[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

Many American Schools are quite dangerous.
First, middle schools?
Second, that's not the point. Very tight and zero-tolerance security has its place in nuclear silos (to exagerate), in banks, in places where (industrial, political,...) secrets are guarded, where someone lives who is a high-risk target. Even in a dangerous school, there's such a thing as allowing people to live. As long as the passage was supervised, the woman ID-checked and registered, earched or whatever else should have happened, afterward, I don't see the point of giving the boy punishment. There's a HUGE difference between "strict" security, and "zero tolerance" security. A lot of people think one is just a stricter version of the other, but, no.
Yes! I can't name the # of times I've seen 12 year old kids wearing 'Crips or Bloods get ups at school. They can use a knife or gun as well as a 15 year old.
Yes! I can't name the # of times I've seen 12 year old kids wearing 'Crips or Bloods get ups at school. They can use a knife or gun as well as a 15 year old.
The correct reaction to 12-year-olds using excessive/deadly violence isn't putting them in a jail before they've done anything; overreaction and Big Brothering them will help as much for this as it will for 12 year olds getting pregnant. That is, not at all; quite to the contrary.
Not that these problems don't exist - but repression (especially ONLY repression) will not solve these issues.


Staff member
Not a quarter goes by that I don't read about some kid who is drummed out on a zero tolerance beat for something stupid and innocent because a school administrator can't brain good. It's part of the "if we can't make decisions, we can't be sued for them" turtle mentality.
So... wait, those complex structures, which look to be approximately the height of an adult male, are all made out of sugar?

Damn, I wanna lick them just to check.
There are a few shows on Food Network where they have competitions making these kinds of things. They're generally pretty damn amazing.

The end of a prominent bull fighter's last bullfight of his career before he became a staunch bullfighting opponent. The bull he was provoking would not become aggressive with him, even after being grievously wounded.
The end of a prominent bull fighter's last bullfight of his career before he became a staunch bullfighting opponent. The bull he was provoking would not become aggressive with him, even after being grievously wounded.

Sorry to be that guy, but that's not the case (fair warning: the linked article is basically a long advertisement for the blogger's book). The picture is ostensibly of Alvaro Munera, who is a bullfighter-turned-activist; however, his last match was in 1984 when he was 18 years old, where he got badly injured and became permanently paralyzed. He didn't become an activist until coming to the United States and getting a face-full of anti-bullfighting sentiment.

Apparently sitting down along the ring is a not-unheard-of bit of showmanship on the part of the matador.


.... I know that character.

I should elaborate.

That's a Dean Yeagle drawing. He was a Disney animator, as well as a playboy artist. Actually he might still be doing one or both of those things, I'm not really sure. He draws gorgeous women, and very little else. Mostly he draws that same girl, "Mandy"

Also, why can't I upload directly to halforums anymore? Do I have a certain amount of space and I've filled it up already? It's annoying having to log in to my old photobucket account every time.
He does a lot of pandering, no doubt, but I think his work falls more on the fun side, sexuality wise (although I admit I'm not super familiar with his work).
This is actually one of the most offensive things I've ever seen on these boards...
The reason there probably hasn't been more board outcry is because it was posted by WasabiPoptart instead of Jay , otherwise there would've been a bit more outrage.
Honestly, at first I thought it was a test for exactly that...to see how much reaction it would get if posted by a 0+ instead of a 0->.
