off the inevitable and build in the ability for "Married" to recognize unions of > 2 people. Just sayin'.





Unfortunately, yes.




"The incident is believed to be unrelated to the pride weekend celebration."




awfully coincidental timing and place then.







right in the middle of the Rainbow Reservation and somehow didn't realize it.
You'd think people'd inform themselves beforehand about why property values are low in any given area, but noooo.




You'd think people'd inform themselves beforehand about why property values are low in any given area, but noooo.
I live in Michigan, a State where subdivision developers have been known to pass out scratch-and-sniff cards with the scent of manure on them so you can decide early whether or not you really, really want to move out into farm country BEFORE you move.



Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Some counties are apparently refusing to issue ANY marriage licenses in protest of this decision.

Yyyeah, guys, that'll show 'em.




Some counties are apparently refusing to issue ANY marriage licenses in protest of this decision.

Yyyeah, guys, that'll show 'em.
Well, it's equality too.




Well, it's equality too.
That's basically my take on it. As long as they are refusing to acknowledge ALL marriages (like Alabama did when it got rid of marriage licensing in the follow up to this) there really isn't any discrimination. Hope they don't mind losing out on the money for marriage licenses though... though I can't wait for the insurance companies to try and pull "You don't got a marriage license, so your partner doesn't get benefits" on people in these states. It's gonna be a SHITSTORM.




Back when there was a debate over a potential law allowing gay marriage in Taiwan, a Facebook friend of mine posted a status arguing against it. Her main argument? Taiwan's birthrate is already disastrously low (which is true), and allowing gay marriage will make it drop even further.

Unfriended her, not for being bigoted, but for being an idiot.




Ted Cruz on the Today show argued that a federal ban on slavery was cool with him because we fought a bloody war over it. Usurping states' rights is cool with Cruz as long as a whole lot of conscripted young people die for it.




Unfriended her, not for being bigoted, but for being an idiot.

Isn't it weird how those two things seem to go hand in hand?[DOUBLEPOST=1435586620,1435586498][/DOUBLEPOST]
Some counties are apparently refusing to issue ANY marriage licenses in protest of this decision.

And they say the universe isn't hilarious...




That's basically my take on it. As long as they are refusing to acknowledge ALL marriages (like Alabama did when it got rid of marriage licensing in the follow up to this) there really isn't any discrimination. Hope they don't mind losing out on the money for marriage licenses though... though I can't wait for the insurance companies to try and pull "You don't got a marriage license, so your partner doesn't get benefits" on people in these states. It's gonna be a SHITSTORM.
Presumably, a lot of people are simply going to go to the neighboring states, especially now that full faith and credit has been pointedly re-addressed.
