The Sports "Purity" Test

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What's your score? ;)

Now, before I give you the link to the Scribd PDF version of the test, I will admit a few things:
  1. This is very North-American-centric, based on the four major league team sports in the US and Canada (baseball, football, basketball and hockey).
  2. There are a lot of things that I could have included on this list that I didn't, mostly because I didn't want the test to be 1,000 questions long. I could have added questions about "Have you attended a baseball game in a stadium that was torn down 20 or more years ago?" or "Have you ever attended a Monday Night Football game?" or "Have you ever met Don Cherry?"
  3. Yes, the questions are all about attendance. If I chose the "have you ever watched this event on television" option, I would bet a LOT of people would have low scores. And, the list would be twice as long (see question two).
  4. This is strictly for fun. YMMV.
My score on this test, by the way, was 83.
20. Not that surprising considering I've been to about 5 sports games outside of Buffalo or Columbia, and I've never been to a Bills playoff game :(

Actually, 22. I missed the question about 10 times in one NHL arena and Lake Placid.
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