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Thought Question




Shower thought. I wonder what the reaction to conservative media would be if president Obama suddenly started pushing an ultra -conservative agenda while still promoting being a Democrat. Would Fox News implode on itself? Would Ann Coulter's brain explode?




Shower thought. I wonder what the reaction to conservative media would be if president Obama suddenly started pushing an ultra -conservative agenda while still promoting being a Democrat. Would Fox News implode on itself? Would Ann Coulter's brain explode?
Speaking as an experienced forum troll, they'd claim he was "seeing the light" and attempt to use it as a lever against other entrenched liberal institutions. "You see, even Obama realizes that overregulation is hurting GPA growth, so we need to abolish the EPA. Certainly the president would get behind that, wouldn't he? If he really believes what he is saying now."




Speaking as an experienced forum troll, they'd claim he was "seeing the light" and attempt to use it as a lever against other entrenched liberal institutions. "You see, even Obama realizes that overregulation is hurting GPA growth, so we need to abolish the EPA. Certainly the president would get behind that, wouldn't he? If he really believes what he is saying now."

See, my line of thought went along the lines of FoxNews grinding to a halt and start promoting a liberal agenda because they hate him so much.




See, my line of thought went along the lines of FoxNews grinding to a halt and start promoting a liberal agenda because they hate him so much.
You've got it backwards. The democrat agenda is what they're against. Fox was republican before Obama, they'd still be republican if he flipped sides. Their bread and butter came from filling the not-liberal demand that languished largely unsupplied in broadcast media prior to their instantiation.

What you should be asking yourself is, would Fox News suddenly go liberal if all the other cable news networks went hard right? I think in that situation, the answer would be yes.

It's all about money and supplying a demand.




Every single mainstream extremist media personality on both left and right wing are just exploiting controversy and conflict for profit. Plain and simple.

I'll lay even money that Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly don't believe even half of what comes out of their mouth. Same with Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow. They're little more than actors.

I think that's why John Stewart garners even more authenticity to viewers. He's flat out saying, this is a comedy show so I'm under no obligation to be fair or unbiased.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

if president Obama suddenly started pushing an ultra -conservative agenda
"if" "suddenly" ??!?!?

Obama has always been a moderate, and pushed forward the conservative agenda w/r/t Wall Street and The Middle East, but Conservatives are too fucking stupid to realize it.




They'd be against anything he did, or at least criticize how he did it. Because agreeing with the black man is not something the republicans want to do. They need to have the country fail as much as possible so they can blame it on him and take control of everything so they can fuck it up worse due to their backwards and destructive social and unworkable fiscal policies. Seriously, NOTHING they do works. And yet millions of idiots vote for them. What party balances the budget and lowers deficits? Democrats. Which party makes the economy tank? Republicans. Which party is socially progressive? Care to guess? Which one wants it to be the 1820's when you could hit women and own people? Okay, maybe that last one is hyperbolic, but I truly think some of them think that way. They use religion and scare tactics to gather voters and then shit on those same voters and they still get elected. They don't even hide their racism or crappy tactics any longer with gerrymandering and voter suppression laws. Yet people vote for them.




Rewind 7 years and...
They'd be against anything he did, or at least criticize how he did it. Because agreeing with (GWB) is not something the (Democrats) want to do. They need to have the country fail as much as possible so they can blame it on him and take control of everything so they can fuck it up worse due to their backwards and destructive social and unworkable fiscal policies. Seriously, NOTHING they do works. And yet millions of idiots vote for them.
... is a completely accurate and unironic statement.

Charlie's slightly on the right track (but not the way he thinks, and not with the examples he used) in that there's actually not all that much pragmatic difference between Republicans and Democrats. Sure, each side has their ultraloony wing, but when it comes to the people in charge, both merely want to keep the kabuki going for the sake of power itself, that's the only real goal.




So you are saying the democrats have backwards and destructive social policies as well as unworkable fiscal policies? History and hard data proves you wrong.




So you are saying the democrats have backwards and destructive social policies as well as unworkable fiscal policies? History and hard data proves you wrong.
Welfare expansion is a destructive social policy.
Before GWB, it was cliche to point out how fiscal policies of democrats were unworkable - the point it was taken for granted.
Obamacare is both.




And hey, nothing screams "fiscal responsibility" like refusing to let a budget even come to the senate floor for a vote even once in eight years, amirite? That alone should have been grounds for automatic re-elections with no incumbency.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

Do you think Obama is liberal in his dealings with Wall Street? Seriously? with a straight face? He's lock step in key with shoving more money into their pockets.




Do you think Obama is liberal in his dealings with Wall Street? Seriously? with a straight face? He's lock step in key with shoving more money into their pockets.
Just for clarification, are you addressing Dave, or myself?


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

anybody that thinks Obama isn't very conservative in fiscal/Wall Street policy, really


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

It's a lot easier for you to cast people as stupid and backwards than it is for you to understand them.
I won't call them stupid, but they are manipulated into voting against their interests




I won't call them stupid, but they are manipulated into voting against their interests
The problem there is that anyone voting for a politician is voting against their interests.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

The problem there is that anyone voting for a politician is voting against their interests.
God Bless America




Yeah, I'm backing off as well. Our furnace went out this weekend and only works when you stand by the switch and flip it until it comes on. I got to bed last night after 3 am and had to be up by 6. So I was a bit tired and cranky when I ranted. I'm awake and all better now.




Yeah, I'm backing off as well. Our furnace went out this weekend and only works when you stand by the switch and flip it until it comes on. I got to bed last night after 3 am and had to be up by 6. So I was a bit tired and cranky when I ranted. I'm awake and all better now.
I hear ya. I forgot to open the windows or turn on the AC last night so I woke up all hot and sticky because it only got down into the 60s as last night's low.




God Bless America

God bless every fucking democracy and government since Roman times, you mean... You think crooked politicians is something exclusive to the US? Or this time point in history?




God bless every fucking democracy and government since Roman times, you mean... You think crooked politicians is something exclusive to the US? Or this time point in history?
At least the senate isn't voting with daggers anymore.




At least the senate isn't voting with daggers anymore.
Once (or maybe twice) I'd like to see one senator try to beat another to death with their cane in the middle of a session, as has happened before.




It's one way to determine who really believes in their cause in Congress.





You know those red lines on the floor in the Halls of Parliament, in London? The ones that the Members of Parliament aren't supposed to cross during debates? Supposedly they're two sword-lengths apart.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

You know those red lines on the floor in the Halls of Parliament, in London? The ones that the Members of Parliament aren't supposed to cross during debates? Supposedly they're two sword-lengths apart.
In Canada as well. Historically you were allowed to bring your sword in with you, and this prevented people from literally fighting in the House or Senate. I wonder if you're still allowed to bring swords with you.
