The Random Crap Thread

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Fair enough. Can I still use the comments section to sell enhancement creme? These penises aren't going to enhance themselves you know.
actually, in my experience you don't even need cream to "enhance" them. har har
Ok. I just sent an email to my ex (not related to penis, totally random) apologizing for being such a bitch to him.

I feel like I can finally stop feeling so guilty about this. Although I love the boyfriend so very much, this has been eating me alive since he's moved in.

Ugh... growing up sucks!
Seriously, you guys, I'm tearing up here. How Hollywood hasn't glommed onto your love story is a travesty I will never understand. Titanic's got nothing on you two.

I can see it now.

Gustamindi: A story of fleeting passion.

It will be wonderful and narrated by Liam Neeson and Antonio Banderas's love child and it will have wheelbarrows full of kittens who cry when the breakup scene occurs and Eljuski will have a close up shot of hims weeping a single tear.

And a black & white shot of Funsize dressed up as a crying clown.
I will be played by.... actually I can't think of any actors who resemble me.
Needs to be someone as suave as you.

As long as Kristen Stewart doesn't play me, I will be fine.

Or, maybe because no one will ever come close to what we had, we should just be thrown into a house and make a reality TV show outta it.

New! On VH1! I'm a forum poster! Get me outta here! Tales of love, woe, inebriation, and lezzin out!
I can see it now.

Gustamindi: A story of fleeting passion.

It will be wonderful and narrated by Liam Neeson and Antonio Banderas's love child and it will have wheelbarrows full of kittens who cry when the breakup scene occurs and Eljuski will have a close up shot of hims weeping a single tear.

And a black & white shot of Funsize dressed up as a crying clown.
dibs on being the guy whose outlet is ranting and raving all over the place
Actually no I got it.

Ultimate non-sequitur.

I will be played by Will Smith, and Vyta will be played by Lucy Liu.


you threw me with admitting to be Denbrought, and she's really cute.
I'm really glad I was only IMing with my husband when I typoed "on all counts" to "on all c*nts."

His response: "Dropping an O makes a big difference with c*nts."


I'm really glad I was only IMing with my husband when I typoed "on all counts" to "on all :whappyspot:s."

His response: "Dropping an O makes a big difference with :whappyspot:s."
fixed? smileys gone wrong
Stienman: that's awesome.

Vytamindi: cheating on me again?! I thought what we had was something special! Oh, the drama! Off to the rant thread it is, once again; it is the onyl way I can show my emotions.
Stienman: that's awesome.

Vytamindi: cheating on me again?! I thought what we had was something special! Oh, the drama! Off to the rant thread it is, once again; it is the onyl way I can show my emotions.
Bubs, be my next 5 minute romance? I expect an iota more passion for you than I felt for Gusto.

Vytamubble? Bubbamindi?


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