The all-purpose Linux thread

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As a continuation of the Gentoo rant thread, a thread for Linux in general sould be started. So here it is.

I've got Arch installed and working fine. Only thing I really need to tweak is wired networking so I don't have to keep doing this every reboot:

ip link enp2s0 up
systemctl stop dhcpcd.service
systemctl start dhcpcd.service
Wifi is working fine. Actually better than fine since I switched from netcfg to netctl. Ready to hang out at my local Starbucks! ;)

I found this screenshot on Tumblr. It's Arch, LXDE, and Metacity. According to #archlinux on freenode, he's also using Docky:

Anyone else able to help me out if I don't hear back from the kid that posted this?

And finally. Steam. It's only "officially" supported on Ubuntu, but Arch has a wiki page full of tweaks and workarounds. Gonna give it a shot. I'll report back how that little adventure goes.
I've managed to operate primarily on Kubuntu since around February after reformatting my hard drive to erase windows. Still have to use windows in virtual box for some programs but am gradually finding replacements or getting wine to clunk along with the program well enough. I like the sound of Arch linux but don't feel savy enough quite yet to go that deep in; I've been having trouble getting the hang of succesfully building programs from source.

The linux games selection for Steam is rather limited at the moment, not even all of the humble indie bundle games that have official linux ports are up on steam yet (however I'd assume that's up to the individual developers for those games not bothering to submit the linux version up yet). Team Fortress 2 and some of the Half Lifes appear to be the only Valve games up so far, with Left 4 Dead supposedly functional but not yet publicly released. What I really miss right now is being able to play Skyrim and Mount & Blade: Warband. Each apparently have worked before, but I can't get either working with my version of wine (I keep it updated to the latest beta, which made it work for WoW). The windows version of Steam will launch, but will be lacking all text and be completely useless unless I manually launch from a terminal with a -no-dwrite modifier. I will maybe put up some error logs later.

However, Oblivion launched and seems to run flawlessly, as far as I'm able to tell so far. I may spend some time replaying that.
DarkAudit do you recommend arch? I have an old ThinkPad R40 that I've been trying different distros on.
My favorite thing about Arch is the rolling release policy. If a piece of software updates, once it's packaged and makes it through testing, it goes right into the repositories. No waiting for the next scheduled release or begging backports to give it to you for your version.

In other news, I think I found my (main) problem with Gentoo. I did not choose the "desktop" profile during install. I (wrongly) assumed the one with no specifics would be all-inclusive. Nope.

As another HDD should be cheap, and I just got paid, I may get a second spare drive and try that again. >.<
This is the output Skyrim gives when I attempt to launch from the terminal:
err:module:import_dll Library X3DAudio1_7.dll (which is needed by L"F:\\Games\\Steam\\SteamApps\\common\\Skyrim\\TESV.exe") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"F:\\Games\\Steam\\SteamApps\\common\\Skyrim\\TESV.exe" failed, status c0000135
I've tried adding the X3DAudio1_7.dll manually from a copy of windows, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Will update if I make any progress.

UPDATE: By copying the X3DAudio1_7.dll from the system32 folder directly into the Skyrim folder, the game now launches and starts a new game. However, the sound fails to start.
Wired networking fixed. PEBKAC was holding me back. Forgot to install ifplugd. :p

Steam installed as per the Arch Wiki page. Steam itself installs and runs fine. As I am still at work, I don't have the bandwidth to test out any games. TF2 is on the available list, so that's a plus. 11 out of 31 total.
At this point I think I've had my fill of Gentoo. It runs okay, but I'm banging my head up against stuff that should work but doesn't, and I can't figure out why when I've double checked that It's not operator error.

At this point, if I am going to have a linux install, I want one that doesn't need the amount of garage time as Gentoo or Arch do. Rolling release is nice, but it does have a tendency to break everyone's system once in a while.

I'm thinking Xubuntu once I get home and have the bandwidth and time to dl and install. :)
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